焦虑控制问卷,Anxiety Control Questionnaire
1)Anxiety Control Questionnaire焦虑控制问卷
1.Methods: Investigations in big sample were adopted with the revised Chinese version of the Anxiety Control Questionnaire.方法:利用修订的焦虑控制问卷中文版进行大样本实测,对测量结果进行验证性因素分析,同时利用多特质多方法(MTMM)模型分析方法对多个模型进行比较,并对比两次测试的结果,确定项目正反向表述和记分对量表效度和结构的影响。
2)anxiety control焦虑控制

1.Experiment on the Anxiety Control of Youngsters In Sports Test;青少年体育测试焦虑控制的实验研究
2.Analysis of Causing Students Psychological Fear and Controlling in Hurdle Crossing Teaching;试析跨栏教学中学生状态焦虑的控制
3.Adolescent Volleyball Players Anxiety and its Control Before Competition;青少年排球运动员临场状态焦虑及其控制
4.A Research on Locus of Control as a New Mediator of Sport Anxiety;关于运动焦虑调节的新变量——控制点的研究
5.Pre-competition Anxiety and Self-control of Athlete in Rhythmic Gym;艺术体操运动员的赛前焦虑及自我控制
6.How to Relieve Nervousness and Control Anxiety in Wrestling;摔跤运动员应如何缓解紧张和控制焦虑
7.Everyone in the family may be anxious in the early stages, but as you all settle into a routine, anxiety levels should drop.最初家里的每个人都会焦急,但随着控制走入正轨,焦虑会下降。
8.Research on Relationship between Work Stress, Locus of Control and Anxiety among the Military Officers Working in the Basic Unit;基层军官工作压力与心理控制源、焦虑的关系研究
9.The Effects of Parenting Locus of Control and Related Factors on Anxiety of Students Parents;心理控制源及相关因素对高考学生家长焦虑的影响
10.Relationship of parenting locus of control with the anxiety and coping styles of high school students before College Entrance Examination;子女教育心理控制源与高考前学生焦虑及应对方式分析
11.Influential elements and control of pre-match anxiety of excellent basketball players in institues;高校优秀篮球运动员赛前焦虑的影响因素及其控制
12.Research of the Cognition Adjustment Training for Controlling the Short Track Speed Skaters Competitive Anxiety Mood;认知调节控制短道速滑运动员比赛焦虑情绪的研究
13.Rational thought on introducing competitive mechanism and controlling the vocational anxiety of PE teachers in university;引入竞争机制与调控高校体育教师职业焦虑的理性思考
14.Anxiety of Table Tennis Athletes of Teenagers in Competition and Methods of Controlling青少年乒乓球运动员临场焦虑状态及控制方法的研究
15.Experiment on Acupuncture Stimulation for Pre-Competition Anxiety Regulation of High-Trait Anxiety Athletes;穴位刺激对高特质焦虑田径运动员赛前焦虑调控的实验研究
16.A Survey and Adjustment Research about Math Anxiety of Junior Middle School Students;初中生数学焦虑的调查及其调控研究
17.Anxiety and Anxiety Control Strategies in Foreign Language Teaching;外语学习中的焦虑情绪及其调控策略
18.A Research on Underachievement Students Test Anxiety and the Mechanism of Its Formation;关于学业不良学生考试焦虑及考试焦虑形成机制的研究

anxiety control焦虑控制
1.Their anxiety degree was measured by S-AI and the blood pressure and heart rate were monitored.采用状态焦虑问卷(S-AI)进行焦虑程度测定,并监测血压、心率。
4)state anxiety inventory状态-焦虑问卷
5)Cardiac anxiety questionnaire心脏焦虑问卷
6)perceived control of anxiety焦虑控制感

焦虑控制缺乏理论焦虑控制缺乏理论theory of anxiety lack of control  焦虑控制缺乏理论(theory《)f anxietylack of control)焦虑的理论之一。它认为,无论什么时候当一个人碰到种似乎超出自己控制范围的情境时,他就会产生焦虑体验。焦虑是由自以为“对情境缺乏控制”引起的,不竹实际上个体是否缺乏控制或应对能力。诱发刺激可能是一种生疏的情境,要求人们将它组织和整合进自己的世界观和自我概念中去;诱发刺激也川-能是一种意义不明确的情境,人们必须使之适合于个人的关于世界如何操作的概念实际_L,对正在发生的事情的失助感和“不能控制”的认识.是大多数焦虑理论的核心。例如,在焦虑的无意识冲突论中,把焦虑看作是自我受到它不能控制的冲动威胁的结果;按照习得反应论,当‘个人而对一种他只能通过回避才能控制的痛苦刺激时,他才一会变得焦虑)此理沦得到许多调查资料的支持;这些调查证实,人们在紧张的情境中所体验到的焦虑的强度,主要依赖于人们感到对此情境有多大程度的控制 (梁宝勇撰车文博审)