1)Chinese characters features字体特征
1.Indicate column and border formatting and font characteristics.指定列和边框的格式及字体特征。
2.Research on Extracting the Character of Tibetan Symbol at Different Printing Shape Letters;多种印刷字体藏文字符的特征提取方法研究
3.Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Based on Orthogonal Feature基于正交特征的手写体汉字识别方法
4.A Research on Feature Selection in Printed Chinese Character Recognition印刷体汉字识别特征选择方法的研究
5.Off-Line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Based on Structure基于结构特征的手写体汉字识别研究
6.Study on Recognition of Printed Mathematical Expression Based on Characteristic Character;基于特征字符的印刷体公式识别研究
7.A New Solution for Print Chinese Character Feature Points Extraction;一种印刷体汉字特征点提取的新方法
8.Feature extraction of off-line handwritten Chinese characters based on Hilbert-Huang transform基于HHT的脱机手写体汉字特征提取
9.Gothic lettering, type, etc哥特字体的字、 字体等.
10.Compositional feature and special expressions of Chinese characters;试析汉字形体的组合性特征与特殊的表达方法
11.On the Representational Function and Limit of Xi Character in the Sao Style:With a Discussion about the Compatible and Flexible Characteristics of the Sentence Patterns in the Pre-Tang Sao Style;骚体“兮”字表征作用及限度——兼论唐前骚体兼融多变的句式特征
12.Extraction of Features of Mongolian Printed Character Recognition印刷体蒙古文文字识别中常用特征的获取
13.A New Stroke-based Directional Feature Extraction Approach for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition基于笔划的手写体汉字方向分解特征提取方法
14.Extracting Characteristics of Printed Chinese Characters by Mathematical Morphology Methods用数学形态学方法提取印刷体汉字特征
15.Handwritten chinese character recognition based on fuzzy sub-stroke statistical feature基于模糊子笔画统计特征的手写体汉字识别
16.Feature extraction is the key part of handwritten chinese character recognition.特征提取是手写体汉字识别的关键环节。
17.The Research of On-Line Handwriting Chinese Character Recognition Based on the Characteristic Group of Strokes基于特征笔画组的联机手写体汉字识别的研究
18.Feature extraction is the difficulty of handwritten chinese character recognition.特征提取是手写体汉字识别的一个研究难点。
numerical characteristic数字特征
1.The formulae for calculating the numerical characteristics ofregression parameters estimation and the correlation coefficients of the regression equation are derived.导出了随机-模糊线性回归模型参数的估计量,证明了参数的估计量为无偏估计,同时推导了参数估计量数字特征和回归方程相关系数的计算公式。
2.To make categorical threshold measure more scientific, statistical properties of random mean Euclidean distance were researched, its probability distribution was determined, its numerical characteristic was given.为了能使分类者更科学地确定分类阈值,对随机平均欧氏距离的统计性质进行了研究,确定了它的概率分布,给出了它的数字特征,为分类阈值的确定提供了理论依据和方法。
3)numerical characteristics数字特征
1.In this paper, taking nodal injection power and voltage operation curve of PV node as foundation, according to the basic property of numerical characteristics of random variables and relevant equations for probabilistic load flow calculation the e.文章以节点注入功率和PV节点电压运行曲线为基础,依据随机变量数字特征的基本性质和概率潮流计算的相关方程,分别采用不同的方法推导了节点电流、PV节点的无功功率及平衡节点功率的均值和协方差计算公式,比较和分析了各种算法的计算精度。
2.By using the electric load date obtained from the on-site wave-recording the numerical characteristics of the load perturbation is studied systematically.利用现场录波数据,对电力负荷随机扰动的数字特征进行了系统地研究。
4)features of Chinese characters汉字特征
5)pronunciation feature字声特征
6)digital characteristics数字特征
1.At this junction, this paper presents a new concept of cloud models with three digital characteristics: expected value Ex, entropy En, and hyper entropy He.文章提出用云模型 3个数字特征 (期望值 ,熵 ,超熵 )来描述一个定性概念 ,用熵来关联模糊性和随机性。
2.Based on this,characteristic funcition and digital characteristics in check distnbution function is derived.在此基础上,本文推导出卡边分布函数的特征函数与数字特征。
3.To deal with quality control,micro-mechanism of science based on the digital characteristics and molecular biology were researched for quality control.为解决该问题,把以数字特征为基础的微观科学与分子生物学机理应用于质量控制研究。