幼儿依恋行为分类卡片,attachment Q sort(AQS)
1)attachment Q sort(AQS)幼儿依恋行为分类卡片
2)infant attachment幼儿依恋

1.A Study of the Relationship among Adult Attachment, Family Expressiveness and Infant Attachment;父母依恋、家庭表露与幼儿依恋三者关系的研究
2.A Compile of Attachment Questionnaire for Two-to-four-year-old Children and Assessment of Their Attachment Security;2-4岁幼儿依恋问卷的编制和依恋安全性的测量
3.The Influence of Attachment Internal Working Model on the Behaviors of Mid-Class Preschoolers in the Context of Peer Conflicts;中班幼儿依恋内部工作模式对其同伴冲突情境中表现的影响研究
4.Study of 62 infants attachment in Shanghai and the relationship with other psychological development;上海62例婴幼儿依恋类型及相关心理发育的研究
5.A Research on the Relationships between Parents Marital Quality, Parent-child Attachment and Preschooler s Anxiety;父母婚姻质量、亲子依恋与幼儿焦虑的关系研究
6.Research on Infants Attachment to Fosterers in Familiar Environment;熟悉环境下幼儿对抚养者依恋行为的研究
7.Influence of Mother-Child Attachment and IQ on Children s Sociometric Status;幼儿社交地位及其与母子依恋和智力的关系
8.Analysis of infant-mother attachment and the related influencing factors;婴幼儿对母亲的依恋性质及其影响因素(英文)
9.Characters of 75 Infants Attachment towards Their Mothers;75例婴幼儿对母亲的依恋性质及影响因素
10.The Influence of Infant s Attachment to Their Development of Emotion Regulation;依恋对婴幼儿情绪调节能力发展的影响及其教育启示
11.Children in Divorce Family: the Lack of Safety Attachment in Family and Compensation in Teacher-Student Relationship;离异家庭儿童依恋缺失及师生关系的依恋补偿
12.On the Effect of the Early Dependence of Security on Children s Psychological Development;早期安全依恋对儿童心理发展的影响
13.Preadolescents' Two Intimate Relationships:Attachment to Parents and Friendship儿童的两种亲密人际关系:亲子依恋与友谊
14.The Attachment of Children Left in Rural Areas and Its Influence on Their Life Satisfaction;农村留守儿童的依恋及其对生活满意度的影响
15.Style of Attachment of Children and The Emotional Expressions of Parents;家庭情绪气氛对儿童依恋行为类型的影响
17.Summary on the Influnence of Attachment To parents on Children s Social Functioning;亲子依恋对儿童社会性发展影响的研究进展
18.Relationship Between Self-supporting Levels and Parent-child Attachment in Primary School Students高低自立水平儿童的亲-子依恋特点的研究

infant attachment幼儿依恋
3)attachment behavior依恋行为
4)children's behavior幼儿行为
5)children's violation behavior幼儿违规行为
6)the infant's self-moving behavior幼儿自发行为

幼儿幼儿preschool children  体格生长渐变缓慢,中枢神经系统发育亦开始减慢,语言、行动与表达能力明显发展,能用人称代词,控制大小便,前囟闭合,乳牙出齐,第二信号系统迅速发育,开始养成习惯,对营养需求增加,若供给不及时,易致消瘦甚或营养不良,防病仍为重点;因识别危险能力差,应注意意外及中毒。