
1.jab a vein[美俚]注射麻醉品
2."Intoxicated by or as if by alcohol or a drug, such as cocaine or marijuana."使醉的喝醉了的,被麻醉品例如可卡因或大麻麻醉了的
3.under the influence of narcotics.处在麻醉品的作用之下。
4.source of e.g. bhang and hashish as well as fiber.是麻醉品和纤维的来源。
5.prescription drugs经处方开出的麻醉品
6.Free from narcotics addiction.没有沉溺于麻醉品的.
7.Harrison antinarcotic act哈里森抗麻醉品法案
8.United Nations Narcotics Laboratory联合国麻醉品实验室
9.Office of the Narcotics Control Board麻醉品管制局办公室
10.children addicted to narcotic drugs吸食麻醉品成瘾的儿童
11.International Year against Drug Abuse反对滥用麻醉品国际年
12.a shop specializing in articles of interest to drug users.一个专卖麻醉品的商店。
13.Opium is classed under the head of narcotics.鸦片归在麻醉品项内。
14.International Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating Distribution of Narcotic Drugs限制麻醉品制造及管制麻醉品运销的国际公约
15.Of or relating to narcotics, their effects, or their use.麻醉品麻醉剂的,由麻醉剂引起的或它们的使用的
16.An intoxicated or euphoric condition induced by or as if by a drug.麻醉品造成的兴奋或麻木状态
17.Organe international de controle des stuefiants国际麻醉品管制局(麻管局)
18.What are the policies of cruise lines towards use of drugs and narcotics?对使用毒品和麻醉品邮轮有什么政策?

1.Analysis of the Use of Narcotics in Our Hospital from 2005 to 2007;我院病区2005~2007年麻醉药品用药分析
2.Construction and Application of Fingerprint Management System of Narcotics;麻醉药品指纹管理系统的建立与应用
3.Management of the Prescriptions of Narcotics and the First Kind of Spiritual Drugs in Hospital by Excel;利用Excel实现医院麻醉药品、第一类精神药品处方笺的管理
3)narcotic drugs麻醉药品
1.Application of narcotic drugs for inpatients in a hospital from 2006 to 2008我院2006~2008年住院患者麻醉药品应用分析
2.Outpatient and Emergency analysis of narcotic drugs in Liupanshui Hospital我院门急诊麻醉药品应用分析
3.Use of narcotic drugs in outpatient pharmacy of a hospital我院门诊药房麻醉药品使用分析
4)narcotic drug麻醉药品
1.Objective To investigate narcotic drugs usage in Guangdong Women and Children Hospital and Health Institute, and explore its clinic characteristics.目的了解广东省妇幼保健院麻醉药品的用药情况,探讨其临床应用的特点。
2.Conclusion:Narcotic drug are use.目的:调查分析我院门诊麻醉药品使用情况,为临床合理应用提供参考。
3.In order to know the applied status and consumed tendency of narcotic drugs well, the quantity, frequency, expenditure, and prescription of consumed narcotic drugs (9 kinds of drugs like bucinnazine hydrochloride injection, ephedrine hydrochloride injection, ketamine hydrochloride injection and so on) were analyzed by statistcs from 2003-2004 in Affiliated Xiangyue Hospital.本文对岳阳湘岳医院住院部2003-2004年麻醉药品(包括一类精神药品如盐酸布桂嗪注射液、盐酸麻黄碱注射液、盐酸氯胺酮注射液应按麻醉药品管理)共9种药品的用药数量、用药率、用药金额及处方情况进行统计分析,旨在了解麻醉药品的临床应用情况和目前用药趋势。
1.Investigation and Analysis of the Use of Narcotic in the Hospitals of Our County;我县医疗机构麻醉药品使用情况调查与分析
2.Investigation and Analysis of Narcotics Usage by In-Patients of the Hospital in the Period of 2003-2006;2003~2006年住院患者麻醉药品使用情况分析
3.This article lists narcotic medical consumption of all previous years in simplified chart form,and points put the gap between development and developed country in implementation of the WHO s pain ladder.本文通过明晰的表格形式列出国际上不同国家历年麻醉药品的医疗消耗量,比较了发达国家与发展中国家的具体数据,并通过各国吗啡人均消耗量来揭示我国目前贯彻"癌症三阶梯止痛方案"与国际发达国家的差距。
1.[Objective]To analyse medication of stupefacient.[目的]分析麻醉药品的使用情况,[方法]统计杭州市中医院2007年至2008年病区2年的病区麻醉药品处方,对处方的一般情况、药品用量、肿瘤患者用量、药品的使用频度进行分析。
