1.Clinical effects of yinxingdamo combined with yimaikang for the treatment of retinal vein occlusion银杏达莫联合益脉康治疗视网膜静脉阻塞的临床效果

1.Clinical effects of yinxingdamo combined with yimaikang for the treatment of retinal vein occlusion银杏达莫联合益脉康治疗视网膜静脉阻塞的临床效果
2.Comparison of the Clinical Effect between Lincorice-lecithin Bound Iodine and Yimaikang Tablet in the Treatment of Hemorrhagic Eye Disease卵磷脂络合碘片与益脉康片在眼出血性疾病中的疗效评价
3.The Protective Effects of Yixinkangmai Capsule on the Injury Induced by the Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion in Rats;益心康脉胶囊对大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用
4.Observation of the Effect on Perianal Eczema with Aescuven Forte Combined with Triamcinolone Acetonide and Econazole Nitrate Cream强力脉痔灵联合曲安奈德益康唑乳膏治疗肛周湿疹疗效观察
5.Observation of healthy carotid intima-media thickness with ultrasound arterial health package超声动脉健康评估测量健康人颈动脉内中膜
6.What is called a healthy diet?什么叫有益于健康饮食?
7.Fresh air is beneficial to one's health.新鲜空气有益于健康.
8.the state of being clean and conducive to health.干净有益于健康的状态。
9.It is a wholesome climate.这是有益于健康的气候。
10.healthful air at seaside海边有益于健康的空气
11.Good health tends to make people cheerful.健康有益于使人愉快。
12.Smoking is no good for health.吸烟无益于身体健康。
13.Plenty of sleep is healthful.充足的睡眠有益于健康。
14.The patient gained ground daily.病人健康日益恢复。
15.the salubrious mountain air有益健康的山间空气.
16.A good night's rest.有益健康的夜间休息
17.The medicine proved to be salutary此药证明是有益健康的。
18.take plenty of healthy exercise多作有益健康的活动

Yimaikang Tablets益脉康片
1.Determination of Scutellarin in Yimaikang Tablets by RP-HPLC;RP-HPLC测定益脉康片中野黄芩苷的含量
3)Yixinkangmai Capsule益心康脉胶囊
1.The Protective Effects of Yixinkangmai Capsule on the Injury Induced by the Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion in Rats;益心康脉胶囊对大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用
4)health benefit健康效益
1.Determination of the Concentration of Cytoplasmic Free Calcium Following Econazole-induced Apoptosis of Leukemia Cells WEHI-3 by Fura-2/AM;用Fura-2/AM测定益康唑诱导鼠白血病WEHI-3细胞凋亡后细胞质游离钙浓度
2.Comparison of in Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Econazole with other Six Antibacterial Drugs;硝酸益康唑与六种抗菌药物体外抗菌活性的比较
3.Compound econazole cream in treating eczema around anus;复方益康唑乳膏治疗肛周湿疹
1.Effects of Naoyikang on Tau Hyperphosphorylation and Protein Expression of Its Related Enzymes in Rat’s Brain with Alzheimer’s Disease脑益康对阿尔茨海默病大鼠tau蛋白过度磷酸化及其相关酶类表达的影响
2.Effects of Naoyikang on both learning and memory ability and expression of NGFTrkA mRNA in rats with Alzheimer′s disease脑益康对AD大鼠学习记忆及海马NGF-TrkA mRNA表达的影响
3.Aim:To investigate the effect of Naoyikang serum on the damage induced by glutamate in hippocampal neuron.目的:探讨脑益康药物血清对谷氨酸(Glu)诱导的海马神经元损伤的保护作用。

益列康片药物名称:益列康片英文名:Mepartricin别名: 美帕曲星 ,甲帕霉素, 益列康宁外文名:Mepartricin, Ipertrofan药理作用: 为抗深部真菌药,对白色念珠菌有较强的抑制作用,其作用类似两性霉素B,与霉菌细胞膜的甾醇结构结合而破坏膜的通透性。十二烷基硫酸钠促进美帕曲星透过肠膜吸收进入血流,被吸收的药物在肾脏内有较高的浓度,并由尿液排泄,对阴道真菌感染有效。未吸收的药物则由粪便排出体外。还对滴虫有抑制作用。本品为多烯类抗真菌抗生素。同时具有抗寄生虫作用。 适应症: 用于白色念珠菌阴道炎和肠道念珠菌病,也可用于阴道或肠道滴虫病。本品在肠道内与甾醇类物质结合成不吸收的物质,可用于治疗良性前列腺肿大。阴道或肠道念珠菌感染或滴虫病(用十二烷基硫酸钠的复合片);1次100000单位(2片),每12小时1次,连用3日为1疗程,对于复杂性病例,疗程可酌延长。宜食后服用。治疗前列腺肿大或肠道念珠菌病、滴虫病(用不含十二烷基硫酸钠的片剂):每日1次,每次100000单位。治疗皮肤或阴道念珠菌感染采用本品霜剂或栓剂,治疗口腔念珠菌感染采用本品混悬液。 用法用量:主要有胃肠道反应,如恶心、肠胀气等不良反应。食后服用反应较轻。 规格: 肠溶片:每片50000单位。阴道片;每片25000单位。乳膏:供粘膜用。 类别:生殖系统药/治疗前列腺增生症及逼尿药