支付贬值,Payment Depreciation
1)Payment Depreciation支付贬值
1.Theoretical Thinking on Non-depreciation of RMB;人民币不贬值的理论思考
2.Analysis on the Current Higher Education Diploma Depreciation Phenomenon;我国当前高等教育学历贬值现象探究

1.Currency appreciation(or depreciation )通货升值(或 贬值
2.The value of Brazil's money has dropped sharply.导致巴西货币大幅贬值
3.devaluation and conversion procedures货币贬值与折算程序
4.The tear devalues the painting.破坏处使这幅画贬值了。
5.The Canadian dollar has plunged five cents in value.加拿大元贬值5 分。
6.The dollar is as good as devalued.美元实际上是贬值了。
7.The British government devalued the pound.英国政府使英镑贬值了。
8.Shares in the company have depreciated.该公司的股票已经贬值.
9.devalue the dollar, pound, mark, etc使美元、 英镑、 马克等贬值.
10.Stocks and shares are sinking.股票正在逐渐贬值.
11.They have often been reluctant to devalue.他们往往不顾货币贬值
12.The value of money lessens during inflation.通货膨涨期间货币贬值
13.Prices tumbled after the devaluation of the currency.货币贬值后,股价暴跌。
14.To diminish in price or value.贬值在价格或价值上减少
15.Reduction in the purchasing value of money.贬值钱的购买价值的降低
16.To lessen or cancel the value of.使贬值降低或去掉…的价值
17.The dollar was officially devalued, and the Japanese yen and German mark were raised in value.美元正式贬值,日元和德国马克升值。
18.An Analysis of Coexistence of the External Appreciation and the Domestic Inflation of RMB;试析人民币对外升值与对内贬值并存

1.Theoretical Thinking on Non-depreciation of RMB;人民币不贬值的理论思考
2.Analysis on the Current Higher Education Diploma Depreciation Phenomenon;我国当前高等教育学历贬值现象探究
1.However, it is impractical and unsafe to simply declare its revaluation or devaluation.中国加入 WTO后 ,现行汇率政策必须要进行调整 ,人民币汇率面临方向性选择 ,但宣布升值或贬值均非良策。
2.The writer of the essay infers that RMB*ss conversion rate will be stable in a certain period of future, but there is some possibility of devaluation of RMB.本人认为 ,人民币汇率在短期内将保持稳定 ,但在未来的一段时间里人民币汇率存在贬值的可能。
3.The devaluation of RMB will have a lot of unfavourable effects on China s macroeconomic development and may have limitation to economic development.人民币贬值将会对我国宏观经济运行造成诸多不利影响 ,而对促进发展的积极作用有限 ,因此人民币不应贬值。
4)quantum meruit按实值支付
5)WTP bids支付意愿值
1.The average WTP bids of all the respondents were 127.08%的有效问卷反馈者愿意为保护三峡工程影响的这些珍稀濒危生物而支付费用,平均支付意愿值为127。
