1.In order to change distributing channel, operation of blowing-down and reblowing for 16 hours of Jinan Steel ’s No.休风前进行分段调整焦比,降低配料碱度并适当提高生铁含Si量等准备,确保炉况顺行,炉缸状态良好。

1.Rapid Resumption Practice of Laiwu Steel’s 1 000 m~3 BF Condition after Long Time Damping-down莱钢1000m~3高炉长期休风快速恢复炉况实践
3.This rainy evening the wind is restless.阴雨的黄昏,风无休止地吹着。
4.Wild horse would not drag it from the prudent man.休想从这个谨慎的人那里探到口风。
5.You will look very dapper in a silk leisure suit.真丝休闲西服,令您风姿翩翩。
6.When Boreas blows, you are horrified and cough, catch cold and shock.北风起时,惊骇的你一声咳嗽,感冒休克。
7.The Climate of Being Fond of Interest and Leisure in the Qing Dynasty from the Angle of Talking and Singing Literature;清代北京市井文化中的休闲尚趣之风
8.The Leisure and Carefree Atmosphere and Poets Villa Writing Environment during the Flourishing Period of Tang Dynasty;盛唐休闲风气与诗人的别业创作生态
9.Anaphylactic shock following desensitization injection of tetanus antitoxin破伤风抗毒素脱敏注射致过敏性休克
10.Casual Easy Living Casual living lifestyles focus on the simple pleasures of life.轻松休闲风格休闲的生活方式关注生活中简朴而有乐趣的东西。
11.Retire now-when everything was set fair?现在就退休——就在一切都一帆风顺的时候?
12.The retiring miner delivered his pneumatic drill over to his successor.这位即将退休的矿工把风钻移交给他的接班人,
13.Even if is the leisure design, also reveals the style which works with great care.即使是休闲的款式,也流露出精雕细刻的风范。
14.By and by the tempest spent itself and died without accomplishing its object.后来,暴风雨精疲力尽,未达目的即告休兵。
15.Wild horses shall not drag it out of me.[口]休想从我这里探到口风,我决不会泄露。
16.The wind and the water were carrying on their perpetual quarrel.风和海水正进行着它们那永无休止的争吵。
17.billowy storm clouds; the restless billowing sea; surging waves.翻滚的暴风云;永无休止汹涌的大海;汹涌的波浪。
18."Yes, mis'ess," said Matthew, as the rustle of wind among dead leaves.“是的,小姐,”马休说道,那沙沙的声音象是风卷残叶。

long term blowing-down长期休风
1.After long term blowing-down reblowing quikly was the key to restore the status of blast furnace(BF) successfully.长期休风后能否快速全风作业是炉况成功恢复的关键。
3)blast delay and recovery休复风
1.The reasons are discussed for tuyere being pored into with slag and broken during blast delay and recovery in 7# blast furnace of Han Steel as well as why slag iron has not enough physical heat and is of a bad mobility and so the whole furnace condition recovered slowly after the blast delay and recovery.对邯钢7#高炉休复风过程中风口灌渣与破损以及复风后渣铁物理热不足、流动性差、炉况恢复慢的原因进行了分析探讨,通过采取一系列措施,高炉的休复风操作取得了较好的效果。
4)downtime percentage休风率
1.By using beneficiated material, optimizing the burden design and measure of technology improvement, actualizing technical transformation and strengthening melting, the iron making system of SDIPC has obtained the high quality raw material and fuel and low downtime percentage, improved equipment level, then the furnace productivity rises from 2.济钢铸管公司通过采用精料方针,优化炉料结构,实施技术改造,优化高炉操作技术,实施强化冶炼等措施,提高了原燃料质量和装备水平,降低了高炉休风率,炼铁生产取得了长足进步,高炉利用系数由2。
2.By carrying out high oxygen enrichment high coal injection operation and intensifying production management and reducing downtime percentage,the 4 350 m3 BF stably running were realized for a long time at TISCO.太钢4350m3高炉通过实施高富氧率大喷煤量操作,逐步确立合理的操作制度,加强生产管理降低休风率,实现了炉况的长期稳定顺行,并在高煤比、高产量、稳定炉体热负荷和炉前出铁管理等生产技术上取得了一定的进步。
5)short term damping-down短期休风
1.6 BF condition after short term damping-down can be realized by aborative operation at the conditions of continuous stable smooth operation.安钢6号高炉在长期稳定顺行时,通过精心操作,可以在短期休风后快速恢复炉况,主要方法是:做好前期准备工作;休风时出净渣铁,逐步减风,适当控制水压、水量及顶温;复风时处理好料动、赶料线、恢复富氧喷煤及出铁操作。
6)blast furnace staying高炉休风
