1.Clinical research on blepharitis;睑缘炎的临床研究(英文)
2.Tear film damage in blepharitis: 23 cases report;睑缘炎所致泪膜损害23例

1.Tear secretion was within normal. Conclusion In blepharitis, grease secretion is reduced and its composition is changed. Thus stability of tear film is damaged and the patients are subjected to vaporous dry eye.结论睑缘炎引起脂质分泌减少及成分异常,破坏泪膜稳定性,导致蒸发过强型干眼。
2.Clinical effect of tarsocheiloplasty on recurrent aberrant lashes of palpebra superior睑缘重建治疗复发性上睑乱睫的效果
3.Upper eyelid radian satisfaction rate 100%;双睑缘弧度满意68眼(100%);
4.inflammation of the eyelids characterized by redness and swelling and dried crusts.眼睑发炎:红,肿和掉干皮。
5.Oral and subciliary incision subperiosteal cheek lift下睑缘和口内联合切口面中部提升术
6.The position of upper eyelid margin in suspension of forehead muscle for blepharoptosis上睑下垂额肌瓣悬吊术中上睑缘位置控制法探讨
7.Objective To investigate the relationship between upper eyelid margin position in suspension and the clinical effect.目的 探讨上睑下垂额肌瓣悬吊术中上睑缘位置与手术效果的关系。
8.Results All cases full rectifier or main rectifier, upper eyelid radian was perfect, closeness of eyelid was satisfied, none of exposure keratitis.结果上睑下垂完全矫正或基本矫正,睑缘弧度美观,符合生理,睑裂闭合良好。
9.Sty common says " steal stythe eye of a needle " , the gland that it is eyelid is local inflammation, cause eyelid to have bump and tenderness.麦粒肿俗称“偷针眼”,为睑腺局部发炎,引起眼睑有肿块及压痛。
10.Results The most common clinical features were that pthirus pubis flew in the eyes of children. There were some parasitic ova on the eyelid margin. It were cured by cut off eyelashes and cleaned the eyelid margin.结果 临床上儿童眼部有耻阴虱飞舞,睑缘有虫卵附着,可通过剪除睫毛、清洁睑缘结膜囊而治愈。
11.Blepharitis. Inflammation of the eyelids with crusting of the eyelashes, that may increase the risk of infection or inflammation of the cornea after LASIK.睑炎。对于伴随睫毛结壳的眼睑的炎症,LASIK术后将有可能增加感染或发炎的风险。
12.The Application of Subciliary Approach in the Treatment of Maxillary Fracture;下睑缘入路在上颌骨骨折治疗中的应用和要点
13.After a period of medical treatment with oral prednisolone and artificial tear eyedrops, orbital decompression was scheduled.右眼也因此角膜溃疡而必须转诊来之前接受眼睑缘缝合术。
14.a cosmetic preparation used by women in Egypt and Arabia to darken the edges of their eyelids.埃及和阿拉伯妇女使用的用来加深她们眼睑边缘的化妆品。
15.The mean postoperative distance between upper eyelid margin and corneal reflection was (3.8±0.4)mm.术后上睑缘与角膜中心反光之间的距离平均为(38±04)mm。
16.And demodectic acne rosacea, demodectic blepharitis, demodectic pruritus in external auditory meatus and demodectic papillitis are the common demodicidosis.蠕形螨病好发部位多见于鼻、睑缘、外耳道,面部皮肤等。
17.The clinical research of reduction and immobilization of complex zygomatic fracture by union incision of palpebra eye and furrow between gum and cheek in the mouth下睑缘与口内龈颊沟联合切口整复颧骨复合体骨折的临床研究
18.The Effect of Lamellar Keratoplaety Combined with Tarsorrhaphy on Graft Dissolution板层角膜移植联合睑缘缝合术对植片溶解的影响

3)Ulcerative blepharitis溃疡性睑缘炎
4)squamous blepharitis鳞屑性睑缘炎
1.Purpose:To observe the therapeutic effect of squamous blepharitis treated with liquefacient nitrogen cryotherapy.目的:观察液氮冷冻治疗鳞屑性睑缘炎的临床疗效。
5)Demodactic blepharitis ciliaris蠕形螨性睑缘炎
1.Investigation of Demodactic blepharitis ciliaris in Huainan areas;淮南地区蠕形螨性睑缘炎的调查
6)Zeisian stye蔡司氏睑缘腺炎
