盲人,the blind
1)the blind盲人
1.METHODS We statistically analyze the primary causes of the blindness in the 704 new blind from 2002-2005 in Huangpu District of Shanghai.目的通过对新发盲人致盲疾病的统计分析,探讨致盲病因。
2.Ultrasonic sensors are optimal to the guidance system for the blind.我们利用可编程增益,使用数字电位器,获得超声回波的强度信息,进行音频调制,向盲人提供更加丰富的信息。
3.This article explains the development of digital libraries for the blind in the world by introducing some papers coming from the main countries in the world,and at the same time looks forward to the future of the digital libraries for the blind in our country.本文通过对《2 0 0 1国际图联盲人图书馆会议论文集》中来自主要国家论文的介绍 ,说明了世界盲人数字图书馆的发展情况 ,同时也展望了我国盲人数字图书馆的发展未来。

1.Of, relating to, or for sightless persons.盲人盲人的,有关盲人的或为了盲人
2.World Blind Union世界盲人联合会(盲联)
3.Blind people are normal people.“盲人是正常的人。
4.If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.如果由盲人带领盲人,两者将同堕深沟。
5.At an institution for the blind, Annie learned braille.在一所盲人学校,安妮学了布莱叶盲文。
6.A lot of the blind can read the Braille.许多盲人会读布莱叶盲文。
7.The changes of all Chinese Ethnic Groups’Illiterate Population and Illiteracy rate中国各民族文盲人口和文盲率的变动
8.A blind man is sometimes guided.盲人有时被别人引导。
9."Chinese Blind, Deaf & Mute Association"中国盲人聋哑人协会
10.Haptic Intelligence Scale for Adult Blind成年盲人触觉智力量表
11.The six blind men sat by the roadside all day long.六个盲人整天坐在路边。
12.The blind man begged for a living.那个盲人以乞讨为生。
13.A blind man is sometimes guided by a dog.盲人有时靠狗引路。
14.She often helps blind people across the street.她常常搀扶盲人过马路。
15.The blind have a keen touch.盲人有敏锐的触觉。
16.The blind don't see.盲人什么也看不见。
17.A fanatically committed person.盲从者盲目投入的人
18.Many more people are 'form-blind' than color-blind."形盲"的人数要比色盲的人数多得多。

1.Investigation and Intervention: Self-Esteem of the Blind Adolescences;盲人青少年自尊调查与干预研究
2.That blind people cannot read newspapers and books as normal people do severely limited the ability of acquiring information and knowledge.盲人不能像正常人一样阅读报刊杂志和书籍,因此对信息和知识的获取受到严重制约。
3.Bi Feiyu\'s novel Massage creates a group of blind massager images with a high degree of dignity,which has great significance in the theme of literature.毕飞宇的长篇小说《推拿》塑造了一群有高度尊严感的盲人推拿师形象,在题材的开拓上具有重大意义。
4)massage manpulation盲人推拿
5)blind users盲人用户
6)blind reading盲人阅览
1.On this basis,it has expounded the existing problems in blind reading room during development.本文对我国公共图书馆开设盲人阅览室的情况进行了调查,并在此基础上对盲人阅览室发展中存在的问题进行了阐述。
