心理健康问卷,Psychological health questionnaire
1)Psychological health questionnaire心理健康问卷

1.Construction and Confirmation on Mental Health Questionnaire for Junior Middle School Students;《初中生心理健康问卷》的编制与验证
2.Design and Test of "Shanghai Citizens Mental Health Questionnaire";《上海市民心理健康问卷》的编制及检验
3.Conclusions Validity of the questionnaire of mental health test for middle school student was rather good;《中学生心理健康诊断问卷》具有较好的信度;
4.Student s psychological health status questionnaire investigationOf institute of education of Guizhou;贵州教育学院学生心理健康状况问卷调查报告
5.Questionnaire survey of the mental health level in 1 000 undergraduates of Zhejiang province;浙江省1000名在校大学生心理健康水平问卷调查
6.The development of the questionnaire of mental health of middle school students;中学生心理健康诊断问卷的构建及施测
7.Mental Health Condition of Freshmen by UPI;大学新生的大学生人格问卷(UPI)心理健康调查研究
8.Questionnaire analysis of effects of social support on psychological health of retired aged persons;社会支持对部队离退休老年人心理健康状况影响的问卷分析
9.Questionnaire analysis of mental health test in 2 994 freshmen of normal university;师范院校新生心理健康测试2 994份问卷分析(英文)
10.The application of Chinese health questionnaire for mental disorder screening in community settings in mainland China;中文健康问卷在中国大陆人群心理障碍筛选的适宜性研究
11.Analysis and Educational Countermeasure to the Questionnaire of Psychological Health Factors of College Students in Hainan影响海南省大学生心理健康因素问卷的内容分析及教育对策研究
12.Applying Cornell Medical Index to the Analysis and Evaluation of Nursing Trainers’Physical and Mental Conditions应用康奈尔健康问卷评价实习护生的身心健康状况
13.Application of CMI in Researching on Physical and Mental Health in Medical Students康奈尔健康问卷在医学生身心健康研究中的应用
14.Diagnosis and Assessment System of Sub-health Status of Chinese’s Pilot Establishment亚健康状态综合评估问卷心里测量学指标初探
15.A discuss on the issue of the teachers psychological health & adaptability;教师心理健康及心理适应性问题探讨
16.Comparison of association of mental health level in freshmen assessed by university personality inventory with their parental rearing style and personality character;以人格问卷评估大学新生心理健康水平与其父母养育方式及人格特征关系的比较
17.Some Issues Concerning the Psychological Health of the Teaching Faculty in Management of the Higher Learning Institution;试论高校管理中的教师心理健康问题
18.A Research About the Characteristics of High School Students Mental Health Diathesis;中学生心理健康素质特点研究——兼谈心理健康研究中的几个问题

mental health problems心理健康问题
1.This article reviewed the overal status quo of mental health problems in primary and junior high school students, happening rate of some mental problems and their mental health problems of different years ,sex,grades and different degrees.文章介绍了我国中小学生心理健康问题的总体情况,单个心理问题的发生率,不同年代中小学生心理健康问题的变化,以及不同性别、不同年级和特定群体中小学生的心理健康状况。
2.It points out the features and causes of their mental health problems as well as the solutions to these problems.本研究运用文献法、调查法、比较法,就转型时期小学班主任心理健康现状、心理健康问题特点、心理健康问题成因、化解小学班主任心理健康问题的对策等进行了理论与实证相结合的研究,并对小学班主任心理健康教育之自我教育模式进行了初步探索。
3)Mental health problem心理健康问题
1.However,because of conflicts between the political instructors professional role and their competence,characteristics of their work and the reality of society,their four mental health problems of loathing,frustration,anxiety and confusion have arisen.辅导员是高校思想政治工作的主力军,在高校的思想政治工作中发挥着重要的作用,但由于职业角色与自身素质、工作性质特征、社会现实等方面的冲突,使高校辅导员产生了厌烦、焦虑、困惑、挫败等心理健康问题。
2.Owing to the particularity of high vocational education,there exist some particular mental health problems for high vocational college students,such us overabundant inferiority,anxiety,puzzle,and depression,which make students have a serious mental-close tendency.由于高职教育的特殊性,高职学生的心理健康问题呈现出过于自卑、过于焦虑、过于困惑与过于抑郁的特殊性,这些问题又使得高职学生具有相对严重的心理闭锁倾向,传统的以团体辅导为主的心理咨询方式显得效果不佳,而以内隐性、自主化为主要特征的图书治疗日益重要,应该从加强宣传、培训人员、分类导读、强化图书馆的人本管理角度进行应对。
3.This article combines theoretical and positivism methods which includes document survey, educational investigation, mental measurement, case study, interview, and summarizing the experience to research the mental health condition, the causes of mental health problem, and the strategies improving mental health of university teachers.本课题主要采用文献研究法、教育调查法、心理测量法、个案研究法、访谈法和经验总结法等方法,就高校教师心理健康的状况、心理健康问题的成因、增进高校教师心理健康的对策等进行了理论与实证相结合的研究。
4)psychological health problem心理健康问题
1.Simple Discussion on Impoverished College Students Psychological Health Problem in the Higher Education System Reform;高等教育制度改革后贫困大学生心理健康问题浅析
2.Aiming at the normal psychological health problems of graduates,such as enforcement、interpersonal sensitivity;anziety;depression and so on,the paper analyzes the causes of psychological health problems.针对高校毕业生中常见的强迫、人际关系敏感、焦虑、抑郁等几个方面心理问题,系统论述毕业生心理健康问题产生的原因,提出要通过开展毕业生心理健康测评;加强毕业生心理健康教育活动;充分发挥二、三级心理健康网络体系的作用;加强校园文化环境建设;对毕业生进行专门的就业指导教育等对策,达到解决毕业生心理健康问题的目的。
5)psychological health problems心理健康问题
1.During the period of social reform there exist varied psychological health problems among teachers in the elementary and middle schools,still receiving little attention but deserving systematic research.社会转型时期 ,中小学教师队伍中存在不同程度的心理健康问题 ,但未引起足够重视 ,更为对其作系统研究与探讨。
6)psychological problems心理健康问题
1.The psychological problems of primary school students mainly refer to the unhealthy mentalities of mental conflicts, confusions, frustrations and vexations which may cause many troubles in their study and life and produce conflicts between them and our society.高年级小学生的心理健康问题主要表现为学习问题、人际关系、个性心理和成长发育四个方面。
2.Students in divorced families must have experienced more changeable social relation and more severe psychological changes than what other students must have done, and probably have more psychological problems.尽管随着年龄的增长,离异家庭子女心理健康问题的调节能力能够逐年增强,但即使到了大学阶段,也是难以消除单亲给他们带来的积累性消极影响,相反,随着自我意识的提高和新的心理冲突的发生,常常还会使心理健康危机问题显得更为严重。
