长处和困难量表,Strengths and Difficulties Questionaire
1)Strengths and Difficulties Questionaire长处和困难量表
1.The Initial Factors Analysis of the Chinese Version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionaire;中文版长处和困难量表的初步因子分析

1.The Initial Factors Analysis of the Chinese Version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionaire;中文版长处和困难量表的初步因子分析
2.Application of Chinese Version of the Self-report Strengths and Difficulties Questionnair in a Sample of 832 Adolescents中文版长处和困难量表(自评版)在832例青少年中的试用
3.The relationship study between children strengths and difficulties questionnaire and child behavior checklist儿童长处和困难问卷与儿童行为量表相关性研究
4.Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of the SDQ;长处和困难问卷(SDQ)中文版的信度和效度研究
5.Formulation of Children Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (the Edition for Students) for Shanghai Norm;长处和困难问卷(学生版)上海常模的制订
6.There is a clear indication that they were in financial difficulty.这很清楚地表明他们处于财政困难中。
7.a company squeezed by reduced sales因销售量下降而处境困难的公司.
8.Surface conditions will always be a hazard in quantitative work.地表条件在定量测定中也是个困难。
9.The former government left behind a long train of problems and difficulties.前任政府留下了一长串的问题和困难。
10.Promoting construction by assessment and overcoming obstacles for improving the quality of long schooling of medical education;以评促建 克服困难 提高长学制医学教育质量
11.Test of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale in Chinese People;情绪调节困难量表在中国人群中的初步测试
12.A Research on the Diagnostic Scale of Language -Learning Ability and its Application;儿童语言学习困难诊断量表的编制及其应用
13.In the long run, hard though it will be, only incorporation of the tribal areas into Pakistan proper offers a chance for moderation to prevail.从长期来看,尽管困难重重,只有将部落地区并入巴基斯坦,温和派力量才能获得胜利。
14.Variable-length instructions are more difficult for a chip to process, though, and the longer CISC instructions are especially complex.可变长度指令让芯片处理更为困难,较长的指令也非常复杂。
15.On the contrary, disadvantageous companies will face growing difficulties and contradictions.相反,处于劣势公司的困难和矛盾更加突出。
16.It was a difficult situation that called forth all our initiative and courage.困难的处境要求我们有创新和勇往直前的精神。
17.I can't afford to come with you because I'm in a tight squeeze this month until pay day.我没钱和你一起来,困为这个月在发薪水前我的处境相当困难。
18.In a difficult or embarrassing position.处于困境处于一种困难或尴尬的境地

Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire长处和困难问卷
1.A study on ADHD children with the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire(the edition for parents);长处和困难问卷(父母版)在注意缺陷多动障碍中的应用
2.The relationship study between children strengths and difficulties questionnaire and child behavior checklist儿童长处和困难问卷与儿童行为量表相关性研究
3)Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire(SDQ)长处和困难问卷(教师用表)
4)The strengths and difficulties questionnaire长处与困难问卷
5)dyspnea scale呼吸困难量表
6)Self-reported Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire(SDQ)长处与困难问卷(学生版)
