自我的刻板性,the Self-stereotype
1)the Self-stereotype自我的刻板性
1.After a brief introduction of self-categorization theory which serves as the basis of this process, the paper systematically reviewed the researches on the effects of self-stereotyping on behaviors and attitudes, as well as the influencing factors of self-stereotyping.自我刻板化是指个体自认为某群体的成员时,把伴随此种身份的刻板印象加诸于自己身上的过程。
3)implicit self-stereotyping内隐自我刻板化
4)negative self-relevant stereotype消极自我刻板印象

1.The Effects of Individuation on the Behavioral Effect of Female Negative Self-relevant Stereotype Activation;个体化对女性消极自我刻板印象激活的行为效应的影响
2.How can I impress my boss?(我怎么能给老板留下深刻印象?)
3.Forming and Dissolving of Narrow Impression of Score Name List in the Primary Education;试论小学教育中名次刻板印象的形成与消解
4.A Study on Consumer s Implicit Stereotype of TV Sets Quality;消费者对电视机品牌质量内隐刻板印象的实验研究
5.You will be aware of the stereotypes that are commonly attached to women and men in your own culture.你应该对文化中这种两性的刻板印象具备自觉意识。
6.The Relationship between Chinese Nation Identity and National Pride, National Stereotype of Adolescent;青少年的中华民族认同与国家自豪感和国民刻板印象的关系
7.An ERP Study on Stereotype s Metal Representation: Category or Exemplar?;刻板印象的心理表征:范畴还是样例?——来自ERP的证据
8.The Influence of Stereotype on Information Encoding in Impression Formation;刻板印象对印象形成过程中信息加工的影响
9.Some stereotypes about women and men are fairly universal.有些关于两性的刻板印象相当地普遍。
10.A Study of Social Tuning Effect on Implicit Stereotype社会调节对内隐刻板印象的影响研究
11.The Information Processing Mode of ADs' Gender Stereotype广告中性别刻板印象的信息加工方式
12.Research of Stereotypic Inter-out Group Effect;刻板印象内—外群体效应的实验研究
13.An ERP Study on Undergraduates Gender-Occupational Stereotype;大学生性别—职业刻板印象的ERP研究
14.Adolescents Stereotypes of Some Familiar Nations or Ethnics;青少年对若干国民或民族的刻板印象
15.A Study on the Gender Stereotypic Effect of the Character Role in Ads;广告中人物角色的性别刻板印象效应
16.An Implicit Regional Stereotype Research with IAT and SEB;内隐地域刻板印象的IAT和SEB比较研究
17.The Implicit Effect of Gender Stereotype in Ads;广告中性别刻板印象信息的内隐效应
18.On the Revelence of the Audience Stereotypes and the Advertisement Cutural Fake;受众刻板印象与广告文化仿像的关联

1.After a brief introduction of self-categorization theory which serves as the basis of this process, the paper systematically reviewed the researches on the effects of self-stereotyping on behaviors and attitudes, as well as the influencing factors of self-stereotyping.自我刻板化是指个体自认为某群体的成员时,把伴随此种身份的刻板印象加诸于自己身上的过程。
3)implicit self-stereotyping内隐自我刻板化
4)negative self-relevant stereotype消极自我刻板印象
5)the otherness of self自我的他性
1.In this book, Liu Xin has not only successfully summarized the existence of the Chinese in the transitional period as "the otherness of self" but also brought up some enlightening views on the development of ethnographical methods in the new period as follows: the analysis of the characters should develop into a special met.当前民族志文体的创新不断涌现,刘新的《自我的他性》一书可归为实验民族志一类。
6)nature of self自我的性质

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理