1.Influence of 1% Atropine gutta mydriasis optometry on children s activity;1%阿托品滴眼液散瞳验光对幼儿活动的影响
2.Comparative study between Mydrin-p and atropine gutta in mydriasis and optometry in children with refraction error;美多丽-P与阿托品滴眼液在屈光不正儿童散瞳验光中的作用比较
3.Influence of time interval between instillation of tropicamideo phenylephrine ophthalmic solution on refraction and mydriasis in adolescent;复方托吡卡胺滴眼时间间隔对青少年验光和散瞳的影响

1.The Differences on Astigmatiosm in Corneal Toopography and Mydriatic Optometry角膜地形图与散瞳验光散光差异分析
2.Comparative analysis of the refractive states between Suresight hand-held refractometer and retinoscopySuresight自动屈光筛选仪散瞳前后与散瞳验光结果比较分析
3.Application of Non-mydriatic Fundus Photography in Aviators Physical Examination;免散瞳眼底照相在年度飞行体检中的初步探讨
4.Results:Squareshaped anterior capsulotomy was well done in 56 eyes(94.9%) during the operation.术后3个月散瞳后通过房角镜观察人工晶体的固定位置。
5.Conclusion Postoperative endophthalmitis should be generally controlled by the use of corticosteroid, mydriatic and so on.结论术后眼内炎应用皮质炎固醇、散瞳剂等药物大多能够控制。
6.The Feasibility Study of Screening Refractive Error in 3~15 Year-old Children without Cycloplegia;非散瞳验光对3~15岁儿童屈光不正筛查的可行性研究
7.Comparison of tropicamide and atropine for refraction test in children托吡卡胺和阿托品对儿童散瞳验光应用价值的对比研究
8.The effect of intensive pupillary dilation on the ocular hypertension in early stage after vitreoretinal surgery强化散瞳对玻璃体视网膜手术后早期高眼压作用效果的临床观察
9.Objective To survey the accordance rates of mydriasis optometry and call-back examination after the application of mydrin-P and atropin eye drops in children with ametropia.目的了解对屈光不正儿童应用托品酰胺或阿托品滴眼液后,散瞳验光及复验结果的符合率。
10.Due to the rapid progress of computer technology and development of image analysis technique, the fundus images could be processed, enhanced and analyzed both quantitatively and objectively.此系统更可以配合非散瞳式眼底照相机,作为定期大量健康筛检或长期追踪病程的工具。
11.Comparison of ocular biomeasurement before and after mydriasis in cataract patients and analysis of precise selection of intraocular lens diopter白内障患者散瞳前后眼部生物测量比较及人工晶状体屈光度的精确选择分析
12.Clinical objective evaluation of compound tropicamide eye drops in objective opto-metry of juvenile myopes复方托吡卡胺滴眼液在青少年近视患者散瞳验光中的临床客观评价
13.Prolonged, abnormal dilatation of the pupil of the eye caused by disease or a drug.瞳孔扩散由于疾病或者药物引起的眼睛瞳孔变长、不正常的扩大
14.Clinical Observation of Secondary Suspensory Intraocular Lens Implantation Combined with Coreoplasty for Traumatic Mydriasis二期悬吊式人工晶体植入及瞳孔成形术在外伤性瞳孔散大中的临床观察
15.musculus dilatator pupillae瞳孔开肌(musculus)
16.Hitomi Yoshizawa吉泽仁美(吉泽瞳)
17.A substance that causes constriction of the pupil of the eye.缩瞳药能导致瞳孔缩小的药物
18.Causing dilatation of the pupils.瞳孔开大的使瞳孔扩大的

1.Influence of 1% Atropine gutta mydriasis optometry on children s activity;1%阿托品滴眼液散瞳验光对幼儿活动的影响
2.Comparative study between Mydrin-p and atropine gutta in mydriasis and optometry in children with refraction error;美多丽-P与阿托品滴眼液在屈光不正儿童散瞳验光中的作用比较
3.Influence of time interval between instillation of tropicamideo phenylephrine ophthalmic solution on refraction and mydriasis in adolescent;复方托吡卡胺滴眼时间间隔对青少年验光和散瞳的影响
1.Complete correction of childhood hyperopic amblyopia under mydriatic conditions;散瞳状态下立即充分矫正治疗儿童远视性弱视
5)A mydriatic drug.扩瞳药
1.Assessment of effect of two madriatics on anterior segment in myopic eyes with non-contact method;非接触法观察两种散瞳剂对近视眼眼前节的影响
