1.Pay more attention to the selection of proper surgical timing and method for oculoplasty in the pediatric重视儿童眼部整形手术时机和术式选择

1.Pay more attention to the selection of proper surgical timing and method for oculoplasty in the pediatric重视儿童眼部整形手术时机和术式选择
2.Men favoured nose re-shaping, eyelid reduction and correction of prominent ears.在女性整形中,最受欢迎的项目是缩小眼睑、腹部除皱、隆鼻和隆胸。
3.haptic(al) lens眼白镜片(覆盖眼白部分的隐形眼镜)
4.The globe-shaped portion of the eye surrounded by the socket and covered externally by the eyelids.眼球眼睛的球形部分,被眼窝围绕且被眼睑覆盖
5.PMMA artificial eye formulate for oculus wear directly.眼外伤等眼外形破坏时PMMA义眼的整容效果
6.The girl with single-fold eyelids had (underwent) plastic surgery to make them double folded.这位单眼皮姑娘接受外科整形,做了又眼皮。
7.partial excision of lip with plastic repair唇部分切除整形修复术
8.She had plastic surgery done to her face.她做过脸部整形手术。
9.Temporal-Spatial Integrations During Picture Identification;时-空整合影响图形识别的眼动研究
10.The application of MEBO in beauty culture of eye湿润烧伤膏在眼部整容术中的应用
11.Surgical shortening or reshaping of the nose.鼻部整形术外科手术中鼻子的整形或截短
12.downhole-controllable-geometry component井下可控井眼几何形状部件
13.The laser energy close to the threshold produces a better effect on reducing the intraocular pressure when the number of the laser shot is the same.不同眼或同一眼的不同部位的阈值存在差别,激光能量应适时调整。
14.Why, that's the first thing you notice about this building.因为这是整个建筑中你第一眼看到的部分。”
15.Study on the Internal Audit s Innovation under Circumstance of Integrated Risk Management;着眼于整体化风险管理的内部审计创新
16.Objective To evaluate the plastic effect of the custom-made thin artificial eyes for the patients having undergone intraorbital implantation or conjunctival covering procedure.目的探讨义眼座植入或结膜瓣遮盖术后,参照健眼外观“量身定做”薄形义眼片的整容效果。
17.One complete circular track appears in the lower part of the photograph.照片的下部有一个完整的圆形径迹。
18.Much of it is an adjustment of your thought patterns.它大部份是一个你的思想形态的调整。

plastic surgery of eyelid眼部整形术
3)beauty culture of eye眼部整容
1.The application of MEBO in beauty culture of eye;湿润烧伤膏在眼部整容术中的应用
4)eye socket neoplasty眼窝整形
5)plastic surgery of eye round眼周整形
6)Ocularplastic surgery眼整形

带血管蒂的额部皮瓣移位术带血管蒂的额部皮瓣移位术vaso-pedical frontal flap transfer 是指利用额部皮肤进行面部整容的手术。最常用于鼻再造术。其供血血管是颞浅动脉和静脉。