1.The experimental analysis of discharge characteristics by partial charged internal-melt and external-melt in ice-on-coil storage tank;蓄冰槽盘管不完全冻结式内融冰与外融冰的取冷特性实验
2.Discharging characteristics of ice storage tank in external-melt systems外融冰系统冰槽取冷特性的研究
3.Because external-melt ice-on-coil thermal storage system could extract low-temperature water lastingly and steadily, it could achieve large difference in temperature water supply and combine with low temperature air supply, being paid much attention by engineers.蓄冷空调是对电网进行“移峰填谷”调节的有力措施,外融冰系统以其出水温度低、取冷速率高且稳定、可与低温送风系统相结合的优点已经越来越多地引起人们的重视。

1.Experimental Study of the External-melt Characteristics of Conductive Plastic Ice-on-coil Tank;导热塑料盘管蓄冰槽外融冰实验研究
2.Performance and Application Research of Shell-and-tube Ice Storage Tank;壳管式外融冰槽热工性能及应用研究
3.The results show that the air-agitation plays an important role in discharging characteristics.结果表明,鼓气扰动对外融冰取冷特性起着关键作用。
4.Performance simulation of an internal melt ice storage tank基于内融冰的蓄冰槽蓄冰和融冰模型
5.total net ablation rate(冰川) 总净消融量
6.Having the appearance of ice.似冰的有冰的外观的
7.When you melt ice, it passes from a solid to a liquid state.你把冰融化时,冰便从固态变成液态。
8.The ice melted when the sun shone on it.太阳照到冰上, 冰就融化了.
9.The sub melted the ice.潜水艇融解了那冰块。
10.The ice cubes have melted小冰块都已融化了。
11.The ice will melt when the sun shines on it.有太阳照射时,冰就融化。
12.The water pipe has thawed out.水管的结冰融解了。
13.Let us skating before the thaw sets in.在融化前我们去滑冰吧。
14.they welcomed the spring thaw.春天来了,冰雪融化了。
15.In the mountains, it doesn't thaw in summer.山里夏天冰雪也不融化。
16.artificial regulation of snow and ice melting冰雪消融的人工调节
17.As the ice melted away, the river rose in dangerous floods.冰雪消融,河水上涨泛滥。
18.It was thawing fast.天气转暖,冰雪融化很快。

External-melt ice-on-coil外融冰
1.Closed-circuit external-melt ice-on-coil thermal storage system would ameliorate the conventional external-melt ice-on-coil thermal energy storage system to attain low-temperature economy.本文提出一种壳管式外融冰槽和相应的外融冰蓄冷系统配置形式,并对冰槽的优化设计、热工性能等关键技术问题进行理论与试验研究,为其推广应用奠定技术基础,对于促进低温送风与冰蓄冷技术在我国的发展,推进电力系统大规模移峰填谷进程有着重要的理论意义和实用价值。
3)Melting ice on pipe管外融冰
4)external ice storage外融冰冰蓄冷
5)extra-melt ice thermal storage外融冰蓄冷
6)Internal & external melt ice-on-coil technology内外融冰技术

冰翳外障冰翳外障 冰翳外障   病名。由肝经之热上乘所致。症见翳生风轮之上,色青白而薄,形如冰瑕,或片或点,横贯乌睛,或痒或疼,发作无定,眵粘泪出,白睛脉赤。治宜清肝泻热。方用龙胆泻肝汤加减。参见冰瑕翳深外障条。