好奇心量表,Curiosity inventory
1)Curiosity inventory好奇心量表
1.Excite the Student s Curiosity,Flourish Chemistry Classroom;激发学生的好奇心 活跃化学课堂
2.The text elaborates how to develop the student s curiosity,then let student lift problems to become the key of this kind of study activity.文中阐述了怎样培养学生的好奇心,进而让学生提出问题,并使之成研究性学习活动的关键。

1.gratify one's curiosity [wishes]满足好奇心 [愿望]
2.My little brother is full of curiosity.我的小弟弟充满好奇心
3.capable of arousing interest or curiosity.能引起兴趣或好奇心的。
4.Fear was gradually merged into curiosity.恐惧逐渐化为好奇心
5.unbounded ambition, curiosity, luxury极大的抱负、 好奇心、 奢侈.
6.an insatiable appetite [curiosity]无厌的食欲 [好奇心]
7.Curiosity kills the cat .猫儿死,也为的是好奇心
8.believed that philosophy had its origin in people's sense of wonder.哲学源于人们的好奇心
9.His curiosity prompted him to ask questions.他的好奇心驱使他提问。
10.stimulate a person's interest [curiosity]激发某人的兴趣 [好奇心]
11.under the impulse of curiosity在好奇心的驱使之下
12.The report of such a prodigy awakened my curiosity.这些奇迹的传闻,激起了我的好奇心
13.I had to explain the reasons to satisfy his curiosity.我只好解释原因来满足他的好奇心
14.The strange round-shaped object stimulate the curiosity of chidren.这奇怪的圆形物体激起了孩子们的好奇心
15."Yes, were it only out of curiosity."“我会接受的,就算是出于好奇心吧。”
16.My question was just out of curiosity.我的问题只是出于好奇心而已。
17.PERSONAL GOAL: "Maintain my curiosity.个人目标:“保持我的好奇心
18.satisfy sb's hunger, demands, curiosity解饿、 符合要求、 满足好奇心

1.Excite the Student s Curiosity,Flourish Chemistry Classroom;激发学生的好奇心 活跃化学课堂
2.The text elaborates how to develop the student s curiosity,then let student lift problems to become the key of this kind of study activity.文中阐述了怎样培养学生的好奇心,进而让学生提出问题,并使之成研究性学习活动的关键。
3)curious psychology好奇心理
5)structure of curiosity好奇心结构
6)young child's curiosity幼儿好奇心

好奇心好奇心curiosity  好奇心(euriosity)人受到未知的、新奇的事物刺激时所产生的注视和探索该事物的愿望或意向它是先天形成的人类行为最强烈的动机之一。有两种类型:(l)厂一泛的好奇心,它没有明确的方向性和限定性,是要注视、探索和收集广‘泛的信息的意愿,它在刺激和信息缺乏的环境里较容易产生。(2)特殊的好奇心,在外部刺激和信息与自己以往知识经验相矛盾时,产生的要寻找与知识经验相一致的特殊信息的意愿。前者在扩大兴趣、获得知识平衡中起作用,后者对知识的深化有益。它们虽然都存在着个体差异和性别差异,但一般认为它们是与心理的适应状态相联系的,即在良好的适应状态下增强,在不适应的状态下减弱,并且它是随着年龄的增大而减弱的。 (张明撰租娴吴万森审)