客观测量,objective measurement
1)objective measurement客观测量
1.The effects of packet loss and objective measurement methods on visual quality in video communication is studied in this paper.研究了多媒体通信中丢包对视频质量造成的影响以及相应的客观测量方法,在此基础上研究了各类丢包损伤的客观测量方法。

1.Objective Measurement Andlysis of Bra Stress Distribution under Static and Dynamic Status动静态下文胸压力分布客观测量分析
2.The Application Based on Fuzzy Control Theory for Objectively Measuring MRTD,MDTD;利用模糊控制理论进行MRTD、MDTD参数的客观测量
3.Information fusion method for objective and subjective measurement of wavefront aberrations of human eye人眼波前像差主客观测量的信息融合方法
4.Analysis and Objective Measurement of Packet Loss Impairment in Video Communication视频通信中丢包损伤分析及客观测量方法
5.Panel and Photogrametric Assessment of the Soft Tissue Profile in Repaired Complete Unilateral Cleft and Palate;单侧完全性唇腭裂患者术后侧貌照片主观评价及客观测量的研究
6.Psychological Characteristics of Equestrian Riders: Paradox between Objectivity Measurement and Expert Evaluation;马术运动员的心理品质:客观测量与专家评价的不一致性
7.3 that consideration should be given to revising this Recommendation when practical methods of metering become available that objectively measure and indicate true peak levels and perceived loudness.如果出现实用的能客观测量并显示实际峰值和响度的测量方法,将会考虑修订本建议书。
8.Using the Objective Parameter of Concert Halls in Sound Quality to Evaluate Its Subjective Level用音乐厅的音质客观参量预测其主观评价等级
9.Implementation of Objective Measurement with Interval Scale in Psychology Measurement into PISA China Trial;Rash客观等距测量在PISA中国试测研究中的实践
10.A Justification for Objectivity and Truth of Knowledge Based on Triangulation Model;三角测量模式对知识客观真理性的辩护
11.Fundamental Theory of Sport Measurement Objectivity Based on Error Models;基于误差模型的体育测量客观性基本理论
12.Comparative Analysis of Objectivity, Reliability and Validity of Sports Measurement;体育测量客观性、可靠性和有效性的对比分析
13.objective personality test客观人格测验 客观人格测验
14.objective evidence:data supporting the existence or verity of something. Objective evidence may be obtained through observation, measurement, test, or other means.客观证据:支持事物存在或其真实性的数据。客观证据可通过观察、测量、试验或其他手段获得。
15.But so-called objective tests are useless as a measure of progress too.即使那些所谓的客观测试法,作为测量进步的标准也毫无用处。
16.Multiple-Choice Items on Objective Tests客观测验中的多项选择
17.I like objective tests, too.我也喜欢客观式测验题。
18.We therefore propose the “saccharin” technique as a simple,safe,reliable and objective method of assessing the results of surgery.糖精法测量 MTR可作为术后疗效评定的客观指标之一

objective measurement method 8客观测量法
3)objective and subjective measurement主客观测量
1.Information fusion method for objective and subjective measurement of wavefront aberrations of human eye人眼波前像差主客观测量的信息融合方法
4)objective video quality metric视频质量客观测量方法
1.This paper describes the feature-based objective video quality measurement method and presents an objective video quality metric(OVQM) using the spatial-temporal and color information.介绍了基于特征的视频质量客观测量方法,给出了一种利用时空和颜色特征实现的视频质量客观测量方法(OVQM)。
5)Objective audiometry客观测听
6)objective detecting客观监测
1.In this paper,some achievements in the develop- ment of objective detecting methods are described,and the existing problems and countermeasures are briefly analyzed.驾驶员疲劳监测技术包括主观监测技术和客观监测技术,后者主要通过监测驾驶员行驶时的生理和心理信号来判断其疲劳状态。

测量与测量结果测量与测量结果  测量与测量结果测量是以确定某个量的值为目的的一整套运作。例如,用米尺量布以确定布的长度为多少米,用体温汁量体温以确定体温为多少摄氏度等。测量的根本意义在于,可以将不能直接计数的量,如物体的长度、体积(容量)、质量(重量)等,通过测量确定其为多少米、多少升、多少千克等,从而变得可以汁数。依测量对象的性质和预定测量要求的不同,测量可能是简单的,也可能是复杂的。简单的量布和复杂的珠穆朗玛峰海拔高度的测量,都是对长度这个量的测量。 测量结果指由测量所得到的被测之量的量值,而量值则由牧字乘以计量单位组成。不管测量进行得多么仔细,测量结果都只是被测之量的真实量值的一个近似值。因此,在完整表述测量结果时,应包括给出测量不确定度。此外,必要时还要给出一些附加说明,如是单次测量所得还是多次测量所得,系统误差是否已作修正,以及测量时影响量的取值范围等