1.Clinical Use of Punctum Reconstruction with Labium Mucosa;泪小点唇黏膜成型术在临床的应用

1.Ectopic reconstruction of lacrimalis puncticulum on traumatic canaliculus lacrimalis laceration异位再造泪小点术治疗外伤性泪小管断裂的临床疗效
2.Bicanaliculo-nasal silicone intubation for treatment of canalicular laceration双泪小管——鼻插硅胶管治疗泪小管断裂
3.Huei-fang was exceptionally insistent this time. Suddenly her eyes reddened and tears rolled down her cheeks.四小姐例外地坚持她的意见,忽然眼眶红了,滴下几点眼泪来。
4.Joy was weeping too, but as a bystander she kept her wits about her.小福子也落着泪,可是处在帮忙的地位,她到底心里还清楚一点。
5.Clinical Observation on the Anastomosis of Lacrimal Canaliculus and Common Canaliculus泪小管——泪总管吻合术的临床观察
6.and how her tears would fall like rain,眼泪雨点般地落下来,
7.Curative effects of double-canalicular and nasolacrimal silicone intubation combined with canalicular laceration anastomosis双泪小管鼻泪管插硅胶管联合泪小管断裂吻合术的疗效观察
8.The song was Little Bitty Tear.这首歌就是《小滴泪》。
9.Tears washed the child's cheeks.眼泪浸湿了小孩的脸颊
10.As she stood bathing her face over the wash basin, Huei-fang smiled to herself and shed a few furtive tears.在洗脸的时候,四小姐忍不住独自笑了起来,接着又偷偷地滴两点眼泪。
11.Retrograde intubation via lacrimal sac to seek the lacerated ends and anastomosis in the complicated lacrimal canaliculi laceration泪囊切开逆向插管治疗复杂性泪小管断裂伤
12.In order to improve the successful rate of anastomosis of broken lacrimal canaliculus, a new method of searching the broken ends of lacrimal canaliculus was developed.探讨寻找泪小管断端方法 ,提高吻合泪小管成功率。
13.Comparison of implantation of epidural anesthesia tube and double-canalicular annular silicone tube in patients with lacrimal ductule rupture泪小管断裂植入硬膜外麻醉管和双泪小管环形硅胶管的比较
14.Carolyn had tears in her eyes, and her voice became unsteady.卡洛琳眼里含着泪,声音有点发抖。
15.The meeting culminated in a tearful embrace.会议在含泪的拥抱时达到定点。
16.Tears nearly came to Bertha's eyes as she laughed.伯莎笑得差点要流出眼泪来了。
17.A brief history of punctoplasty: The 3- snip revisited泪点成形术的简要历史:3剪术回顾
18.She dabbed her face quickly in the car to cover the tear stain.她在车里匆匆擦了点胭脂,以遮盖泪痕。

punctum plug泪小点塞
1.The use of silicone punctum plugs in the treatment of dry eye;泪小点塞在干眼症治疗中的应用
3)punctual stenosis泪小点狭窄
1.Objective To evaluate the clinical effectivity of Nd-YAG laser punctoplasty combined with soluble collagen implants for treatment of punctual stenosis and obliteration.目的通过观察泪小点狭窄或阻塞病例行Nd:YAG激光泪点成形术联合可降解泪点塞植入的治疗效果,评价联合方法对泪小点狭窄或阻塞的疗效。
4)punctal stenosis泪小点膜闭
1.Effect of Nd:YAG laser combine with mitomycin C for punctal stenosis;Nd:YAG激光联合丝裂霉素C治疗泪小点膜闭疗效观察
2.Surgery management of punctal stenosis with epiphoria;伴有溢泪症状的泪小点膜闭的手术治疗
5)punctum occlusion泪小点闭锁
6)lacrimal punctum泪点

泪点1.亦作"泪点"。 2.泪珠。