父母养育方式量表,Parental Bonding Instrument
1)Parental Bonding Instrument父母养育方式量表
1.The Revision of Parental Bonding Instrument for Chinese College Students父母养育方式量表(PBI)在中国大学生中的初步修订

1.The Revision of Parental Bonding Instrument for Chinese College Students父母养育方式量表(PBI)在中国大学生中的初步修订
2.The improvement of parents'breeding model can prevent histrionic personality disorder.改善父母的养育方式可以预防表演型人格障碍。
3.Self-concept and Parenting Styles in Adolescents;青少年自我概念与父母养育方式研究
4.Relationship between Psychological Problems in Middle School Students and Parental Rearing Behaviors;中学生父母养育方式与心理健康状况
5.Relationships Between Life Quality and Parental Rearing Patterns for Middle School Students in Shanghai;上海市中学生生活质量与父母养育方式的关系研究
6.Correlational Study on Parental Style and Coping Style of Adolescence;青少年应付方式和父母养育方式的相关性研究
7.Relationship between Parental Rearing Style and Middle School Students Coping Style;中学生父母养育方式与应对方式的关系研究
8.A Study on the Impacts of Different Parental Rearing Patterns on the Defensive Styles of the College students;父母养育方式对大学生防御方式的影响研究
9.A Study on Parents Perceptions and Child-rearing Patterns of the Parents of Autistic Children;孤独症儿童父母的父母意识和子女养育方式研究
10.The Influence of the Parental Rearing Pattern and the Divorce of Parents to the Mental Health of High Middle School Students.;父母养育方式、父母离异对高中生心理健康状况的影响
11.Conclusion The senior high school students with IAD have poor parental rearing patterns.结论网络成瘾高中生父母养育方式均存在问题。
12.Self-concept and Parental Rearing Style and Their Relationships in Primary and Secondary School Students;中小学生自我意识与父母养育方式的相互关系
13.Research on Female College Students Self-love and the Relation between Self-love and Parental Rearing Method;女大学生自爱及其与父母养育方式关系研究
14.A Preliminary Study on Parental Rearing Behaviors and Personality Characteristics of Abused Child;受虐儿童的父母养育方式及其个性特征初探
15.Relationship between Parental Rearing Pattern and Self Consistency and Congruence of Junior High School Students.;父母养育方式与初中生自我和谐的关系
16.Correlation Analysis between College Students General Wellbeing and Their Parental Rearing Patterns;大学生父母养育方式与幸福感的相关分析
17.A Study of Relationship between Depression of College Students and the Uprearing Styles of Their Parents;大学生抑郁感与父母养育方式的相关性研究
18.Relationship Between Parental Rearing Patterns and Internet Addiction Disorders Among Medical College School Students;医学生网络成瘾与父母养育方式的关系探讨

1.Methods Randomly 160 male delinquent juvenile(study group)and 170 normal juveniles were tested with EMBU and EPQ.方法采用父母养育方式评价量表(EMBU)和艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)对随机抽取的160名男性犯罪青少年和170名在校高中男生进行研究。
3)parental rearing patterns父母养育方式
1.Objective:To study the relationship among parental rearing patterns, social support and mental health, and to establish a structural model of them.目的:探讨父母养育方式、社会支持和心理健康之间的关系,并初步建立父母养育方式、社会支持和心理健康的结构模型。
2.Objective:To study the characteristics of coping styles and parental rearing patterns in the outpatient of department of adolescent mental health consulting patients and explore the relationship between them.目的:了解青少年心理门诊患者的应对方式与父母养育方式的关系。
3.Conclusions: Parental rearing patterns have important influence on children mental health and the personality formation.目的 :探讨大学生人格因素与父母养育方式之间的关系。
4)Parental rearing style父母养育方式
1.Conclusion:Parental rearing style is important to personality ,Over.方法:用父母养育方式问卷(EMBU)和艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)评定郑州市1015例儿童,并对父母教养方式与儿童人格特征作相关分析。
2.Results Parental rearing style was significantly related to coping style.目的 探讨父母养育方式、应对方式对大学生心理健康的影响及父母养育方式与大学生应对方式的关系。
3.Objective To explore Role of life event,social support,parental rearing style and defense style in occurrence of depression.目的探讨生活事件、社会支持、父母养育方式及防御方式在抑郁症发病中的作用。
5)parental rearing behaviors父母养育方式
1.Relationship between coping styles and parental rearing behaviors of college students;大学生应付方式和父母养育方式的相关性研究
2.OBJECTIVE Inquirying into the relationship among the parental rearing behaviors,personality and social anxiety of pupils,providing the basis for its mental health.目的探讨高年级小学生父母养育方式、个性及社交焦虑之间的内在联系及其意义,为其心理健康教育提供科学依据。
3.Objective:To explore the characters of parental rearing behaviors and coping styles of children with conduct disorder.目的:探讨父母养育方式对品行障碍患儿的应付方式的影响。
6)Parental rearing pattern父母养育方式
1.Correlation between mental health and parental rearing pattern of higher nursing students;父母养育方式对护生心理健康相关因素的影响
2.Objective To study the mental health state of juvenile delinquents,and its relations with their family background and parental rearing pattern.目的 探讨犯罪青少年心理健康状况及与家庭背景、父母养育方式的关系。
3.To explore the relationship between parental rearing pattern and emotional state of asthmatic children.【目的】 探讨哮喘儿童父母养育方式与情绪状态之间的关系。

布雷泽尔顿新生儿行为评价量表布雷泽尔顿新生儿行为评价量表Brazelton Behavioral Assessment Scale for Neonate  布霄泽尔顿新生儿行为评价量表(B razelton Behavioral Assessmenr Sealefor Neonate)用来测定一个月内的新生儿的中枢神经系统成熟状况、对人的反应方式及反射强度的量表。美国儿科医生布雷泽尔顿(Brazelton,T.B.)及其同事1974年制订。该量表可诊断出处于危险状态的孩子,并可预测儿童将来可能出现的心理问题。 (郑日舀撰林传燕审)