眉下垂,Eyebrow ptosis
1)Eyebrow ptosis眉下垂
1.Treatment of upper eyelid cutis laxa with eyebrow ptosis by lifting eyebrow through the double eyelid incision approach经重睑切口行眉上提术治疗上睑松弛伴眉下垂

1.Treatment of upper eyelid cutis laxa with eyebrow ptosis by lifting eyebrow through the double eyelid incision approach经重睑切口行眉上提术治疗上睑松弛伴眉下垂
2.Gisquette glanced at her and then followed her example.吉斯盖特一看,也马上低眉垂目。 那青年却满面笑容,接着往下说:
3.There were no adverse effects of performing cortical tunnels and suture fixation.病人上中脸部的细纹均有明显匀称的淡化,眉部及眼皮的下垂亦获得相当程度的改善。
4.a doleful face, manner, expression, etc愁眉苦脸、 垂头丧气的样子、 忧郁的表情.
5.Having slender, drooping branches.垂下的有细长的垂枝
6.a weeping birch, willow, etc枝条下垂的桦树、 垂柳.
7.Sweat dropped from his brow.汗水从他眉头滴下。
8.It has been described as a "beauty spot under heaven" by Chinese men of letters since ancient times.素有“峨眉天下秀”的美誉。
9.A cap was pulled low over his brow.帽子片下拉到眉毛上边。
10.The combined operation of the excision of eyebrow and orbital lipectomy or correction of lacrimal glands prolapse切眉和去眶脂或矫正泪腺脱垂联合整形术
11.Incision under Eyebrow Lift Upper Eyelid Relaxed and Eyebrow Ptosis眉下切口上睑松弛皮肤切除眉提升术临床研究
12.Hang/hide one's head(羞愧得)把头垂下
13.nodding daffodils; the pendulous branches of a weeping willow; lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers.下垂的水仙花;垂柳下垂的枝条;长着下垂花序的芬芳的丁香花。
14.A flaplike structure, such as the wattle of a bird or the lobe of the ear.下垂物下垂状的结构,例如鸟的肉垂或耳朵的耳垂
15.Shows next section's header/footer in page layout view在页面视图下显示下一节的页眉/页脚
16.Then, what submission, what cringing and fawning, what servility, what abject humiliation!好一个低眉垂首、阿谀逢迎、胁肩谄笑、卑躬屈膝的场面!
17.A pendulous part similar to this, such as the wattle of a bird.下垂的肉类似悬垂的部分,如鸟类的垂肉
18.To fall or slip out of place.脱垂从应在位置垂下或滑出

Brow ptosis眉下垂
1.Effects of correcting brow ptosis in the treatment of crow s feet by botulinum toxin A;A型肉毒毒素治疗鱼尾纹对眉下垂的矫正
3)Eyes closed with falling eyebrows阖目垂眉
4)Chin brow-vertical angle颏眉垂线角
5)under-eyebrow incision眉下切口
1.Objective To investigate the application of under-eyebrow incision on blepharochalisis and crow\'s-feet,and provide evidence for its clinical use.目的:探讨采用眉下切口术式治疗面部皮肤老化所致的上睑松弛及鱼尾纹,为其临床应用提供依据。
