1.The developing course of setting the Chinese curriculum document appendixes,reflects the essential thinking and guiding direction of the Chinese curriculum reform.语文课程文件附录设置的发展历程,反映了语文课程改革的基本思路和主导方向。
2.This paper conducts the second discussion on the appendix,mainly analyzing what is is really about and meanwhile putting forward some suggestions on principles and ways of organizing an appendix.在《附录再论》探讨了“名”的问题之后,文章主要对辞书附录之“实”作若干分析,包括附录的多维解析以及值得关注的问题,同时提出了设置的原则与方法的建议等。
3.Starting with the problems of appendixes this essay elaborates the definition, nature, arrangement, and quality standard of comprehensive English-Chinese language dictionaries, and then comments on the problems of the appendixes in The English-Chinese Dictionary.从附录问题谈起,论述了英汉语文词典附录的定义、性质、设置与质量标准,进而评论了《英汉大词典》附录中存在的问题。

1.For the minutes of the conference, please read the appendix.会议记录,请阅附录
2.A supplement or appendix to a will.遗嘱的附录遗嘱的补充或附录
3.Annex ××××/Annexes ×××× of this national standard is/are normative本国家标准附录××××是标准的附录(补充件)
4.Annex ××××/annexes ×××× of this national standard is/are informative本国家标准附录××××是提示的附录(参考件)
5.An addition, such as an appendix, that is made to a record or other document.附件,附录附加于报告或其它文件之中的一个附加物,如附录
6.12. Notes, Appendices and Annexes The Notes, Appendices and Annexes to this Agreement constitute an integral part thereof.12. 注释、附录和附件 本协定的注释、附录和附件为本协定的组成部分。
7.9 Appendix E: Search Qualifiers9 附录E: 搜索修饰符
9.There is an appendix at the back of the book.该书末尾处有一附录
10.10 Appendix F: Response message reference10 附录F: 响应消息参考
11.Appendixes dealt with the problems of China.附录讨论了中国问题。
12.The book is indexed and appendixed.这本书后有索引和附录
13.For the details of this contract, see the appendix.合同细则,详见附录
14.Appendixes to a book are worth consulting.书的附录值得查阅。
15.Annex A forms a normative part of this Technical Specification.附录A是标准的附录,构成本标准的一部分。
16.Annex ****/Annexes **** of this national standard is/are normative本国家标准附录××××是标准的附录(补充件)
17.Annex ****/annexes **** of this national standard is/are informative本国家标准附录××××是提示的附录(参考件)
18.This dictionary has several appendices, including one on irregular verbs.这部词典有几项附录, 包括不规则动词附录.

1.This research points out the errors about The Complete Works of There are eight errors in the preface,thirty - six in the compiling of the prefaces and postscripts and the recognition of the characters,one hundred and five in the collating and punctuating of the Works, twenty -one in the collating and punctuating of the appendices.本文指出《谢榛全集》主要讹误:《前言》8处,序跋之编辑及字体辨识、断句36处,正文校勘、标点105处,附录校勘、标点21处,误作佚诗重收24首、佚诗而漏收7首,佚文校勘不审4则,其它问题4条。
2.There are eight errors in the preface,thirty--six in the compiling of the prefaces and postscripts and the recognition of the characters,one hundred and five in the collating and punctuating of the Works,twenty-one in the collating and punctuating of the appendices.本文指出《谢榛全集》主要讹误:《前言》8处,序跋之编辑及字体辨识、断句 36处,正文校、勘、标点105处,附录校勘、标点21处、误作佚诗重收24首,佚诗而漏收7首,佚文校勘不审4则,其它问题4条。
3.thirty-six in the compiling of the prefaces and postscripts and: the recognition of the characters, one hundred and five in the collating and punctuating of the Works, twenty - one in the collating and punctuating of the appendices.[摘要]本文指出《谢榛全集》主要讹误:《前言》8处,序跋之编辑及字体辨识、断句36处,正文校、勘、标点105处,附录校勘、标点21处、误作佚诗重收24首、佚诗而漏收7首,佚文校勘不审4则,其它问题4条。

附录  在图书或文章后面附印的与正文有关的文字、表格和图片,包括与正文有关的文章、文件、年谱、年表、图表、索引、大事记、译名对照表,以及其他有关资料。附录选择哪些内容,决定于对理解正文是否需要,与正文无关的内容不应选附。附录的作用是便于读者查考有关作者的情况、有关内容的背景、有关问题的资料,从而更全面地、更深刻地、更准确地理解书籍或文章的正文。附录的某些内容有时也可以编成专著,如年谱、大事记、索引等。附录一般多附印于书籍之后,或文章之后,带全局性的附录,大都采用这一方式;有的附印于书中某篇或某章节之后,限于局部性的附录,可以采用这一方式;有的附印于书籍当页地脚,近似于"脚注",或附印于正文之中近似于"夹注",属于个别问题的附录,有时采用这种方式,实际上可以把这种附录视为注解的一项内容。附录对于正文的依附形式,要根据附录与正文的关系来确定,也要根据方便读者的原则来选择,还要根据版面装帧的美学标准设计。