1.By analyzing machining error that made by installing tool on higher position and quantitative law in turning cone, two countermeasures are put forward, and macroprogram is utilized to eliminate the error.通过实例分析车削圆锥面,刀具安装偏高产生的加工误差及其规律,并应用宏程序消除该误差。
2.The definition of conicity of a cone is presented.给出了圆锥面锥形度的定义,介绍了给定锥度的锥形度最小二乘评定计算方法。
3.As for the point data are affected by noise in point cloud,the initial estimates are usually unstable that often leads to failure or incorrect result in the process of fitting point cloud to cone or cylinder.由于点云数据中存在噪声的影响,采用基于点云数据的拟合算法对圆柱面和圆锥面拟合时进行,获得的拟合初值不稳定,从而严重影响了最终拟合曲面的准确性。

1.Research on Grinding the Convexity of Taper Roller Conical Surface Lines via Centerless Grinder无心磨床磨削圆锥滚子圆锥面素线凸度的研究
2.The ortho cone helicoid was used interrsect intercept by the ortho cone helicoid and the cylinder.正圆锥螺旋面是正圆柱螺旋面被同轴正圆锥面截得。
3.Theoretical Calculation and Design for Cylindrical and Conical Bent Crystal Spectrograph圆柱面和圆锥面弯晶谱仪的理论计算及设计
4.Corner-cube Mirror and Right-angle-cone Mirror Cavity Lasers;角隅和直角内圆锥面全反镜激光谐振腔
5.Optimization of Reliability and Optimum Design in Consideration of Reliability for Tapered Interference Articulation;圆锥面过盈联接可靠度优化和可靠性优化设计
6.B、What shape is the flank of a taper?圆锥的底面是()形,圆锥有()个底面。
7.Probe the kids to know the taper, hold its features and understand its plan.使学生认识圆锥,掌握圆锥的特征,会看圆锥的平面图。
8.A cone is a solid body which narrows to a point from a round, flat base圆锥体是底面圆平顶尖的实体
9.A cone is a solid body which narrow to a point from a round, flat base.圆锥体是底面圆平顶尖的实体。
10.It has two sides, one is a circle, the other is a camber.生:圆锥有两个面,一个面是圆形,另一个面是曲面。
11.A conic section whose plane is not parallel to the axis, base, or generatrix of the intersected cone.圆锥的一部分,其切面既不平行于轴和基面,也不平行于圆锥母线
12.a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section.圆锥截面凹面的固定参考点。
13.chuck for grinding hole and end face of bevel gear磨圆锥齿轮孔和端面用的卡盘
14.We can get a sector.生:把圆锥的侧面展开,得到一个扇形。
15.(2) The anastomosis should be done at spinal conus level.(2 )手术宜选择在脊髓圆锥平面 ;
16.Test bench design for light transmittance of conical surfaced windshield glass圆锥曲面风挡玻璃透光率检测台设计
17.Discussing based on cutting method of conical cylinder with plane arc axes;平面大圆弧轴线圆锥柱体切削机理研讨
18.A taper has two sides, the underside is a circle, the flank is a camber.结论:圆锥有两个面,底面是一个圆形,侧面是一个曲面。

cone surface圆锥面
1.Parameterization drawing on intersection curve of cone surface and oblique helic oids based on the circular arc projection method;基于圆弧投影的圆锥面与斜螺旋面相交的参数化绘图
2.The parameter equation for the projection of the traverseline of the ring surface through the cone surfaceand its application in computer graphing;圆环面与圆锥面相贯线投影的参数方程及其在计算机绘图中的应用
3.When cylinder surface and cone surface penetrate each other,if their axises intersect slantly and are parallel to the frontal projecting plane,there will he special points in the penetrating line.本文对轴线斜交,且两轴线平行于某一投影面的圆柱面与圆锥面相贯时,相贯线上的特殊点进行探讨,从而得出了用辅助球面法不能求出该相贯线上的最右点的结论。
3)circular conical surface圆锥面
1.The mathematical model of the intersection line between a circular cylindrical surface and a circular conical surface is established through the application of the theories of spatial analytic geometry and descriptive geometry.应用空间解析几何和画法几何的理论,建立了圆柱面与圆锥面相贯线的数学模型。
4)internal conical face内圆锥面
5)surface of cone圆锥表面
6)conic surface method圆锥面法

车圆锥面在机械制造中,除采用圆柱体和内圆内作为配合表面外,还常用圆锥体和内锥面作为配合面。例如,车床主轴孔与顶尖的配合;尾架套筒的锥孔和顶尖、钻头锥柄的配合等。圆锥体与内锥面相配具有配合紧密,拆装方便,多次拆装仍能保持精确的定心作用等优点。 车圆锥面的方法有四种:转动小拖板法、偏移尾架法、靠尺法和宽刀法。 一、转动小拖板法(小刀架转位法) 方法:根据零件的圆锥角(2α),把小刀架下的转盘顺时针或逆时针扳转一个圆锥角(α),再把螺母固紧,用手缓慢而均匀转动小刀架手柄,车刀则沿着锥面的母线移动,从而加工出所需要的锥面。 特点:此法车锥面操作简单,可以加工任意锥角的内、外锥面。因受小刀架行程的限制(C6132车床小刀架行程为了100mm),不能加工较长的锥面。需手动进给,劳动强度较大,表面粗糙度值Ra6.31.6μm。 应用:用于单件小批生产中,车削精度较低和长度较短的圆锥面。 二、偏移尾架法 尾架主要由尾架体和底座两大部分组成。底座靠压板和固定螺钉紧固在床身上,尾架体可在底座上工作横向调节。当松开固定螺钉而拧动两个调节螺钉时,即可使尾架体在横向移动一定距离。