眶颧骨折,orbitozygomatic fracture
1)orbitozygomatic fracture眶颧骨折
1.The treatment of late orbitozygomatic fracture with enophthalmos陈旧性眶颧骨折合并眼球内陷的治疗
2.Conclusions The serial operation in orbitozygomatic fracture can get perfect surgical reposition,and Medpor material can reducing the orbital volume.结论:眶颧复合骨折伤后早期手术可以使眶颧骨折解剖学复位,眼球内陷患者通过Medpor垫片充填骨折区可减小眶容积,有效地矫正眼球凹陷。

1.The treatment of late orbitozygomatic fracture with enophthalmos陈旧性眶颧骨折合并眼球内陷的治疗
2.Application of Scalp Coronal Incision in Zygoma,Zygomatic Arch and Orbital Fractures头皮冠状切口在颧骨、颧弓、眶周骨折中的应用
3.Infraorbital Approach in the Treatment of Zygomatic Complex Fractures眶下进路在颧骨复合体骨折中的应用
4.A Clinical Analysis of 120 Patients of Zygomatic Orbital Complex Fractures;颧-眶复合体骨折120例临床分析
5.Clinical investigation in the repair and reconstruction of zygomatio-orbital fractures颧-眶复合体骨折修复重建的临床观察
6.Treatment of zygomatio-orbital fractures with small local incisions:Report of 32 cases局部小切口入路治疗颧眶区骨折32例报道
7.Surgical treatment for orbitozygomatic complex fractures in comprehensive section综合性科室眶颧复合体骨折的手术治疗
8.An improved method to measure the eyeball protrusion with spiral CT in orbit injured用于颧眶复合体骨折患者的改良CT突眼度测量方法
9.The Diagnosis and Treatment of Malar Bone Fractures颧骨颧弓骨折120例临床诊治分析
10.The four approaches used in orbital-maxillary-zygoma complex fracture can result in satisfactory plastic effect and functional recovery.结论采取这四种手术进路治疗眶-上颌-颧骨复合骨折,可以得到良好的整复效果和功能恢复。
11.Objective: To present the details of orbital-maxillary-zygoma complex fracture (OMZ), treatment timing and the selection of managements.目的详细阐述眶-上颌-颧骨复合骨折的解剖学基础、治疗时机和治疗方案的选择。
12.The Applical Anatomy of Zygoma and the Retrospective Study of Zygomatic Complex Fractures;颧骨的应用解剖和颧骨复合体骨折的临床研究
13.Experimental study of diaplastic clasp on zygomatic arch in cheekbone颧骨颧弓骨折复位钩的研制及其力学测定
14.Clinical analysis of reductive approaches of zygomatic complex fractures颧骨复合体骨折复位径路的临床研究
15.Sphenozygomatic Suture as a Guide and Absorbable Bone Fixation in the Zygomatic Fracture以颧蝶缝为标志复位联合可吸收接骨板固定治疗颧骨骨折探讨
16.Design and Manufacture Intra-support Fracture Fixator of Hook Type for the Zygomatic Arch Through Intraoral Incision;抓钩式内支撑颧弓骨折固定器的研制
17.Clinical efficacy and satisfaction analysis of coronal incision used in reduction and internal fixation treatment of zygomatic fracture头皮冠状切口的颧骨颧弓骨折切开复位术临床应用及满意度分析
18.The application of lateral brow incision by the guide of sphenozygomatic suture for zygomatic complex fracture眉侧入路颧蝶缝复位在颧骨复合体骨折中的应用

Zygomatio-orbital fracture颧眶区骨折
3)Orbital zygomatic maxillary fracture眶-颧-上颌骨骨折
4)Orbital-Zygomatic Fracture眼眶颧骨骨折
5)Orbitozygomatic complex fracture眶颧复合体骨折
6)orbital-maxillary-zygomatic(OMZ)complex fractures眶-上颌-颧骨复合骨折

颧骨伤颧骨伤 颧骨伤   病名。系指颧骨外伤而见青肿硬痛,甚者平塌或凹陷,嚼物艰难等病证。见《医宗金鉴》卷八八。多由跌打损伤所致。治宜清创、整复;可内服正骨紫金丹、云南白药等;外用海桐皮汤薰洗、荜拨散漱口。