1.The effect of coreoplasty on ocular injury repair;瞳孔成形术在眼外伤修复术中的作用
2.Clinical Observation of Secondary Suspensory Intraocular Lens Implantation Combined with Coreoplasty for Traumatic Mydriasis二期悬吊式人工晶体植入及瞳孔成形术在外伤性瞳孔散大中的临床观察

1.The reformation of pupil can decrease photophobia and improve of outlook of eye.瞳孔成形还有利于减少畏光 ,改善外观
2.Clinical Observation of Secondary Suspensory Intraocular Lens Implantation Combined with Coreoplasty for Traumatic Mydriasis二期悬吊式人工晶体植入及瞳孔成形术在外伤性瞳孔散大中的临床观察
3.musculus dilatator pupillae瞳孔开肌(musculus)
4.If time grew, probable meeting embroil arrives pupil, cause blindness!假如时间长了,很可能会牵连到瞳孔,造成失明!
5.Causing dilatation of the pupils.瞳孔开大的使瞳孔扩大的
6.Of or affecting the pupil of the eye.瞳孔的属于或影响眼睛瞳孔的
7.A substance that causes constriction of the pupil of the eye.缩瞳药能导致瞳孔缩小的药物
8.Light passes into the eye through the pupil.光通过瞳孔进入人眼.
9.the contracted pupils of her eyes.她眼睛中收缩了的瞳孔。
10.Argyll-Robertson pupil阿盖尔-罗伯逊瞳孔
11.The pupils of the patient's eyes contracted.病人眼睛的瞳孔缩小了
12.Westphal pupillary reflex韦斯特法尔瞳孔反射
13.The opening of the iris is called the pupil.虹膜的开口处叫做瞳孔。
14.iris corder(红外线电子)瞳孔仪
15.My each minim success will come into their eyes and enter into their heart by magnified style.我的每一滴成功,都如同经过放大镜,进入他们的瞳孔,摄入他们心底。
16.The apparently black circular opening in the center of the iris of the eye, through which light passes to the retina.瞳孔暴露于眼睛虹膜中央明显的黑色圆形,光线通过此孔才能达到视网膜
17.Lateral Superresolution Confocal Microscopy Method Based on Image Restoration and Annular Pupil Filtering;图像复原及环形光瞳滤波式横向超分辨共焦显微成像方法
18.E. I ect cornea for opacities by shining light at an angle toward the cornera. Check pupils for size, shape, and equality. I ect iris for symmetry.用手电光斜照角膜,检查角膜浊斑。检查瞳孔大小、形状和对等。检查虹膜否对称。

1.Laser Pupilloplasty in Patients after Cataract Extraction;激光瞳孔成形术在白内障摘除术后的应用
3)pupil deformation瞳孔变形
4)deformed pupil瞳孔畸形
5)pear shaped pupil梨形瞳孔
6)Pupilary deformation and shift瞳孔变形移位

主要射出成形材料成形时应注意事项■主要射出成形材料成形时应注意事项品 名 注 意 事 项PVC聚氯乙烯 1. 产品种类范围非常广(硬质、软质、聚合物等),成型条件各有不同,从熔融至分解之温度范围很小,尤须注意加热温度。2. 附着水分少,但成型周期尽可能减少(50℃~60℃热风干燥)。3. 成型机方面,与材料直接接触的部位须电镀或采用不锈钢以防热分解所产生的盐酸侵蚀。射出压力2100kg/cm2程度。4. 所有塑料当中必须是细心注意温度调节。5. 浇口附近易产生流纹,故射出操作后,柱塞不要后退使浇口充分固化后再瞬间退后为宜。6. 加热之初温不宜高,特别注意熔融情形。第二级加热温度较高,且尽可能使成形周期缩短,比较安全。PA聚醯胺树脂 1. 成型温度比其它材料高,故采用油加热的成形机较适当。2. 吸湿性大,必须充分干燥。水分对成型品的品质影响甚大(80℃热风干燥约5~6小时)。3. 须退火以消除内部歪斜。PP聚丙烯 1. 同PE,但成形温度必须较高。熔融温度170℃,超过190℃则流动性大增,则毛边增加,易产生接缝及凹入情形。PC聚碳酸脂 1. 吸湿性比尼龙小,但若有些微之水分存在则成型品产生其它色泽或气泡,故必须密封干燥同时成形时也须预备干燥(120℃之温度4小时)。2. 加热温度超过320℃时则产生热分解,成品变色,故特别注意温度调节,又成型时的温度调节也非常重要,须特别注意其最低温度、最低时间。3. 须退火以消除内部歪斜(130℃~135℃,1小时程度为准)。