1.The relationship between optical coherence tomography and visual electrophysiological examination of the macular region in non-exudative age-related macular degeneration年龄相关性萎缩型黄斑变性OCT和电生理检查的关系
2)Vesicle collapse萎缩型枯水
3)Atrophic gastritis type AA型萎缩性胃炎
4)mulberry mosaic dwarf disease桑花叶型萎缩病
1.Detection of pathogen of mulberry mosaic dwarf disease by molecular biology techniques;分子生物技术检测桑花叶型萎缩病原

1.Studies on Identification of Pathogeny of Mulberry Mosaic Dwarf Disease by Electrophoresis;桑花叶型萎缩病病原的电泳鉴定研究
2.Study on the Pathogen and Control Technology of Mulberry Mosaic Stunt Disease;桑花叶萎缩病病原和防治技术的研究
3.curly dwarf【植】卷叶病, 萎缩病
4.Molecular Identification of Pathogen Causing Mulberry Yellow Dwarf Disease in Shandong Sericultural Areas山东蚕区桑黄化型萎缩病病原物的分子鉴定
5.The Study of the Diversity of Different Varieties of Mulberries to Mulberry Yellow Dwarf Disease;不同品种桑树对桑黄化型萎缩病的抗性差异的研究
6.Proteomic Study on the Pathogen of Mulberry Dwarf Disease and Its Responsive Proteins in Mulberry Leaves;桑树黄化型萎缩病病原及其响应蛋白的蛋白质组学研究
7.Effect of Documenttation to Pathogenicity of Defoliated Cotton Verticillium wilt Strains继代对棉花黄萎病落叶型菌系致病力的影响
8.Cloning of Sbpase Gene in Mulberry and Effect of Yellow Dwarf Disease on Its Expression;桑树sbpase的克隆及黄化型萎缩病对其表达影响的研究
9.Hyperspectral Inversion Models on Verticillium Wilt Severity of Cotton Leaf棉花单叶黄萎病病情严重度高光谱反演模型研究
10.Molecular Detection and Identification of Mulberry Dwarf, Jujube Witches'-broom, Bamboo Witches'-broom and Three New Phytoplasma Diseases in Shandong Province山东省桑萎缩、枣疯病、竹丛枝及三种新植原体病害分子检测与鉴定
11.Differtial Diagnosis between Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy and Amyotrophfic Lateral Sclerosis;脊髓型颈椎病与肌萎缩侧索硬化的鉴别诊断
12.Investigations on the mosaic disease in mulberry hybrid combinations during different years桑树杂交组合花叶病发生情况的调查研究
13.mosaic-type degeneration of potato马铃薯花叶型退化病
14.The Protein of Cotton Resistance Cultivars Passivated Phytotoxin of Verticillium Dahliae;棉花抗病品种叶片蛋白对黄萎病菌毒素钝化作用初步研究
15.syphilitic spinal muscular atroph梅毒性脊髓病性肌萎缩
16.wasting of the body during a chronic disease.慢性病引起的身体萎缩。
17.poikiloderma atropbicans vasculare血管萎缩性皮肤异色病
18.A virus disease of plants, resulting in light and dark areas in the leaves, which often become shriveled and dwarfed.花叶病植物的病毒性疾病,在叶子上形成轻度黑区,通常使叶子变得枯萎和发育不良

Vesicle collapse萎缩型枯水
3)Atrophic gastritis type AA型萎缩性胃炎
4)mulberry mosaic dwarf disease桑花叶型萎缩病
1.Detection of pathogen of mulberry mosaic dwarf disease by molecular biology techniques;分子生物技术检测桑花叶型萎缩病原
5)Mulberry dwarf disease黄化型萎缩病
6)type A atrophic gastritis甲型萎缩性胃炎

萎缩型子宫内膜萎缩型子宫内膜 该型子宫的内膜菲薄,腺体少而小。上皮细胞呈立方形,低柱状,腺腔狭小,间质少而致密,血管很少,胶原纤维相对增多。见于绝经后或闭经如女的子宫内膜。详见附图。