身体意识客观化,objectified body consciousness
1)objectified body consciousness身体意识客观化
1.01);CRA had significant positive correlation with the body surveillance,the body shame,the control beliefs and total score of objectified body consciousness(P<0.使用身体意识客观化量表、大学生网络成瘾类型问卷,对310名大学生施测,旨在探讨大学生身体意识客观化和网络关系成瘾倾向的关系。

1.The Relationship between Cyber-relationship Addiction of college students and Objectified body consciousness大学生网络关系成瘾倾向与身体意识客观化的关系
2.The antithetic and unified relations between the ideas of lifelong physical education and nationwide body-building;终身体育观念和全民健身意识的对立统一
3.Transferring the Consciousness of Sports--the Key Point of the Implementation of Lifelong Sports;转变体育意识——体育终身化的关键
4.To impart reality to; make objective; externalize.使客观化使具体化;使客观;使客观化,使具体化
5.The Cultivation of the Concept of Life-long Physical Exercises for College Students and strengthening them with the Consciousness of Physical Exercises;树立大学生的终身体育观 加强大学生终身体育意识的培养
6.Understanding the Objectivity of Cognition From the Perspective of the Inter-subjectivity;主体间性·客观性·历史认识的客观性
7.In the cognition of an object of sense, both sides are presented conjointly.当我们认知一个客体时,「主观意识」「辑有效性」共同出现的。
8.incorporate within oneself; in psychology.把客体与自己的主观意识混合在一起;是心理学用语。
9.A Discussion on Body Ideology力比多实践中的文化政治——《身体意识形态》评介
10.Object consciousness, self-consciousness and its objectivity: a rethinking;对象意识与自我意识及其客观性:一个再思考
11.loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness.有意识或无意识时身体失去知觉。
12.Still life conveys the authors' feelings, consciousness & concept.静物成了作者传达自身的情感和意识、观念的一种载体 ,一种“文本”。
13.On Eagleton s Aesthetical Criticism;以身体的名义建构审美意识形态话语——伊格尔顿的美学批评观
14.You cannot objectify the inner portions of your own identity, and therefore you do not perceive them.你不能将你自己身份的内在部分客观具体化,因而你感知不到它们。
15.On the Ideology & Objectivity of Social Sciences论社会科学的意识形态性和客观性
16.The Objective Factors on the Formation of College Student's Law Awareness高校大学生法律意识养成之客观因素
17.Cultural Psychology and Foreign Language Teaching in the Perspective of Collective Unconsciousness集体无意识观照下的文化心理与外语教学
18.The Objective Research for the Pulse Signal of People Body Based on Wavelet and Fuzzy Diagnosis;基于小波与模糊识别的人体脉象信号客观化研究

objective consciousness客观意识
3)body consciousness身体意识
1.Ancient Greek sport and awaking of body consciousness;古希腊体育与身体意识的觉醒
2.On Li Qing-zhao's Body Consciousness论李清照词中的身体意识
3.The displaying of body consciousness and secular lust becomes the goal which the writers pursue.身体意识的张扬和情欲的宣泄成为文人追求的目标,歌颂身体的文字大量涌现。
4)subjective and objective ideology主客观意识
5)life-long sports consciousness终身体意识
6)objective body客体化身体
