疏离工作,disengagement from work
1)disengagement from work疏离工作
1.The representation of miners\' burnout mainly included physical fatigue,emotional exhaustion and disengagement from work.结果表明:(1)矿工工作倦怠主要包括生理疲乏、情感耗竭和疏离工作三维度;(2)编制的矿工工作倦怠问卷的信效度均达到心理测量学要求。
2)work alienation工作疏离感
1.The first part, we explored the construction of work alienation of Chinese staff as a hypothesized model using Explore Factor Analysis (EFA), then examined the construct validity using CFA.在过去的几十年中,工作疏离感一直是社会学、心理学领域内的一个焦点话题,国外在组织行为领域内对工作疏离感的研究也非常丰富,国内却很少见。

1.A Study on Structure, Antecedents and Outcome of Work Alienation in China;中国员工工作疏离感的因素结构及其相关研究
2.The boring and repetitive nature of manufacturing jobs has led to the alienation of many workers.无聊又反覆的无聊性质制造业的工作导致许多工人有疏离感。
3.His works explored issues of modern sexuality, alienation, and existentialism.他的作品着重体现现代人的对性的态度和人与人之间的疏离感。
4.For example, fight in isolation, far away from the intelligence investigation and secret investigation and lack of expenses can be found in the operation now.单兵作战 ,疏离情报调研和秘密侦查工作 ,投入不足 ;
5.making one feel out of place or alienated.使人感到不自在或被疏离的。
6.A Study on Intervention of Music Therapy on Alienation of Middle School Students音乐疗法对中学生疏离感的干预研究
7.Comparison of Alienation Sense between Mainland and Hongkong College Students香港和内地大学生疏离感状况的比较
8.Researches on Culture Alienation of Ethnic Minorities in Han Nationality Communities汉族社区少数民族的文化疏离感研究
9.disorder that Bespeaks negligence;表明工作疏忽的混乱;
10.They experienced alienation -- a feeling of being cut off from their work -- and described themselves as cogs in the industrial machines.他们感到与自己所做的工作在感情上日渐疏远,因而把自己比做工业机器上的齿轮。
11.From Isolation to Adaptation:the Culture Transition of Peasant Migrants;从疏离到适应:进城农民工的文化嬗变
12.Study on the Soothing Liver and Strengthening Spleen Effect of Xiaoyao San Preparation逍遥散离心工艺制剂与醇沉工艺制剂和标准煎剂疏肝健脾作用对比研究
13.An Interpretation of the Recent Novel Creation;疏离与消解——对近年小说创作的解读
14.A Study of Minority Adolescent Students Alienation Sense from Southeast of Chong Qing;渝东南少数民族青少年学生疏离感的调查研究
15.The Internet Addiction of College Students and Its Relationship to Their Alienation;大学生网络成瘾及其与疏离感关系的研究
16.A Study on Middle-school Students Alienation from School and Its Correlation with Coping Styles;中学生学校疏离感及其与应对方式的相关研究
17.A Study of Development Features and Influencing Factors on Alienation of College Students;大学生疏离感发展特点及其影响因素的研究
18.Tibetan Undergraduates Ethnic Identity, Acculturation and Mental Alienation;藏族大学生的民族认同、文化适应与心理疏离感

work alienation工作疏离感
1.The first part, we explored the construction of work alienation of Chinese staff as a hypothesized model using Explore Factor Analysis (EFA), then examined the construct validity using CFA.在过去的几十年中,工作疏离感一直是社会学、心理学领域内的一个焦点话题,国外在组织行为领域内对工作疏离感的研究也非常丰富,国内却很少见。
3)slapdash work.疏忽的工作
4)working distance工作距离
1.A discussion about the working distance of magnetic electron objective of SEM-EPMA;SEM-EPMA中电磁物镜工作距离的探讨
2.The optimal range between fiber pigtail and C-lens and the expression together with the curve of working distance of C-lens is obtained.运用矩阵光学理论结合高斯光束的复参数传输规律对新型的微光学元件C-lens的准直特性进行定量分析,确定了光纤头与C-lens之间距离的最佳范围,并推导出了C-lens光纤准直器工作距离的解析表达式和特性曲线。
5)offline work离线工作
1.So on the basis of analyzing the present researches on Offline Work both at home and abroad, this paper mainly studies the application of Offline Work to Smart Client, which combines the advantages of rich client application as well as the deployment and administrable of thin client application.在分析了国内外离线工作的研究现状的基础上,本文主要研究了智能客户端的离线应用,针对目前MIS系统离线应用存在的问题,提出了相应的策略。
6)separating work分离工作
