1.The study of relationship between primary iridociliary cysts and anterior chamber angle by ultrasound biomicroscopy;原发性虹膜睫状体囊肿与房角关系的超声生物显微镜研究

1.iridocyclo choroiditis虹膜睫状体脉络膜炎
2.al iridocyclitis病毒性虹膜睫状体
3.iridocyclitis septica脓毒性虹膜睫状体
4.Corneal iron foreign body with iridocyclitis伴有虹膜睫状体炎的角膜铁质异物
5.Rubella virus is associated with Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitisFuchs异色性虹膜睫状体炎与风疹病毒有关
6.Detection of ultrasound biomicroscopy iridocyclitis clinical analysis of cyst超声生物显微镜检测虹膜睫状体囊肿临床分析
7.Presynaptic 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors enhance cholinergic neurosecretion in the human iris-ciliary body突触前5羟色胺受体对人眼虹膜睫状体乙酰胆碱分泌的调节
8.The Diversity of Immune Cells in the Iris and Ciliary Body during Penetrating Keratoplasty;虹膜睫状体免疫细胞活性变化及与角膜移植免疫排斥关系的实验研究
9.The iris is fixed to the ciliary body.虹膜固定在睫状体上。
10.inflammation of the iris and ciliary body of the eye.眼睛虹膜和睫状体的炎症。
11.Results The conea, iris, lens, ciliary body,and the anterior chamber was clearly viewed and measured with 20.0 MHz high frequency ultrasound.结果20.0MHz高频超声能清楚地观察角膜、虹膜、晶状体、睫状体、前房等结构。
12.The vascular middle layer of the eye constituting the iris, ciliary body, and choroid.葡萄膜,腿色素层眼中层血管层,它构成虹膜,睫状体和脉络膜
13.Primary Research on Latency of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 in the Iris, Ciliary Body and Retina of Normal Human;HSV-1在正常人的虹膜、睫状体、视网膜潜伏的初步研究
14.Type 2?exhibited a closed completely anterior chamber angle because of forward rotation of the ciliary body.(2)虹膜自房角隐窝向前膨隆,房角完全关闭,睫状体前旋。
15.Argon laser iridoplasty in the treatment of plateau- like iris configuration as result of numerous ciliary body cysts氩激光虹膜成形术在多发性睫状体囊肿引起的虹膜高褶治疗中的应用
16.Differential diagnosis of the Posner Schlossman's syndrome with heterochromic iris and the Fuchs syndrome--clinial report about three cases伴虹膜异色的青光眼睫状体炎综合征与Fuchs综合征的鉴别诊断——附3例临床报告
17.Posterior iris fixation of iris-claw IOL implantation in 25 cases虹膜夹型人工晶状体虹膜后植入术25例
18.The Experimental Study on Cyclophotocoagulation by Krypton Laser;多波长氪激光经巩膜睫状体光凝术的实验研究

1.10 reports of the management of herpes zoster keratitis and iridocyclitis;10例带状疱疹性角膜炎、虹膜睫状体炎的治疗体会
2.Objective:To observe the role of the treatment of Huoxue Lishui Tuiyi Mingmu Chinese traditional medicine to the corneal edema and iridocyclitis after cataract surgery, in order to provide a reference of using Chinese traditional medicine interfere with and treat the complications after cataract surgery.目的:观察活血利水、退翳明目中药治疗白内障术后并发角膜水肿及虹膜睫状体炎的作用,为运用中医药干预治疗白内障术后并发症提供一定参考。
3)Iris and ciliary cysts虹膜睫状体囊肿
6)margo ciliaris iridis虹膜睫状缘
