沉没成本效应,Sunk Cost Effect
1)Sunk Cost Effect沉没成本效应
1.Sunk cost effect is a reasonless phenomenon in decision-making considering of the sunk cost, which is a cognition warp which exists extensively in people’s dailylife.沉没成本效应是一个关于非理性选择的认知偏差,是在人们的工作生活中,广泛存在着的一种决策时顾及沉没成本的非理性现象。

1.The Study of Sunk Cost Effect Based on Regret Aversion源自“后悔厌恶”的沉没成本效应研究
2.Research of the Sunk Cost Effects on Firm s Investment Decision;沉没成本效应对企业投资决策影响的研究
3.The Technology Decline of the American Steel Industry and Economic Analysis about the Solvent of the Sunken Cost Effect;美国钢铁业技术落后及沉没成本效应化解的经济分析
4.Hausman, The Effect of Sunk Costs in Telecommunication Regulation.电信管制下沉没成本所造成效应》。
5.Hausman,The Effect of Sunk Costs in Telecommunication Regulation.《电信管制下沉没成本所造成效应》。
6.The Impact of Decision Goal and Cognition Needs on Sunk Cost Effect决策目标和认知需要对成本沉没效应的影响
7.Moral Hazard,Sunk Cost Effect and Soft Budget Constraints道德风险、沉淀成本效应与软预算约束
8.Analyzing the Sunken Cost of Streaming Media Technology Applying In Long-range Education;流媒体在远程教育中的应用及沉没成本分析
9.Effect of sunk cost on the entering of potential firms;试析沉没成本对企业进入市场的影响
10.A New Institutional Financial Analysis on Sunk Cost Relevance沉没成本相关性的新制度金融学分析
11.Do Sunk Costs Of Exporting Matter for Net Export Dynamics?出口沉没成本是否对净出口动态有影响?
12.Methods to Control or Arrest Land Subsidence and Their Economic Benefit in Shanghai;上海市控制地面沉降灾害的成本-效益分析
13.Cost-effecticeness analysis of different assays for urinary sediment不同尿液沉渣检测方法的成本-效果分析
14.The sedimentary rocks did not dome.沉积岩没有形成穹丘。
15.An Optimal Investment Portfolios Model Among Different Regions with Investment Sunk Cost;沉没成本约束条件下的最优跨地区投资组合数学分析
16.The Study of "Sunk Cost" under the State Strategy:A Case of RCC in Sanxia Region;国家战略冲击下的“沉没成本”:重庆三峡库区农村信用社案例研究
17.Capital Structure: The Balance between Strategy Effects and Agency Costs;资本结构:策略效应和代理成本的均衡
18.Nairn said many girls saw Barbie as an inanimate object rather than a treasured toy.奈恩说很多女孩都觉得芭比娃娃死气沉沉的,没有一点生气,根本不把她当成宝贝。

sunk cost沉没成本
1.Effect of sunk cost on the entering of potential firms;试析沉没成本对企业进入市场的影响
2.The concept of sunk cost of general overhaul of equipment is differentiated and analyzed in this paper.本文根据现金流量分析和决策图示,辨析了设备大修理中沉没成本的概念,提出更为合理的成本确定方法,在实践中有一定的指导作用。
3.Regarding the issue of "sunk cost" and "import price" encountered by private enterprises when entering railway sector, this paper raises the counter measurements such as referring to foreign experiences, reforming railway management system and line chargi.铁路民营化已成为世界各国铁路改革的潮流,我国在铁路民营化方面也积累了一些经验,但在铁路民营化改革中仍存在诸多障碍,针对民营企业进入铁路行业的“沉没成本”和“接入价格”的问题,提出了借鉴国外经验、改革铁路管理体制和线路收费机制等建议对策。
3)sunk costs沉没成本
1.The results indicated that: ①Entrepreneurs sunk costs effect and projection completion effect were shown significant while the interaction effect was also significant;② Under low completion condition,entrepreneurs commitment was significantly higher than managers.研究结果表明:①创业者的沉没成本效应与项目完成效应显著,并且两者交互作用也显著;在沉没成本的低、中投入条件下,项目高完成水平下的承诺度高于低完成水平下的承诺度;②在低完成水平下,创业者的承诺度高于中高层管理者的承诺度。
4)sunken cost沉没成本
1.This issue is from the fundamental meaning of streaming media and the technology principle, as well as the file and Qos problem, talking about the sunken cost of streaming media technology applying in the long-range education.结合流媒体格式及应用中所存在的服务质量问题,探讨了流媒体技术在远程教育应用中的沉没成本。
5)Sunk-cost theory沉没成本论
6)investment sunk cost投资的沉没成本

沉没成本沉没成本 【沉没成本1过去发生的并在任何条件下都无法避免或改变的成本支出。它通常是花在机器、厂房等生产要素上的固定成本。从决策角度看,凡是过去发生的,又不因决策而有所改变的成本支出,就是沉没成本。这是沉没成本的主要含义。与此相对应的概念是增量成本。从固定生产要素价值的无形损耗角度看,沉没成本则是指过去购买的固定要素(如机器设备),因技术进步而引起贬值,从而使其帐面价值无法补偿的那部分金额。