眼睑重建,eyelid reconstruction
1)eyelid reconstruction眼睑重建
1.Therapeutic effect of eyelid reconstruction after resection of eyelid tumor;眼睑肿瘤切除眼睑重建术远期疗效观察
2.OBJECTIVE To investigate the long-term clinical effect of total eyelid reconstruction for tarsal plate defect with allo-sclera transplantation.方法对109例因肿瘤切除术或外伤造成的眼睑全层大缺损患者行异体巩膜移植替代睑板的眼睑重建术,并随访观察半年至25年。
2)flexblock Blepharoplasty眼睑重建术
3)reconstructed tarsus重建睑板
1.Clinical effect of tarsocheiloplasty on recurrent aberrant lashes of palpebra superior睑缘重建治疗复发性上睑乱睫的效果

1.Clinical effect of tarsocheiloplasty on recurrent aberrant lashes of palpebra superior睑缘重建治疗复发性上睑乱睫的效果
2.Modified Blepharoplasty Simulating the Anatomic Microstructure of the upper Eyelid;重建生理性上睑动力学结构的重睑术研究
3.Application of Micro-invasive Shortincision and Conjunctional Fascial Tissue over Tarsal Plate in Double Eyelidplasty微创小切口睑板前联合筋膜重建的重睑术
4.Ocular surface reconstruction for severe symblepharon resulting from eye burns眼烧伤后重度睑球粘连眼表重建的临床研究
5.Upper eyelid radian satisfaction rate 100%;双睑缘弧度满意68眼(100%);
6.Objective To investigate the effects of amniotic membrane transplantation with autologous oral mucosa and conjunctival limbal grafts for ocular surface reconstruction in patients with server symblepharon.目的探讨羊膜联合自体唇粘膜和结角膜缘组织移植治疗严重睑球粘连的临床价值。
7.Experimental Study of the Eyelid Reconstru-ction in Situ with the Acellular Xenogeneic Dermal Matrix;应用异种脱细胞真皮的眼睑原位重建术的实验研究
8.The eversion of his eyelids is serious.他眼睑的外翻很严重。
9.Oral and subciliary incision subperiosteal cheek lift下睑缘和口内联合切口面中部提升术
10.Modified Levator Muscle Shortness for the Correction of Congenital Ptosis with Severe Cases提上睑肌缩短改良术矫正重度上睑下垂
11.Advanced shortening of levator palpebrae superioris muscle for moderate and severe congenital blepharoptosis改良上睑提肌缩短术治疗中重度上睑下垂
12.Treatment of upper eyelid cutis laxa with eyebrow ptosis by lifting eyebrow through the double eyelid incision approach经重睑切口行眉上提术治疗上睑松弛伴眉下垂
13.Therapeutic effect of levator advancement on patients with borderline severe congenital ptosis提上睑肌缩短术矫正临界重度先天性上睑下垂
14.Anterior palpebral layer retropulsion for the treatment of severe or recurrent upper eyelid trichiasis眼睑前层后徙术矫正严重及复发性上睑倒睫
15.Shortening operation of the levator palpebrae muscle in children with severe ptosis提上睑肌缩短术治疗儿童重度上睑下垂
16.The position of upper eyelid margin in suspension of forehead muscle for blepharoptosis上睑下垂额肌瓣悬吊术中上睑缘位置控制法探讨
17.Objective To investigate the relationship between upper eyelid margin position in suspension and the clinical effect.目的 探讨上睑下垂额肌瓣悬吊术中上睑缘位置与手术效果的关系。
18.Results All cases full rectifier or main rectifier, upper eyelid radian was perfect, closeness of eyelid was satisfied, none of exposure keratitis.结果上睑下垂完全矫正或基本矫正,睑缘弧度美观,符合生理,睑裂闭合良好。

flexblock Blepharoplasty眼睑重建术
3)reconstructed tarsus重建睑板
1.Clinical effect of tarsocheiloplasty on recurrent aberrant lashes of palpebra superior睑缘重建治疗复发性上睑乱睫的效果
5)eyelid imbrication syndrome眼睑重叠综合征
1.The diagnosis and the treatment of eyelid imbrication syndrome;眼睑重叠综合征的诊断和治疗
1.Comparative study of squamous cell carcinoma of the eyelids in blacks and albinos;黑人和白化病人眼睑鳞状上皮细胞癌的比较研究(英文)
2.Objective To evaluate the results of microscopically controlled excision for treatment of basal cell carcinoma of eyelids.目的 探讨眼睑基底细胞癌在显微镜下行“控制性切除术”的疗效。

眼睑    眼睑  eyelids  分上、下两部,为全身皮肤中最薄者。上睑较下睑大而宽,其上界为眉,下睑与颊部皮肤无明显分界,眼睑游离缘为睑缘,可分为前、后两部,前部有睫毛分布,后部有睑板腺导管开口。上、下睑间为睑裂,睑裂在颞侧联合处为外眦,在鼻侧联合处为内眦。上睑缘上3~5mm处常有一皱襞(俗称“双眼皮”)。眼睑由前至后可分成前、后两叶,前叶由皮肤、皮下组织、肌层组成,后叶为睑板和结膜,两叶间为肌下疏松组织,手术时沿此层分离易将两叶分开,在肌下疏松组织层内有神经血管伴行。