视网膜成像,Retinal imaging
1)Retinal imaging视网膜成像
1.Various factors that impact retinal imaging are analyzed,and the principle of adaptive optics(AO)based on Hartmann-Shack sensor and deformable mirror is explained.分析了影响人眼视网膜成像的各种因素,阐述了基于哈特曼-夏克传感器和可变形镜的自适应光学(AO)原理,研究了激光扫描检眼镜(SLO)和光学相干层析成像(OCT)结合自适应光学来提高视网膜成像分辨率的方法,并对视网膜成像在医学诊断中的应用和发展前景进行了展望。

1.Adaptive Optics System for Human Retinal Imaging人眼视网膜成像自适应光学系统设计
2.Optimal Design of LC Adaptive Optics System for Human Retinal Imaging人眼视网膜成像液晶自适应光学系统的优化设计
3.Primary Experiment and Improvement Design of Adaptive Optics System for Human Retinal Imaging人眼视网膜成像自适应光学系统的初步试验和改进
4.Pattern Recognition and Diagnosis of Retina OCT Image;视网膜光学相干层析成像(OCT)模式识别与诊断
5.Trinh Phuong Bac says he first developed problems in his right eye when he was a child.视网膜将这些图像转换成通过视神经传送至大脑的信息。
6.Ultrasonic Characters of Retinal Cysts with Retinal Detachment视网膜脱离合并视网膜囊肿的声像特征
7.Examination and management of retinopathy of premature infants using imaging technology of indirect ophthalmoscope间接检眼镜眼底成像技术下的早产儿视网膜病变检查
8.fMRI-retinotopic mapping and it's applications in the study of glaucomatous neuromechanismfMRI视网膜皮质映射成像及其在青光眼中枢机制研究中的应用
9.Reproducibility of Measurement of Retinal Thickness by Optical Coherence Tomography光学相干断层成像术检测视网膜厚度的误差研究
10.Algorithm for Measurement of Retinal Thickness from Optical Coherence Tomography Images Quantitatively眼科OCT图像视网膜厚度测量算法
11.The Acquisition of the Aerial Image Modulation with the Wave-Front Aberrations of Human Eye基于波前像差的视网膜空间像调制度测定
12.Study of the Variable Rules of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Myopic and Normal Chinese with Optical Coherence Tomography;近视与正常人视网膜神经纤维层光学相干断层成像变化规律的研究
13.If a person is short-sighted, images are focused in front of their retina.人如果近视的话, 图像就会聚焦在视网膜前方。
14.The location and morphological changes of retinoschisis in high myopia by OCT高度近视不同部位视网膜劈裂的OCT图像特征
15.The thousands of microscopic cells on the ASR are each connected to an electrode that converts incoming light images into impulses.人造硅视网膜上数以千计的显微单元每个都与能把送入的光图像转换成脉冲的电极相连。
16.The automatic adjustment in the focal length of the lens of the eye to permit retinal focus of images of objects at varying distances.眼调节眼睛瞳孔对焦距的自动调节,以获得不同距离的物体在视网膜上的成像
17.Optical Coherence Tomography Applied for Measurement of Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Normal Eyes of Chinese School Age Children and Teenagers;应用光学相干断层成像术检测国人学龄儿童青少年正常眼视网膜神经纤维层厚度
18.The Role of Erythropoietin in Retinal Ischemia and Retinal Degeneration;促红细胞生成素对视网膜缺血及视网膜变性的防治作用

retina imaging视网膜成像
1.An adaptive optical system with a liquid crystal spatial modulator device as the wave-front aberration corrector for the human retina imaging was constructed.以近红外激光(808nm)作为人眼波前像差探测的信号光和视网膜成像的照明光,液晶空间光调制器(LCOS)作为波前校正器,用哈特曼波前探测器探测人眼像差,构建了人眼像差自适应校正的视网膜成像系统。
3)imaging quality of retina视网膜成像质量
4)retinal image视网膜像
5)retinal images视网膜图像
1.Retinal images registration is an important step in retinal fundus diseases diagnosis and laser treatment in order to combine different retinal images information, such as fluoroscein angiography image (FA ) and red free image(RF).视网膜图像配准是视网膜眼底疾病诊断及激光治疗中的关键一步 。
6)retinal image视网膜图像
1.The key process and difficulty to realize compute intelligent auxiliary diagnosis of retinal image is how to automatically ac- quire the pathological information.视网膜图像病变信息的计算机自动提取算法是计算机智能辅助诊断的关键和难点。
2.The reasons of radiant distortion for retinal image are discussed based on the analysis of imaging system of ocular fundus, and the method of Homomorphic Filtering is used to calibrate the radiant distortion.在对视网膜图像成像特点分析的基础上 ,对视网膜图像辐射量畸变的原因进行了分析 ,提出采用同态滤波的方法进行辐射量畸变校正 ,并设计了相应的同态滤波器。

肥胖生殖无能色素性视网膜炎多指(趾)综合征肥胖生殖无能色素性视网膜炎多指(趾)综合征 病名。亦称LaurenceMoonBiedl综合征、BiedlBardet综合征。原因未明,常染色体上仅一个隐性遗传基因,或同一染色体有2个遗传基因,根据其早期对胚胎作用的外显率强弱而产生不同的遗传形式。最显著的病变在肾(慢性肾小球肾炎或肾积水)、垂体、睾丸、眼(色素性视网膜炎)、继发性生殖腺发育不全。男性多见,常在儿童期发病。表现为精神缺陷,夜盲,进行性视力减退(先中心视力),最后失明。可有下列全部或部分征象:肥胖,多指(趾),生殖腺发育不全,视网膜色素变性,白内障,斜视,小眼畸形,体毛稀少或缺如。男性假性女性型乳房、精子缺乏,女性闭经、乳房不发育。视网膜电图、激素测定、染色体检查等对诊断有一定帮助。常在幼年死于感染,存活至成年者则发展至全盲,其他症状可停止发展。治疗可对症处理。