1.Relationship between preoperative keratometry and corneal flap diameter and thickness in LASIK;LASIK手术中角膜屈光力与角膜瓣直径和厚度的关系
2.Clinical Study on the Influence of Lasik Operation on Retinal Blood Flow;Lasik手术对视网膜微循环早期影响的临床研究
3.The effect of LASIK in anisometropia on strabismus;LASIK手术治疗屈光参差对斜视的影响

1.Admittedly, the risks involved in LASIK surgery are minimal.不可否认,LASIK手术的风险是微乎其微的。
2.The Experimental and Clinical Studies of LASIK with Ultra-thin Corneal Flaps;超薄角膜瓣LASIK手术的实验与临床研究
3.The Study of Wavefront Aberration of Myopia Pre-and Post-Laser in Situ Keratomileusis;近视眼LASIK手术前后波前像差的研究
4.A Study of the Change in Binocular Accommodation and Refractive Status after LASIK;LASIK手术对调节与屈光状态的影响
5.Analysis on 239 cases not suitable for LASIK未行LASIK手术239例原因分析
6.Discusstion of the interaction bettwen LASIK surgery and PterygiumLASIK手术与翼状胬肉相互影响的探讨
7.Analysis on 296 eyes not suitable for LASIK未行LASIK手术296眼临床分析
8.Comparative study of myopic visual functions before and after laser in situ keratomileusisLASIK手术前后视功能的对比研究
9.Effect of LASIK Refractive Surgery on Wave-front Aberration of Human EyeLASIK手术对人眼波前像差的影响
10.Perioperative nursing of patient for LASIK surgery for myopia and myopic astigmatismLASIK手术治疗近视及近视散光围手术期护理
11.Study on the Reasons on for Myopic Lasik Surgery and Its Satisfaction in Baotou包头市近视患者LASIK手术原因及术后满意度研究
12.Investigation of motivation and postoperative degree of satisfaction in myopic patient after LASIK近视患者LASIK手术动机及术后满意度调查
13.Kappa angle adjustment on higher order aberration after LASIK in myopic eyesKappa角调整近视性LASIK手术对术后高阶像差的影响
14.Clinical obvservation of laser in situ keratomileusis coupled with an erodible disc for hyperopiaLASIK手术联合可蚀盘矫治远视的临床观察
15.Primary Effect of Laser in-situ Keratormileusis on Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer;LASIK手术对视网膜神经纤维层影响的初步观察
16.An analysis of changes in the posterior cornea and related factors after LASIKLASIK手术后角膜后表面高度变化及其影响因素
17.Clinical observation on wavefront-guided laser in situ keratomileusis波前像差引导的LASIK手术的临床效果观察
18.Application of validity index in evaluating the effect of LASIK有效性指数在评估LASIK手术效果中的应用价值

postoperation of LASIKLASIK手术后
1.Effect on the earlier change of tear film and ocular surface to refractive regression after LASIK;LASIK术后泪膜、眼表早期改变对屈光回退的影响
2.Methods Total 734 patients (1447 eyes) treated with LASIK were divided into two groups according to using Tears Naturale Ⅱ or not.目的观察LASIK术后应用人工泪液预防、治疗干眼症的疗效。
1.Analysis of the clinical characteristics of retinal degeneration in myopia and relative therapeutics before LASIK operation;LASIK术前筛查视网膜病变及相关治疗的临床分析
5)laser in situ keratomileusisLASIK
1.Randomized prospective clinical study comparing inducing aberrations with IntraLase and Hansatome flap creation in fellow eyes during laser in situ keratomileusis;使用飞秒激光刀制作角膜瓣行LASIK的像差分析
2.AIM:To evaluate the clinical effects of monovision after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK).目的:研究Monovision LASIK的临床疗效。
3.AIM:To obverse the efficacy of preventive photocoagulation treatment of retinal degeneration and tear before laser in situ keratomileusis(LASIK).目的:观察LASIK术前对视网膜变性或伴裂孔等进行预防性光凝治疗的疗效。
6)Laser in situ keratomileusis准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)
1.A correlative analysis about the spherical aberration changes after laser in situ keratomileusis准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)后球面像差改变的研究

Bancroft手术Bancroft手术Bancroft operation 又称“十二指肠溃疡Bancroft手术”。由Bancroft于1932年始创的处理难以切除的十二指肠溃疡的手术方法之一。手术要点:距幽门5cm处将胃切断,切开幽门窦的浆膜层。自黏膜下层分离黏膜与浆膜层至幽门环处切断黏膜,边切边用丝线将断端连续缝合,从内面行幽门窦前后壁肌层间断缝合。本术式既旷置溃疡,防止重要器官损伤,又剔除了胃窦黏膜,消除促胃液素之分泌。