恋爱压力,love stress
1)love stress恋爱压力

1.Research on Scale Construction and Development Characteristic of College Students Love Stress;大学生恋爱压力测量工具及其发展特点研究
2.Revising the Questionnaire of College Students' Love Stress and Study on Developmental Characteristic大学生恋爱压力问卷的修编及其现状特点研究
3.Investigation into the mental health and personality of cadets in different love conditions under pressure environment;压力环境中恋爱与非恋爱状态军校学员的心理状况分析
4.Development and Test of the Psychological Stressor Scale of College Students Love;大学生恋爱心理压力源量表的编制与检验
5.The cold pressure of a new sadness on Romola's heart made her linger the more in the silent soothing sense of nearness and love.罗摩拉心里这种新悲伤的冰冷压力,使她格外留恋这样相互接近互相爱恋的默默的抚慰之感。
6.If you fall in love - then love with all your soul.若是你爱恋…… 一心去爱恋。”
7.Some people believe that if you crave chocolate, you must not be in love.据说喜爱吃巧克力的人一定没在谈恋爱。
8.I pressed it to my heart with anxious love, that is why the flower faded.我的热恋的爱把它紧压在我的心上,因此花谢了。
9.Loving and is disappointed in a love affair being better than essence never loves.恋爱而失恋胜过根本不曾恋爱。
10.She had heard that the more experience in love a woman had, the more charm she had over men.她听说女人恋爱经验愈多,对男人的魔力愈大;
11."What is falling in love like?"“恋爱是什么样的?”
12.incapable of inspiring love or affection.不能引起爱恋或喜爱的。
13.of or concerning homosexual love.指同性恋爱的或者与同性恋爱相关的。
14.The state of today s university students love view and the education of their love view;当代大学生恋爱观现状及恋爱观教育
15.Analysis of the Current University Students Ideas and Psyehology of Love;当前大学生恋爱观念与恋爱心理探析
16."Ah! You three make a good trio!" interrupted Tang Yunshan, slapping his thigh and laughing noisily, "you see eye to eye and you're evenly matched in strength and skill. Here's an eternal triangle which will succeed!"“哈,你们三位是志同道合,才均力敌!这三角恋爱准是成功的了
17.Tension of Two Kinds of Egos:A Probe into the Tragic Personality of Women in Love by Lawrence荒原中两种自我的张力——对《恋爱中的女人》中悲剧性人格的探析
18.An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.恋童癖者对孩子有性爱恋的成年人

1.The Investigate and Analysis of Contemporary University Students Love Attitude.;当代大学生恋爱态度调查与分析
2.The Missing Garden of Eden —— Analysis of Love about “Revolution and Love" Novels;迷失的伊甸园——“革命+恋爱”小说之情爱论
3.Searching for Minority Natonality Morality in the Northwest of Guizhou from Love,Marriage and Family;从恋爱、婚姻、家庭关系看黔西北少数民族的伦理道德
1.Investigation on Amativeness and Masturbation Among Students at Vocational and Technical College;某职业技术学院学生恋爱及手淫情况调查
2.With the change of society and advancement of technology,especially with the coming of information age,fast development of the network and subtle change of ideas of value,the influence of social environment makes undergraduates love psychology based on the sexual psychology and action in network amativeness occur prodigious change.随着社会的变迁和科技的进步,尤其是随着信息时代的到来,网络的飞速发展以及人们价值观的微妙变化和社会环境的影响,当代大学生以性心理和“网恋”心理为基础的“恋爱”心理发生了显著的变化。
3.It has been reported that the undergraduates delinquency cases often occur during the amativeness when they cannot do well in it.大学生因恋爱不当而引发的犯罪案件已有诸多报道,有的作案手段极其残忍,引起社会和各高校的警惕和思考。
1.Through social environment-suppressed subjects, vague and general chivalrous conflicts,vast and hazy love sense and fable of the magical plot,Jin Yong gives his novels more tragic emotion than others.通过社会环境对主体的挤压,侠义冲突的空泛,爱恋情意的迷茫,奇幻情节的寓言这四个层面,赋予小说浓重的悲情意识,表达了他用悲的力量来探索人性、人类生存状况的信念。
5)Attraction of love恋爱吸引
6)the cost of being in love恋爱成本

锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验periodic inspection of boilers, pressure vessels, pressure piping and special equipment  guolu YOli侧飞扣1 YOli gLJal对印ji tez陌叩劝以拍1 dingqi】,on四n锅炉、压力容器、压力管道及特种设备定期检验(peri诫c inspectionof城le。,p~切reves-Sels,p~二piPing ands衅过闪uiplr屺nt)为保证设备的安全使用,规定设备必须按一定周期进行法定的、强制性的检验。定期检验由政府设立的检验所、使用单位或行业检验站进行。检验单位及检验人员必须具有与所检设备相适应的资格。设备使用单位应该建立定期检验制度,做好检验计划,按时向检验单位提出申请。检验单位应该保证及时进行检验,检验按有关检验规则进行。检验时,设备使用单位应做好配合工作,提供必要的运行资料。检验完毕,检验单位要出具检验报告,对设备能否使用,要作出明确结论。如设备有缺陷,要提出是否修理、监护使用和报废的处理意见。锅炉压力容器安全监察机构根据检验机构的报告,发使用许可证书。有缺陷的,责令使用单位修理,修理后检验仍不符合安全要求的,则通知报废。使用单位逾期不进行定期检验,锅炉压力容器安全监察机构有权停止其设备运行。(陈亦惠)