应征公民,Citizen recruited
1)Citizen recruited应征公民

1.The Development of Computerized Adaptive Picture Assembling Test for Recruits in China应征公民计算机自适应化拼图测验的编制
2.The Primary Development of Arithmetic Reasoning Item Based on IRT for Citizen Recruited;基于项目反应理论的应征公民数学推理测验项目的初步编制
3.The Primary Development of Words Comprehension Tests Based on IRT for Citizen Recruited;基于项目反应理论的应征公民词汇理解能力测验的初步编制
4.Citizens eligible for enlistment who are qualified for active service shall be enlisted for such service upon approval by the military service organs of counties, autonomous counties, cities or municipal districts.应征公民符合服现役条件,并经县、治县、、辖区的兵役机关批准的,被征集服现役。
5.Male citizens who belong to the 18-35 age group and are fit for military service, excluding those enlisted for active service, shall be regimented into militia units to perform reserve service.凡十八岁至三十五岁符合服兵役条件的男性公民,除应征服现役的以外,编入民兵组织服预备役。
6.Applicants flooded the offices.应征者挤满了办公室。
7.The Chinese culture traits determine that the corporate governance mode that fits the situation in China should be the householder governance mode.中国的民族文化特征决定了适应中国国情的公司治理模式应是家长式治理模式。
8.an act unworthy of a good citizen正派公民不应有的行为
9.Kings ought to rule with justice.国王管理人民应公正。
10.Citizens are liable to jury duty.公民应尽陪审的义务。
11.At last the citizens were forced to render up their town to the conqueror.最后公民们被迫把城池交给了征服者。
12.The soldiers commandeered the house to use as offices.士兵强征民房用作办公室。
13.The Globality of Chinese Citizens Legal Awareness Presents Characteristics of the Era;我国公民法律意识全球性的时代特征
14.Analysis the fundamental characteristics of current Chinese citizens political participation;谈当今中国公民政治参与的基本特征
15.Relationships between Similarities/Differences of Individual Characteristics and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Appraisal;个人特征的异同与组织公民行为评价
16.Research on the Cognitive Characteristicsof Urban Residents'Income Distribution Fairness城市居民收入分配公平性的认知特征
17.Article21 When earth and rocks form non-utilized lands, barren hills, rivers and streams, or beaches are needed for highway construction or maintenance, agreement must first be obtained from local county( city) governments.第二十一条因公路修建、护需要,在空地、山、流、涂取土采石,应当征得县()民政府同意。
18.The bound between Administrative Eminent Domain and Citizens Property Rights--Public Interest;行政征用权与公民财产权的界限——公共利益

medical examination for conscript应征公民体格检查
3)Research on Citizens Legal Characteristics公民的法律特征
4)public consultation征询民意;咨询公众意见
1.The Knowledge State of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and the Training Methods and Significance in Citizens;公民心肺复苏知识掌握现状与技能培训的方法及意义
2.Construction of a Nomocracy Country and Evolution of Citizens Concept of Equality;法治国家建设和公民平等观念的嬗变
3.Investigation of man s alienation from the separation of franchise from citizenship:Rousseau and Marx s corresponding point of animadversion on modernity;从“公民权”与“市民权”的分裂看人的异化——卢梭、马克思现代性批判的契合点
1.Citizens,Public Administration and the Search for Theoretical Foundations;公民,公共行政及对理论基础的求索
2.From peasants to citizens——The subjectivity perspective of constitutional law and socialist new village construction;从农民到公民——宪法与新农村建设的主体性视角

应征1.接受征召。 2.泛指响应某种征求。