竖炉球团,shaft furnace pelletizing
1)shaft furnace pelletizing竖炉球团
1.Technique progresses of ANGANG YONGTONG shaft furnace pelletizing process in resent years were presented in this paper, some of which were developed by YONGTONG itself.介绍了安钢永通公司近年来对现有竖炉球团进行的工艺升级、炉型优化、设备改进、添加炼钢污泥等,其中部分生产工艺与设备系永通公司自创。
2.Based on application and research of secondary cooler for shaft furnace pelletizing at home,some problems and drawbacks were pointed out.针对国内竖炉球团二次冷却器的应用及研究现状 ,提出其存在的问题 ,并介绍一种可用来代替目前竖炉球团二次冷却器的新型PZ B型冷却器的设计、冷却原理及应用前
3.The technical and process modifications and the effects in shaft furnace pelletizing plant of E Kou iron ore mine were introduced in this pape介绍了近几年来峨口铁矿竖炉球团的主要技术改造与工艺改进所取得的成

1.Development and Research of the Shaft Furnace Pelletizing Automatic Control System;竖炉球团自动控制系统的开发与研究
2.On Revising Rails of Grab Bucket in the Pellet Fine Stockroom for Sintering Shaft Urnace烧结竖炉球团精矿库抓斗吊轨道改造
3.Improving Quality of Shaft Furnace Pelletizing by Scientific and Technological Progress依靠科技进步提高竖炉球团矿产质量
4.Modification of 400kt/a Shaft Furnace Pellet Production Line in ANQING Copper Mine安庆铜矿40万t/a竖炉球团生产线的改造
5.Analysis on Improving the Drum Strength of the Pellet from the Shaft Furnace in Baotou Steel提高包钢竖炉球团矿转鼓强度实践分析
6.Practical operation effect shows that the system is even to distribute, high effective, and provides the basis for realizing high output, low cost and good quality of shaft furnace pellets.实际的运行效果表明,本系统布料均匀,效率高,为实现竖炉球团的高产、低耗、优质打下基础。
7.Experimental Study on Gas Flow Distribution Laws in Pelletizing Shaft Furnace球团竖炉内气流运动规律的实验研究
8.Improvement of TCS2200 0.8Mt/a Circular shaft furnace for pelletizing80万t/a TCS2200圆形球团竖炉的改进
9.Study on Running Cost Reduction in Shaft Furnace Pelletizing Process降低球团竖炉造球工艺运行成本的研究
10.The Research of Abrasion of the 1~# Pelletizing Shaft Furnace Firebrick Lining1~#球团竖炉内衬耐火砖磨损情况的调查
11.Application of New High Efficient Electric Precipitator for Pellet Vertical Furnace球团竖炉工艺除尘用新型高效电除尘器
12.Application and Study on New Vaporization Cooling Device in Pelletizing Shaft Furnace at Nangang南钢球团竖炉新型汽化冷却装置的研究与应用
13.Practice in 2×8m~2 Pelletizing Shaft Furnace Burning with high Using Coefficient in JISCO酒钢2×8m~2球团竖炉提高利用系数的生产实践
14.In this paper, the effects of proportioning PF hematite concentrates on shaft furnace production in№1 sintering plant of MAGANG were presented.介绍了马钢一烧竖炉配用巴西PF精矿生产球团的效果。
15.The transforming experience of controling the pellet vertical furnace dust is introduced, the engineering general situation of ESP and the effect is summed up.介绍了球团竖炉烟尘治理的改造经验,总结了电除尘工程概况及效果。
16.The pellet quality predominates their proportions.球团矿质量决定其配比,质优的球团矿利于高炉顺行。
17.Effects of Charging Carbon Composite Iron Ore Hot Briquette on Melting and Dripping Properties of Blast Furnace Comprehensive Burdens使用热压含碳球团对高炉综合炉料熔滴性能的影响

shaft furnace pellet竖炉球团
1.Experimental study on shaft furnace pellet made from different imported concentrates;竖炉球团配用不同进口精矿的试验研究
2.In this paper,some troubles existing in the condenser of the shaft furnace pellet system are discussed,and the whole design,principle as well as the prospect of a new secondary condenser named PZ A which could take place of those used at present are introduced.阐述了竖炉球团二次冷却器的应用及研究现状 ,指出其存在的问题 ,并介绍了一种可用来代替目前竖炉球团二次冷却器的新型 PZ-A型冷却器的设计、冷却原理及应用前景。
3)pelletizing shaft furnace球团竖炉
1.The relationship between productivity of the pelletizing shaft furnace and operation and construction factors was established,it could support the design and operating of the industrial process.建立了导风墙-干燥床式球团竖炉的干燥、预热焙烧、均热以及冷却过程数学模型,得出了球团竖炉本体高度的计算式。
2.The modification of №1 pelletizing shaft furnace in LAIWU I&S Co.莱钢 1号球团竖炉于 2 0 0 1年实施大修改造 ,主要包括 :竖炉本体、配料控制系统、造球系统和成品系统。
3.Based on eight times fused lump accident occurred in № 1 shaft furnace of NANGANG pelletizing plant in between June 1997 to march 1998,the mechanism and reason of fused lump in shaft furnace were analyed Some effective measures were proposed and adopted, these were avaiable for other pelletizing shaft furnace referenc针对南钢 1号球团竖炉自 1997年 6月到 1998年 3月间发生的 8次结块结炉事故 ,分析了结块机理和该厂发生结炉的原因 ,并提出了有效的预防措施 ,可供同类型球团厂参
4)pellet shaft furnace球团竖炉
1.In order to solve the problem that pellet shaft furnace EP's count-corona because service life is too long, the experiment of adopting the pulse power supply to replace the direct current supply for EP was conducted in HANGGANG ironmaking works.杭钢炼铁厂为了解决球团竖炉电除尘器因服务年限较长而产生的反电晕现象,采用脉冲供电方式进行了试验研究,取得了提高除尘效率的预期效果。
2.After the improvement on the structure for many times,the 8 m 2 pellet shaft furnace of Jigang has eliminated or reduced lots of original defects.济钢 8m2 球团竖炉经多次改进炉体结构后 ,消除或减少了原有的许多缺点 ,使用性能大为改
5)pellet furnace球团竖炉
1.Investigation of appropriate air/gas rate in 2×8m~2 pellet furnace in No.论述了马钢第一烧结厂2×8m~2球团竖炉适宜空煤气配比的探索过程,给出了适宜的空煤气配比,并从保持燃烧废气适宜的O_2含量和适宜的燃烧室温度水平两方面进行了论证。
2.4 pellet furnace,realizing computer collection of proportioning running parameters and automatic proportioning control of the pellet.为提高配料精度,济钢4#竖炉采用集散控制系统实现了球团竖炉配料运行参数的计算机采集和球团矿自动配料控制。
6)Vertical industrial kiln工业球团竖炉
