1.Differences in positive and negative relative accommodation between LASIK eyes of Chinese and Caucasian国人和白种人近视患者LASIK手术前后正负相对调节的比较

1.A white breed, species, or variety of animal.白种人,白色动物白种人、白人或动物中的白色种类
2.She is white and he is coloured.她是白种人而他是黑人。
3.a person of colour非白种人(特指黑人)
4.Chinese is non - white and yellow race.中国人非白种人是黄种人。
5.the white trash[美]南部的贫穷白种人
6.the supposed responsibility of the white race to take of their non-white subjects.白种人对隶属于他们的非白种人的假定的责任。
7.She is white and he is colored.她是白种人而他是有色人种。
8.The skin pigmentation of a person not classed as white.除白种人外有色人种的肤色
9.There are mainly three kinds of races in the world: the white race, the black race and the yellow race.世界上有三个主要的种族:白种人,黑种人和黄种人。
10.Most of them had never set eyes on white people before.他们大多数人以前都没有见过白种人
11.A person having a light complexion and light hair.白种人具有浅色的肤色和毛发的人
12.The white people here don't mix socially with the natives.这里的白种人不与土人交往.
13.Some white boys often bullied the coloured boys.一些白种人的孩子经常欺侮有色人种的孩子。
14.Diversity comparment on vision discrimination acuity of the yellow race and the caucasoid race student黄种人与白种人学生视觉识别敏度差异的比较
15.a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks).与白种人不同的有着有色皮肤的人种(特别是黑色人种)。
16.a person who believes that the white race is or should be supreme.一个鼓吹白色人种优于其它人种的人。
17.Used as a disparaging term for a white person.白人用作对白色人种的蔑称
18.a derogatory term for a white person (said to have been used by North American Indians).对白人一种贬损的字眼。

the white race白色人种
3)non-White person.非白人人种
4)American caucasian美国白种人
5)non white非白种人的

白种人  见高加索人种。