1.His emotional views are reflected on many aspects such as natural world sparking the feelings, social life triggering the feelings.钟嵘的《诗品》十分重视诗歌的“情性”,“情性”是其评判诗人诗作的标准之一。
2.The book "The New Account of Tales of the World"(Shishuo Xinyu in Chinese pronunciation) vividly reflects the people s world of emotion in Wei-Jin period in Chinese history.魏晋人重情有其思想背景,即魏晋玄学的兴起,促使当时的思想家普遍陷入对“情性”的理性思考,最终改变了前人“性善情恶”、“以性制情”的观念,而这无疑对魏晋六朝的文学理论中的“情志”说产生了深远的影响。
3.Under the custom that pay attention to emotion and indulge feeling widespreadly in south dynasty,only Liu Xie marked the idea that restrain the disposition.在南朝普遍重情、任情的风气下,刘勰独标节情一说,虽然是他主张"宗经"的结果,也有儒家传统的教化说的因子,但从思想发展史的角度考察,是和当时儒、释、玄三家对情性问题的深入讨论密切相关。

1.Moving The Personalites And Writing The Articles With Emotion--To talk the lyricism of Li Yu s word briefly;以情感人,用情为文——略论李煜词的抒情性
2.a bovine expression, character, mentality鲁钝的表情、 性情、 头脑
3.situational homosexuality情境性同性恋 情境性同性恋
4.amorous looks, letters, poetry, experiences脉脉含情的样子、 情书、 情诗、 性爱的体验
5.a gentle, yielding personality温柔、 和顺的性情
6.(of people)quality of being buoyant(指人)乐观的性情
7.A Sentimental Clue in the Process of Ci s Refinement;艳情·闲情·性情——唐宋词文人化的一条情感线索
8."Poems Convey Disposition and Human Emotion" --On the Emotion Theory of Wang Chuanshan s Poetics;“诗道性情,道性之情”——船山诗学情感论分析
9.non emotional behavior非情绪性行为 非情绪性行为
10.To flirt with or make sexual advances to.调情,挑逗(异性)与…调情或进行性接触
11.sensitivity of complexes情结的灵敏性 情结的灵敏性
12.Research on Temperament and Temperamental Education;关于“性情”与“性情教育”的调查研究
13.Submitting to the Disposition--a research on Xie Linyun s poem study of disposition;顺从性情——谢灵运诗学性情论研究
14.a sweet temper,nature,disposition,etc温顺的脾气、本性、性情等
15.secondary affective insanity继发性情感性精神病
16.a buoyant disposition, personality, etc乐天的性情、 个性等.
17.simple affective depression单纯性情感性抑郁症
18.psychotic and mood disorder精神性与情感性疾病

1.As a spiritual product, poetry is the distillation of some of the poets spiritual temperament, the artistic expression of the poets disposition and the epitome of the poets individuality and gift.诗歌作为一种精神产品 ,是诗人某种精神气质的升华 ,又是诗人情性的艺术表现 ,也是诗人个性禀赋的缩
2.This article has proposed the concept of"disposition",and has analyzed the necessity of application for disposition in the product design.本文提出"情性"的概念,并分析了情性在产品设计中应用的必要性,以影响情性化设计的三个基本因素:环境因素、文化因素、个体因素为切入点,探讨了情性在产品设计中应用的一般规律。
1.It is believed that "childlike innocent"is actually a reveal of true feeling in understanding and master of the mean situation in specific situation.对李贽的童心说在文本阅读的基础上作了一番阐释,认为“童心”实际上是一种具体境域下,在对中庸势态领会和把握基础上的真情性流露,它不是人先天具有的,而是后天生成的,故因人而异,因境而异。
2.From the development of Chinese poetry and the Chinese traditional culture, this article has examined the phenomenon in Chinese cultural aesthetics which is connected with the expression of ideas and feelings.从中国历代诗歌的发展轨迹和中国传统文化积淀的角度,审视中国历代诗歌表达思想、抒发情性的文化美学现象,着重探讨其中爱国之志的抒发,对中国古代诗歌理论“诗言志”的内涵和源流进行了一些探索。
4)A mood; a disposition.情绪;性情
5)Frame of mind; disposition.心情;性情
1.Submitting to the Disposition——a research on Xie Linyun s poem study of disposition;顺从性情——谢灵运诗学性情论研究
2.On the relationship between Sushi s Ci-poem and his disposition;试论苏轼词风与其性情的关系
3.The Character Teaching of Junior Middle School History Lesson and Strategy Research of Fostering Student s Disposition;初中历史课人物教学与学生性情培养的策略研究

情性1.本性。 2.性格。 3.情意。