全反视黄酸,all-trans retinoic acid
1)all-trans retinoic acid全反视黄酸
1.Change of all-trans retinoic acid content in the retina,choroid and sclera of the chick with different visual environment;形觉剥夺下雏鸡视网膜、脉络膜和巩膜中全反视黄酸含量的变化
2.The effect of all-trans retinoic acid on human RPE cells in cell culture;全反视黄酸对培养的人视网膜色素上皮细胞的影响
3.Exogenous all-trans retinoic acid affects the expression and distribution of cone opsin in the postnatal guinea pig;外源性全反视黄酸对出生后豚鼠锥细胞视蛋白表达和方向性的影响

1.A Study of the Effect of Exogenous Application of All Trans-retinoic Acid on the Refractive Status and Posterior Eye Tissue of Guinea Pig;外源性全反视黄酸对豚鼠屈光状态和眼发育影响的研究
2.The effect of retinoic acid on rabbit RPE cells in vitro全反式视黄酸对兔视网膜色素上皮细胞的影响
3.Experimental Research of the Effect of All-trans-retinoic Acid to Inhibit Intimal Proliferation in Healing Vein Bypass Grafts;全反式视黄酸抗移植静脉内膜增生的实验研究
4.Model of Short Limbs Induced by All-trans-retinoic Acid during ICR Mouse Embryogenesis全反式视黄酸致ICR小鼠胎鼠短肢模型的建立
5.Effect of all-trans retinoic acid deficiency on iron metabolism in rat primary hepatocyte全反式视黄酸对大鼠原代肝细胞铁代谢的影响
6.Inhibition of pSmad implicated in cleft palate induced by all-trans retinoic acid全反式视黄酸诱发胎鼠腭裂及抑制Smad2磷酸化的作用
7.The Effects of CRX Gene and All-trans Retinoic Acid on the Development of Zebrafish Photoreceptors;CRX基因和全反式视黄酸对斑马鱼感光细胞发育的影响
8.Effect of All-trans Retinoic Acid Topically Applied on Corneal Neovascularization in Rabbits;局部应用全反式视黄酸对兔角膜新生血管的影响
9.Effects of All-trans Retinoic Acid on Differentiation of Newborn Rat Neural Retinal Progenitor Cells to Photoreceptors全反式视黄酸诱导新生大鼠视网膜神经前体细胞向光感受器细胞分化的研究
11.Effects of All Trans Retinoic Acid on Growth and Cx43 Gene Expression of Retinoblastoma Cells;全反式维甲酸对视网膜母细胞瘤细胞的生长及Cx43基因表达的影响
12.a yellow salt obtained by the reaction of uranium salts with nitric acid.一种黄色的盐,由铀盐与硝酸反应产生。
13.An isomer of retinoic acid, used in the treatment of acne.一种视黄酸的异构体,用于治疗粉刺
14.Regulation of Vitamin C on Retinoic Acid Receptor β Gene维生素C对视黄酸受体β基因的调控
15.The Research of the Effect of Retinoic Acid on the Formation of Form Deprivation Myopia in Chicken;视黄酸在形觉剥夺性近视形成中作用的研究
16.The average consumption of niacin and ascorbic acid was adequate of retinol equivalent and riboflavin was low.维生素中烟酸和抗坏血酸摄入充足,视黄醇当量和核黄素摄入偏低。
17.On this golden prospect all his attention was now fixed.他全神注视着这片金黄色的景色。
18.A Review on the Other Side of Globalization--"Anti-Globalization" Movement;全球化的另一面——"反全球化"运动再审视

All-trans retinoic acid全反式视黄酸
1.Differentiation of neonatal rat striatal neural stem cells induced by all-trans retinoic acid;全反式视黄酸对新生大鼠纹状体神经干细胞向神经元样细胞分化的作用
2.Study on the synergic effect of all-trans retinoic acid combined with IFN-α on the proliferation and differentiation of HL-60 cells;IFN-α协同全反式视黄酸诱导HL-60细胞增殖分化及其机制的研究
3.Effect of all-trans retinoic acid deficiency on iron metabolism in rat primary hepatocyte全反式视黄酸对大鼠原代肝细胞铁代谢的影响
1.Objective To investigate the reverse effect of all-trans retinoic acid(ATRA) on Benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P)-induced cyclin D1,CDK4,E2F-1 and E2F-4 expression and cell cycle progression in human embryo lung fibroblast(HELF).目的观察全反式视黄酸(ATRA)逆转苯并(a)芘诱导的人胚肺成纤维细胞(HELF)细胞周期紊乱过程中细胞周期素D1(cyclinD1)、细胞周期素依赖性激酶K4(CDK4)、转录因子E2F1和E2F4的作用。
2.Background and objective: All-trans retinoic acid(ATRA), a main active metabolite of retinol (Vitamin A),participate in the regulation of proliferation differentiation and apoptosis of a variety of cell types.研究背景与目的:全反式视黄酸(all-trans retinoicacid,ATRA)是视黄醇(即维生素A)在体内主要的活性代谢产物,参与调控机体多种细胞的增殖、分化及凋亡。
4)all trans retinoic acid全反式视黄酸
1.The effects of serum concentration on growth inhibition of lung cancer cells by all trans retinoic acid(ATRA)were investigated.研究不同浓度的血清对全反式视黄酸 (ATRA)抑制肺癌细胞生长的影响 。
2.Distinct ways between RARα (retinoic acid receptor α) and RARβ on inhibition of AP 1(activator protein 1) activity in gastric cancer cells and their relationship with ATRA (all trans retinoic acid) action were investigated.研究胃癌细胞中视黄酸受体RARα和RARβ抑制活化蛋白 1(activatorprotein 1,AP 1)活性的不同方式及其与全反式视黄酸 (ATRA)作用的相关性 。
6)all-trans retinoic acid/chemically induced全反视黄酸/化学诱导

13-顺视黄酸药物名称:13-顺视黄酸英文名:Isotretinoin别名: 13-顺视黄酸;13-顺维甲酸 ,13-顺维A酸 适应症: 国外主要用于治疗严重而难治的痤疮,可抑制皮脂腺的分泌,减少皮脂的产生,疗效显著;也可用于治疗其他角化性疾病、结节病、酒糟鼻、毛囊炎等。 用量用法: 口服:20~40mg/次,2次/日,15~20周为1疗程,疗程间隔为8周。 注意事项: 副反应多,有唇炎、皮肤和口鼻粘膜干燥、结膜炎、皮疹、头痛、血清脂质升高、化脓性肉芽肿样损害、高血钙等。本品有致畸胎作用,故孕妇忌用。 规格: 胶囊剂10mg、20mg、40mg。 类别:维生素AD属