1.A new process for making exquisite pattern on forming die made of stainless steel is investigated.为了在不锈钢压塑模具上加工出精致的装饰图纹,对采用丝网印刷方法印制图纹掩膜、以脉冲电解加工手段蚀除金属的方法进行了研究。
2.Through a discussion of the forms, colors and patterns of the Yi lacquer-ware, the author expounds their artistic traits which reveal the Yi s aesthetical tastes.本文从漆器系列的造型特点、色彩运用以及图纹艺术三元素上,据揭示了其适合于本民族审美情趣的艺术特性。
3.Through the course of the China and the world of product design in the pattern elements in the application of industrial design,Pointed out that the application of the pattern elements of product design is a way of rapidly improve product quality,Summarizes the application of modern product design elements of the pattern of several ways.通过对中国和世界产品设计中图纹元素在工业设计中的应用历程的阐述,指出了图纹元素的应用是产品设计中迅速提升产品品位的一种方式,总结了现代产品设计中应用的图纹元素的几种方法。

1."An H and an N, surmounted by a baron's coronet."“H和N,上面有一个男爵的花环图纹。”
2.(heraldry) bearing an heraldic device.(纹章学)有纹章的图案。
3.diagonal pattern斜纹图案,斜纹花型,斜交式图案
4.Study on the Figerprint Compression Algorithm Based on Characteristic of Texture;基于指纹纹理特征的指纹图像压缩算法的研究
5.On Screw Thread Structures and Screw Thread Fasteners;螺纹和螺纹连接图绘制中的几个问题
6.A textile design having thin, threadlike stripes.有细直条纹的织物图案
7.a representation of such a device.这种装置的纹章图饰.
8.the basic pattern of the human fingerprint.人类指纹的基本图案。
9.The escutcheon was emblazoned with an emblem船尾部饰有盾纹图案。
10.Establishment of TCM's Fingerprint Dtabase and Evaluation of TCM's Fingerprint;中药指纹图谱库的建立及指纹图谱评价
11.patterned with veins or streaks or color resembling marble.由像大理石般的纹理、条纹或色彩组成的图案。
12.Local Ridges' Characteristics Based Direct Gray-Scale Minutiae Detection in Fingerprints基于局部纹线特性的直接灰度图指纹特征提取
13.Mechanical drawings--Representation of screw threads and threaded partsGB/T4459.1-1995机械制图螺纹及螺纹紧固件表示法
14.Flotation froth image texture extraction method based on fuzzy texture spectrum基于模糊纹理谱的浮选泡沫图像纹理特征提取
15.A Study on Fingerprint Image Preprocessing Algorithm Based on Texture Analysis基于纹理分析的指纹图像预处理算法研究
16.Fingerprint Preprocess includes Fingerprint Foreground Extraction, Image Enhancement and Thinning.预处理部分涉及到指纹有效区域的提取、指纹图的增强和指纹细化。
17.Typical butterfly-fringe pattern associated with crack tips can be seen in this figure.在此图中可以看到与裂纹顶端有关的典型的蝶形条纹图。
18.Study on Guangdong Authentic and Superior Medical Material Pogostemon Cablin by GC-MS Fingerprinting and DNA Molecular Markers Analysis;广东道地药材广藿香的GC-MS化学指纹图谱和DNA指纹图谱研究

1.The Types & Characteristics of Rattan Furniture Patterns;藤家具图案纹样类型及特征
3)chain draft纹板图
1.Having changed the traditional drafting arrangement made that accord with heddles of more eyes,then design the new harness draft and chain draft.该设计方法采用经纱位置图表示织物组织结构,通过经纱相对于各引纬器的位置来反映经纱的开口运动状态,改变了传统上机图的布局,使之符合多眼综丝的生产织造,并由此设计了新的穿综图和纹板图。
2.On the basis of it,a method of chain draft design is presented.提出了一种表示机织物多层组织的新方法———经纱位置码矩阵,并在此基础上提出了相应的纹板图设计方法。
1.Recent advances in the application of fingerprint technology in tobacco industry;指纹图谱技术在烟草行业中的应用研究进展
2.GC fingerprint of trimethylsilylated cut tobacco applied in evaluating quality of cigarette products;烟丝硅烷化GC指纹图谱在卷烟质量判别中的应用
3.Establishment of Fingerprints of Volatile Oil from Cinnamomum.cassia and Its Inclusion of β-CD by GC;采用GC法建立肉桂药材中挥发油及其β-环糊精包合物的指纹图谱
1.Preparation of Shenmai Injection and Study of Its Fingerprints;参麦注射液的制备及指纹图谱研究
2.Study on fingerprints of Moutan cortex by HPLC;牡丹皮HPLC指纹图谱的研究
3.Comparative Study on Fingerprints of Cultured and Natural Calculus Bovis;体外培育牛黄与天然牛黄指纹图谱的比较研究
6)Fingerprint chromatogram指纹图谱
1.Study on HPLC fingerprint chromatogram of Shandong trueborn flos lonicerae;山东道地药材金银花HPLC指纹图谱研究
2.Study on fingerprint chromatogram analysis of theaflavins by HPTLC;茶黄素类高效薄层色谱指纹图谱研究
3.RP-HPLC fingerprint chromatogram of Baohe Pill;保和丸(浓缩丸)的RP-HPLC指纹图谱研究
