经济焦虑,economy anxiety
1)economy anxiety经济焦虑
1.According to the results,there were seven factors contributing to students’ anxiety: learning anxiety,relation anxiety,job anxiety,existence anxiety,economy anxiety,social support anxiety and love anxiety.结果显示(1)自编高职大学生焦虑量表具有7个因子:学业焦虑、关系焦虑、就业焦虑、生存焦虑、经济焦虑、社会支持焦虑、恋爱焦虑。
2)anxiety of cannon经典的焦虑
1.The subject of literature cannon lurking in the reflection of the boundary of literary theory embodies anxiety of cannon today, which shows the misunderstanding of literature cannon.文艺学的边界问题背后潜伏着文学经典问题,并在当下语境中表征为"经典的焦虑",突出表明了当前对于文学经典问题的诸多误解。

1.Anxiety of Classics: Scan the Trends of Thoughts in Art and Literature经典的焦虑——当前文艺思潮的审视
2.The Anxiety of Influence:the Subversion and Reconstruction Behind the Novel Classics in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;影响的焦虑:明清小说经典背后的颠覆与重建
3.Anxiousness,game and Literary Field:the Approach to Constructing Literary Canon焦虑、游戏、文学场——论文学经典的建构之途
4.Anxiety of Classical Literature Research and Implementing Way of Practical Concern;古典文学研究的焦虑与现实关怀的实现途径
5.Applying Chinese classical music to treat preoperative anxiety of patients with gastric cancer运用中国古典音乐应对胃癌病人的术前焦虑
6.neurotic worries, outbursts, letters神经症引起的焦虑、 神经官能症的发作、 反映出异常焦虑情绪的信件
7.the anxious feeling you have when you have the jitters.神经过敏时所有的那种焦虑的情绪。
8.A long period of worrying led to her nervous prostration.长期的焦虑导致她的神经衰弱。
9.free from emotional agitation or nervous tension.没有情绪上的焦虑或者神经紧张。
10.Anxiety and Frustrated Experience in The Feminist Writing;当代女性写作中的焦虑和创伤性经验
11.An Insight into Anxiety--A Philosophical and Psychological Exploration and Analysis for the Nature of Anxiety;透视焦虑——焦虑本质的哲学心理学探析
12.Comparative study on the anxiety levels of patients with menstrually related recurrent aphthous ulcers.与经期有关的RAU患者焦虑水平的对照研究
13.Neuropsychological Study on Attention Cognition of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression;广泛性焦虑及抑郁症之注意的神经心理学研究
14.Moderating Effect of Self-efficacy on the Relationship Between Neuroticism and Test Anxiety;自我效能感对神经质-考试焦虑的调节作用
15.Relationship of Social Anxiety Disorder and Child Abuse and Trauma;童年虐待和创伤经历与社交焦虑的关系
16.Analyses on Foreign Language Learning Anxiety from Perspectives of Psychololgy and Neurobiology;外语学习焦虑的心理学和神经生物学分析
17.Effect Study on Massage for Girl Students'Dysmenorrhea with Anxiety and Depression推拿对痛经女生焦虑抑郁情绪的影响研究
18.Study on anxiety status for menopausal women and its influencing factors.围绝经期妇女焦虑状态及其影响因素的研究

anxiety of cannon经典的焦虑
1.The subject of literature cannon lurking in the reflection of the boundary of literary theory embodies anxiety of cannon today, which shows the misunderstanding of literature cannon.文艺学的边界问题背后潜伏着文学经典问题,并在当下语境中表征为"经典的焦虑",突出表明了当前对于文学经典问题的诸多误解。
3)anxiety neurosis焦虑神经症
4)neurotic anxiety神经质焦虑
5)Anxiety-depression Psychoneurosis焦虑抑郁神经症
6)anxiety neurosis焦虑性神经症
1.The advice and treatment in this case report is about a female freshman who is suffering from anxiety neurosis.本案例报告是关于一个患有焦虑性神经症的大一女生的咨询及治疗。

操作焦虑操作焦虑  心理学术语。为焦虑表现之一。 由于不能达到目标或不能克服障碍的威胁,致使自尊心与自信心受挫,或失败感和内疚感增 加。形成紧张不安、恐惧的情绪状态,以致外部活动失调。在性医学领域,往往与预期性失 败焦虑相联系,多致勃起障碍、早泄或不射精症。多有早年性创伤史或性交失败经历。可用 人类性感集中训练疗法治疗。