药物学,materia medica
1)materia medica药物学
1.Projects accepted and supported in 2002 in division of materia medica and pharmacology NSFC;NSFC药物学与药理学学科2002年度受理与资助项目
2.Framework of materia medica curriculum-oriented "medication care" in higher vocational nursing education;以“用药护理”为导向的高职护理药物学课程框架

1.International Society for Biochemical Pharmacology国际生物化学药物学学会
2.The science of drugs, including their composition, uses, and effects.药理学,药物学药物的科学,包括他们的成份、用法和效用
3.pharmaceutical chemistry制药化学, 药物化学
4.clinical pharmacology of anti-neoplastic drugs抗肿瘤药物临床药理学
5.Division 28. Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse心理药理学及药物滥用?心理药理学及药物滥用?
6.Interest-oriented Teaching of Pharmaceutical Botany and Pharmacognosy;浅谈《药用植物学与生药学》的兴趣教学
7.A pharmacological agent added to a drug to increase or aid its effect.辅药,佐药加到药物中以提高或辅助药效的药理学药剂
8.Statins:Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacokinetic Interactions with Other Drugs他汀类药物的药动学及与其他药物的相互作用
9.International Conference on Drug Education for Schools学校药物教育国际会议
10.Basic Research on Biopharmaceutic and Pharmacokinetic Characteristics of Oxymatrine;氧化苦参碱生物药剂学与药物动力学基础研究
11.The Teaching of the Medicinal Chemsitry Course for Bio-pharmaceutical Specialty生物制药专业课程中的药物化学教学的探讨
12.Application of Chinese materia medica serum pharmacochemistry in studies on therapeutic material basis of Chinese materia medica中药血清药物化学在中药药效物质基础研究中的应用
13.Study on Population Pharmcokinetics and Population Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics of Norvancomycin;去甲万古霉素群体药物动力学与群体药物动力学/药效学研究
14.(pharmacology) enhancing the action of a medical treatment.(药理学)增强药物治疗的作用。
15.A place where drugs and chemicals are manufactured.药厂用于生产药品和化学物质的地方
16.Application of Serum Pharmacochemistry of Chinese Medicine (Ⅳ)中药血清药物化学的应用研究(Ⅳ)
17.③ Its pharmacology should be stable and easy for drug release;③药理学应是稳定且易于药物释放;
18.The Pharmacodynamic Study on the Anticaries Mechanism of Natural Medicine Magnolia Officinalis;天然药物厚朴防龋作用的药效学研究

1.To strengthen the teaching reform of pharmacology in the light of the current situation of secondary health school students and the problem that it s difficult to study Pharmacology for the students, this paper puts forward some possible methods about how to carry out the teaching reform of the subject.针对目前中等卫校学生的现状,就解决学生学习药物学难的问题,通过对教学方法的改革与探讨,提出一些可行的做法和体会。
2.Gardening, pharmacology ,genetics and breeding-three research aspects are summarized and some suggestion is given to the future in this paper.由此从园艺学、药物学和遗传育种三方面对猕猴桃属植物研究进展作概要综述。
4)medicinal chemistry药物化学
1.Research in the exprimental teaching of designing the medicinal chemistry;“设计性”药物化学实验教学的初探
2.On the Organization of Knowledge Structure in Medicinal Chemistry Teaching;药物化学知识结构的组织
3.On Teaching and Learning Aims of Medicinal Chemistry;药物化学的教学目标与学习目标
5)pharmaceutical chemistry药物化学
1.Reformation on Innovational Teaching of Pharmaceutical Chemistry;以创新为导向的药物化学教学体系改革
2.Application of Construction-Based Teaching Method in Pharmaceutical Chemistry;建构主义支架式教学法在药物化学教学中的运用
3.Practice on opening experiment in pharmaceutical chemistry teaching;药物化学实验教学中设立开放性实验的尝试
6)medicine chemistry药物化学
1.Discussion on instruction of natural medicine chemistry as basic course of pharmaceutics;药学专业基础课程天然药物化学的教学探讨
2.In this paper, the latest progress of application of heteropoly on medicine chemistry compounds was reviewed The relationship between their structures and their antitumor activity, antiviral activity as well as mechanism of their antitumor, antiviral were also discusse概述了近几年杂多化合物在药物化学上的应用研究新进展 ,对杂多化合物的结构与抗肿瘤、抗病毒活性的关系及抗肿瘤、抗病毒机理进行了评述 。

药物学药物学  中药著作。一名《临症实用药物学》。叶橘泉著于1939年。作者认为:“吾国学者,亦感于本草之理论玄渺,纷作科学之整理。迩来新著渐多,使古之本草学又步入一新阶段矣。”于是作者参考当时“各种最新之药物学”著作,选药387种,力求实用。书中所用病名,有时取自西医。诸药按西药书常用分类名目归于21类。各药下列性状、主治、用量、禁忌等项。现存1939年苏州存济医庐排印本。