
1.The first step is as good as half over.第一步是最关键的一步
2.To say or write further.进一步说,进一步
3.stage - by - stage a.一步一步的, 逐级[步]的, 分阶段的
4.an officer who rose through the ranks.地位一步步升高的军官
5.He drew back slowly, retreating step by step.他一步步慢慢后退。
6.We must take one step back in order to take two steps forward.退一步才能进两步。
7.Took two steps back for every step forward.每前进一步向后退两步
8.Step by step, they were getting to the top.他们一步步地接近山顶。
9.has grown from strength to strength(企业)一步步成长壮大
10.Leaning against him, his mother walked silently along, step by step.母亲挨着他,一言不发地,一步一步地迈着步子。
11.a retrograde policy, step倒退的政策、 一步.
12.make further explorations进一步探索(考察)
13.Be it further enacted that...再进一步规定....
14.Step by step and be versatile.一步一步地成为一个知识丰富的人。
15.Our principle is to be bold, take a confident step and then look around carefully before taking another.我们的方针是,胆子要大,步子要稳,走一步,看一步
16.I'm a little late, but better late than...我迟了一步,但晚一步总比……
17.Each Stage Becomes preparation for the next.每一步的操作都为下一步操作做准备
18.To take one example:" Two Steps Forward, One Step Back.比方「两步,退一步」是其中一个例子。

length by length一步一步地
3)take a step (a few steps, etc.)走一步(几步)
4)take one step and look around before taking another -- proceed without a plan, or with caution走一步看一步
5)getting harder and harder; become difficult step by step一步比一步难
1.Application of β-cyclodextrin in disperse-reactive dyeing of polyester-cotton fabrics with one-bath one-stage process;β-环糊精在涤棉织物分散/活性染料一浴一步法中的应用
