目击证言,eyewitness testimony
1)eyewitness testimony目击证言
1.From the psychology point of view, studies of eyewitness testimony have important meanings.从心理学的角度分析和研究目击证言具有重要的理论和实践意义。

1.A Study on Postevent Information Influencing on the Accuracy of Eyewitness Testimony;事件后信息影响目击证言准确性的实验研究
2.an authentic account by an eyewitness.一份目击者的真实证言。
3.Experimental Researches on the Reliance of the Testimony from Eyewitness;心理学关于目击证人证言可靠性实证研究
4.Shallow Opinion of the Credibility of the Witness’s Words from the Psychologist’s View;浅析心理学视角下的目击证人证言的可信度
5.undeniable guilt; indisputable evidence of a witness.不可否认的罪过;目击者的无可争议的证言。
6.In court proceedings, the crucial evidence is frequently eyewitness testimony relating to a particular transaction or event.在法院诉讼中,关键证据常常是和特定交易或事件有关的目击证人的证言。
7.immunize a witness使目击证人免于起诉
8.An uncooperative witness.不肯合作的目击证人
9.Misinformation Effects in Eyewitness Memories of Original Events;目击事件对目击证人记忆的错误信息效应研究
10.The eyewitness's testimony proved he was guilty.目击者的证词证明他有罪。
11.He witnessed to having seen the accident.他作证曾目击那件意外事故。
12.By God, we were right on target!老天爷作证,我们击中了目标!
13.Reliability of Eyewitness Evidence Never Absolute目击者的证据并非绝对可靠
14.The policeman's statement was corroborated by witnesses .目击者证实了警察的报告。
15.A person who saw the accident corroborated the driver's statement.一位目击者确证驾驶员的说法属实。
16.They fabricated evidence and threatened witnesses.他们伪造证据并威胁目击者。
17.Sergeant Carroll partially confirms eyewitness accounts.卡洛尔巡警部分证实了目击者的口述
18.The eyewitness contradicted earlier testimony.目击者否认了先前的证词。

the witness stands unsworn; unsworn testimony.目击证人食言了;食言的证词。
1.There are several factors related to eyewitness accuracy, including the inquiry process of the police, lineups and photo arrays,memory,sex, race,level of confidence of eyewitness.目击证人的证词对维持司法系统公正的重要性使得对目击证人的研究成为当今法律心理学和司法领域的热点之一。
2.This article introduces the factors that affect eyewitness identification accuracy,namely,estimator variables and system variables,and analyzes the problems in eyewitness identification researches.目击证人辨认对司法审判具有重要的意义,这使其成为心理学研究领域的热点之一。
4)testimony of eyewitness目击证据

引余证言【引余证言】  谓法师说法,义或未能通畅,当引余经之言,证己所说,令人信受,故名引余证言。