1.Effect of homoharringtonine on the corneal haze after excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy in rabbits;高三尖杉酯碱对PRK后角膜浑浊的影响

1.Pars plana vitrectomy on the patients with corneal opacity.伴有角膜浑浊玻璃体视网膜手术临床探讨
2.Such as, blepharospasm, conjunctival congestion and edema, corneal epithelial exfoliation and opacification.如:眼睑痉挛,结膜充血、水肿,角膜上皮剥脱、浑浊.
3.Results Totally 12 eyes were included,8 eyes were misdiagnosed as uveitis,1 eye as cataract and 3 eyes as vitreous turbidness.结果  12眼被误诊为葡萄膜炎 8眼、白内障 1眼、玻璃体浑浊 3眼。
4.The rate out of blindness was 90% Conclusions The main reason of congenital cataract causes blindness is form deprivation.术后并发症后囊浑浊17眼;瞳孔夹持4眼,人工晶状体前膜5眼。
5.Bowman′s Layer defect can cause haze.Bowman′s层缺损会引起角膜雾浊 ,Haze形成。
6.The detection of pathogens in Keratopathy of B6-Co mouse by PCRPCR法检测B6-Co小鼠混浊角膜的病原菌
7.the turbid floodwaters of the river泛滥的浑浊的河水.
8.If the source of the stream is muddy, the whole course will be muddy.源头水浑,整河水浊。
9.The advance on the mechanism of corneal opacity and its application in forensic medicine;角膜混浊的形成机制及法医学应用进展
10.Effect of mitomycin C on haze formation after photorefractive keratectomy丝裂霉素对PRK术后角膜上皮下雾状混浊的影响
11.Comparison of rabbit corneal subepithelial Haze after Epi-LASIK or PRKEpi-LASIK、PRK术后角膜上皮下雾状混浊的实验研究
12.The major complications were corneal edema, rupture of posterior capsule and opacity of posterior capsule.术中和术后主要并发症为角膜水肿、囊膜破裂和后囊膜混浊。
13.E. I ect cornea for opacities by shining light at an angle toward the cornera. Check pupils for size, shape, and equality. I ect iris for symmetry.用手电光斜照角膜,检查角膜浊斑。检查瞳孔大小、形状和对等。检查虹膜否对称。
14.The stale air made us suffocate.浑浊的空气使我们感到窒息。
15.Full of or covered with mud.泥泞的充满浑浊的或沾满了泥的
16.appearance of persistent cloud持久浑浊现象(汽油及煤油的)
17.The effects of medical phenolphthalein on the urine analysis and distinction药用酚酞导致浑浊尿液的鉴别分析
18.The police dredged up the parcel from the muddy river.警方从浑浊的河水中捞出包裹。

1.00D)diopters were treated and followed for 6 months after operation about their postoperative uncorrected visual acuity(UCVA),refraction,corneal haze and other complications.0 0D)的近视进行LASEK手术,观察术中术后并发症,并对术后1~6月裸眼视力、屈光状态及角膜上皮下雾状浑浊(haze)进行随访。
2.Corneal haze was determined with slit lamp microscope and the histopathologica.通过裂隙灯观察角膜上皮下雾状浑浊(Haze)差别。
3.02% mitomycin-C(MMC)during LASEK operation combined with dexamethasone(DM)in the postoperative short period(1 week)on the formation of haze.02%丝裂霉素C(MMC)及术后短期(1周)应用地塞米松(DM),对术后角膜上皮下雾状浑浊(haze)形成的抑制作用。
1.Effect of fermentation technology on the turbidity of vinegar;发酵工艺对食醋浑浊影响的研究
2.Analyze the cause of turbidity of 10 ml ∶1 g calcium gluconate injection;10ml∶1g葡萄糖酸钙注射液发生浑浊的原因分析
3.Discussion on reasons of turbidity of AEO_3 at low temperature;脂肪醇聚氧乙烯(3)醚低温浑浊原因的探讨
1.Tannic acid and Gelatin were regarded as normal haze-active matter.以单宁酸与明胶为引起浑浊沉淀的浑浊活性多酚和浑浊活性蛋白的模型物质,用分光光度法研究单宁、明胶相互结合的特点。
2.Proteins in beer had greatly influence on the quality of beer, especially the forming of foam and haze.啤酒中蛋白质对啤酒品质的各方面有着很大的影响,尤其是对啤酒泡沫和浑浊的形成。
1.Management of the posterior capsular opacity during ECCE with IOL implantation;白内障术中后囊浑浊的处理
2.By analyzing the reason of opacity 40 % alcohol on recent mark et find that overclose of solids is serious.对市场上酒精度为40%的白酒浑浊产生的原因进行分析。

大气浑浊度  反映无云大气铅直气柱中气溶胶散射造成的消光程度。铅直气柱中气溶胶含量越大,大气浑浊度越大。    大气浑浊度T 的定义有两种。一种定义是铅直气柱中气溶胶构成的光学厚度τp,即       式中μp(z)是z高度上气溶胶散射造成的消光系数。埃斯特朗浑浊系数即属此范畴。A.埃斯特朗发现大气气溶胶的光学厚度τp随波长λ的变化有τp(λ)=βλ-α的关系,其中β为埃斯特朗浑浊系数,即光波波长为 1微米时的整层大气气溶胶的铅直光学厚度,波长指数α和气溶胶的大小和分布有关,一般取α=1.3。    另一种定义是铅直气柱中实测气溶胶和分子消光的总光学厚度τ与分子消光的光学厚度τm之比,即T=τ/τm,林克浑浊因子即属此范畴。如要使太阳辐射在分子大气中的消光与实际大气中的总消光相等,则分子大气质量必须增大L倍,这里L 就为林克浑浊因子。    大气浑浊度随时间和地理位置而变。通常夏季中午最大,而冬季日变化较小。在北半球,大气浑浊度由北向南增大,如从高纬度地区至赤道附近可由1.6增大到4.6,这和湿度增大以及气溶胶消光效应增强有关。世界上不少地区已积累了相当长时间的浑浊度变化的资料,这对研究大气气溶胶的分布和输送,大气污染以及全球辐射平衡过程等都很有价值。