职业成就感低,Low job accomplishment
1)Low job accomplishment职业成就感低
1.Results:EFA revealed that the structure of belief in college teacher job-burnout included four dimensions:Emotional exhaustion,Energy burnout,Interpersonal sensitivity,and Low job accomplishment;CFA revealed χ2/df=4.结果:探索性因素分析抽取了四个因素,按方差贡献率的大小依次为:情绪枯竭、身心疲惫、人际关系敏感、职业成就感低;验证性因素分析表明χ2/df=4。
2)low professional achievements低职业成就

1.A Probe into the Cultural Causes for Low Professional Achievements of College Women Teachers;高校女教师低职业成就的文化原因探悉
2.Under-achieved Feminine Issue in Secondary Vocational Schools and Administration Countermeasure Study;中等职业学校“低成就女生”问题及管理对策研究
3.Decreasing Employment Expectation is the Key of Choosing an Occupation Successfully to the Graduates of Higher Vocational School降低就业期望值是当前高职毕业生择业成功的关键
4.He has arrived professionally.他在职业上功成名就。
5.The lower your career expectations, the more satisfied you will be.职业期望值越低,就越容易满足。
6.Factor analysis of the job-seeking desire and behavior of unemployed population under the urban lowest lives guarantee system;低保未就业人员求职意愿及影响因素研究
7.Solution to the contradiction between high cost of education and low salary at early employment;高教育成本与低就业起薪矛盾之对策
8.The Impact of Achievement Motivation on Career Decision-Making Process;成就动机对职业生涯决策过程的影响
9.the Relationship Between Vocational Delay of Gratification and Achievement Motivation职业延迟满足与成就动机的关系研究
10.The Impacts of Teachers' Personality Traits on Their Professional Achievements教师人格特质及其对职业成就的影响
11.Achievements and Problems of the Research about China's Vocational Education浅论我国职业教育研究的成就与问题
12.Causes of Low Self-respect of Obesed Professional Women and Sports Intervention职业女性肥胖兼低自尊的成因分析和体育干预
13.Relationships among Gender Role, Achievement Goals and Academic Achievements of Nursing Students in Vocational School;中职护生性别角色、成就目标与学业成绩的关系
14.The Successful Working Career and Undergraduates Vocation Guide Strategies Nowadays;成功性就业与当前大学生职业指导策略
15.Study on Correlative Effects of Obtaining Employment Competitiveness for Advanced Vocational School Graduates;高职毕业生就业竞争力组成的相关因素研究
16.The Countermeasures of successful Employment of Graduates in Fujian Higher Vocational Colleges;福建省高职毕业生成功就业的对策研究
17.On Effect of Career Plan to College Students' Growing up and Obtaining Employment论职业生涯规划对大学生成长及就业的作用
18.Adjusting Psychology to Meet Challenges for Successful Employment;调整心态 迎接挑战 成功就业——高职毕业生应树立良好的就业心态

low professional achievements低职业成就
3)pride in professional achievement职业成就感
1.On the basis of existing educational resources, how to take practical and feasible measures to enhance junior middle school teachers’pride in professional achievement and promote their professional development has already been a key problem to be solved for China’s current compulsary education .如何在现有的教育资源基础上,采取切实可行的措施来更好地提升初中教师的职业成就感,促进初中教师的专业发展,已成为当下我国义务教育教育发展要重点解决的一个问题。
4)professional achievement职业成就
5)diminished personal accomplishment低成就感
1.Content: Job burnout, caused by long-term work pressure, is a reaction product of irreconcilable pressure with the declination appearance on respects of emotion, attitude and behavior, which directly leads to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and diminished personal accomplishment.工作倦怠产生于长期的工作压力,是不可调和的压力反应产物,表现为情绪、态度和行为的衰退状态,直接导致出现情绪衰竭、去人格化和低成就感。
6)Lower efficacy低成就感
1.Lower efficacy means ones competency sense and work achievement descended.职业倦怠是指个体因为不能有效地应对工作上延续不断的各种压力,而产生的一种由情绪衰竭、低成就感以及人格解体三个方面构成的心理综合症状。
