1.The influence factor of phototaxis and photophobism behavior of the dominant predatory enemies-Propylea japonica (Thunberg) was investigated by behavior measure.本文采用光行为方法研究了优势种捕食性天敌-龟纹瓢虫Propylea japonica(Thunberg)成虫趋、避光行为的影响因素,并分析了单色光及颜色背景对其取食行为的影响,主要研究结果如下:1。
2.However,the response rate could be detected at the lowest intensity and not arrived to the summit at the strongest yet;(3) The effect of sex to response to the spectral sensitivity and intensity is not significant;(4) There was not significant photophobism response to light for the ladybird,the behavior probably derived from phototaxis or partly due to random movements.利用行为学方法研究了光谱、光强对龟纹瓢虫Propylea japonica(Thunberg)成虫的趋、避光行为的影响。

1.Research on the application range of light-proof infusion cover and light-proof leash in intravenous medication静脉用药避光罩和避光皮条使用范围研究
2.Repelled by light; exhibiting a negative phototactic or phototropic response.避光的,怕光的被光排斥的;表现为阴性趋光的或趋光反应的
3.It should be stored in a dark place and keeping stoppered.请将本品避光密闭(塞子塞住)保存。
4.The movement of an organism or a cell toward or away from a source of light.趋光性有机物或细胞移向或躲避光源的运动
5.A Quantitative Assessment of the Effects of Normal Sun Protection Education in the Photosensitive Patients正规避光教育对光敏性疾病防治作用的研究
6.keep off the sun避免太阳晒,避开阳光
7.two people avoiding eye contact.避免目光接触的两人.
8.She avoided Belinda's eyes.她避开了比琳达的眼光。
9.She shaded her eyes from the sun.她遮着眼睛,以避开阳光。
10.She shaded her face from the sun with her hand.她用手遮脸,以避阳光。
11.avoid the glare of the sun, of car headlights, etc避开耀眼的阳光、 汽车前灯的强光.
12.A woman using a closed posture is to avoid the straight sight from a man.以封闭的体态回避男士直射来的目光。
13.she shut her dazzled eyes against the sun's brilliance.他闭上发花的眼睛躲避耀眼的阳光。
14.a garden or terrace oriented to take advantage of the sun while protected from cold winds.避风而多阳光的暖和的花园或平台。
15.Kino looked down to cover his eyes from the glare奇诺垂下眼睛,躲避那眩目的光芒。
16.He looked downward to avoid my eyes.他低着头看,以避开我的目光。
17.Please keep in a dry and clean place. Avoid direct sunshine.请置于清洁干燥处保存,避免阳光直射。
18.Pug was looking keenly at her, and she was meeting his glance.帕格用敏锐的眼光打量她,她并不回避他的目光。

storing in the dark避光储藏
1.The effects of storage conditions such as temperature, storing in the dark and package of nitrogen on acid values, peroxide values and TBA values of stir-fried sunflower seed during storage were studied in this paper.结果表明:葵花籽的酸败速度随温度升高而加快;采用充氮和避光包装均可明显延缓葵花籽的酸败;采用充氮包装的葵花籽,在30℃避光储藏时可以延长30d的货架期。
3)degradation without light避光降解
4)anti-solar point避光点
