新感性,new sensibility
1)new sensibility新感性
1.On Marcuse's Critical Reason and New Sensibility Thought;马尔库塞批判的理性与新感性思想研究
2.the literary typical character reshapes human s new sensibility and upgrades human s new realm by ne.在对异化现实的否定、超验理想的营构过程中,文学典型可以重塑人的新感性、提升人的新境界。

1.Man s New-sensibility and New Sensibility of Man--An Analysis of Marcuse s "New-sensibility"Theory;人的“新感性”与“新感性”的人——马尔库塞“新感性”理论探析
2.Consuming Times And The Designing Of Modern New Sensibility--Beginning From Marcuse s Theory Of New Sensibility;消费时代与建构现代新感性——从马尔库塞的新感性理论谈起
3.On Marcuse's Critical Reason and New Sensibility Thought;马尔库塞批判的理性与新感性思想研究
4.2007 New Design Sexy Lingerie, sexy costume.2007新设计的性感内衣,性感的服装.
5.a journalist who specializes in sentimental stories.专门写感伤性新闻的新闻记者。
6.So recapture those delicious feelings of early love by getting back to the senses.所以,通过重新感受性的感觉,重新找回那些爱情初期的美妙感觉吧!
7.Art is endowed with a new perceptual power which would change men?s sense perception and rational faculty,thus altering their sensation of things.艺术具有改变人的感性、理性 ,从而改变人的感受的新的感受力。
8.The Overthrow of the “ Shock” : neo- sensation school s Sexy Stunner and City Space;“震惊”的颠覆:新感觉派的“性感尤物”与城市空间
9.As with seasonal influenza, the principal defences against a new pandemic influenza strain are vaccination and antiviral drugs.与季节性流感一样,新流感大流行的预防有免疫接种和抗流感药。
10.I'm even more deeply indebted to Singapore for the self-esteem I enjoy as a woman.更要感激新加坡给了我女性的尊严。
11.Paul's new girl-friend is quite a dish, isn't she?保罗新交的女友挺性感的,是不是?
12.He began to feel a realness in life again.他重新感受到生活的真实性。
13.Clinical analysis of 513 caes of neonatal infections diseases in 16 years.16年新生儿感染性疾病513例分析
14.Synthesis and Studies of New Photosensitive Polyimides;新型感光聚酰亚胺的合成和性能研究
15.Study on a New Testing Method of Induction Motor Characteristic;一种新的感应电机特性测试方法研究
16.Body,Sensibility and Freedom--New Annotation of Sport Essence;身体·感性·自由——体育本质新诠释
17.A Modernity Tendency towards the Aesthetic Pursuit of the School of New Sensation Novel;新感觉派小说审美追求的现代性倾向
18.New Ideas for Japanese Elementary Education Reform: Sense Education;日本基础教育改革新理念——感性教育

new perception新感性
1.By developing the new perception,the subject changes and rebuilds the world.他认为艺术和审美的本质在于使生命本能得到肯定和发扬,艺术和审美具有革命造反功能,通过造就"新感性"来改造和重建世界。
2.Since 1960s, Li Zehou has developed his aesthetics from cognition of reflection to ontological anthropology by probing in three respective stages, with a center of "humanized nature", experiencing from seeking a unity of nature and society to establishing human subjectivity, and to establishing a "new perception".上世纪60年代以来,李泽厚围绕“人化的自然”经历了从追求自然性与社会性统一到人的主体性,再到建立“新感性”三个不同阶段的探索,使反映论的认识论美学走向人类学本体论的美学。
3.The anthropological theme of “humanization of nature” is unfolded into “the natural form of beauty”, “new perception” and artistic accumulation.“自然的人化”这一人类学主题分别展开为“美是自然的形式”、“新感性”和艺术积淀 ;审美本体论是主体性实践哲学的总结形态。
1.There are three important characteristics of "new-sensibility"——experience ability,introspective ability,and esthetics ability——which are linked to each other sequentially."新感性"之所以能成为马尔库塞"新社会"理论中的一个重要概念,既与发达工业社会中人的"感性"的压抑性存在有关,又与马尔库塞对于现有革命主体的失望有关。
2."New-sensibility" is an important keyword in Herbert Marcuse s aesthetic thought.“新感性”是马尔库塞美学思想中最重要的一个术语。
3.With the "New-Sensibility" theory of the contemporary American philosopher Herbert Marcuse(1898-1979), this dissertation argues that Mailer\'s existentialism could be a kind of pursuit of "New-Sensibility", and the development of his early themes shows the development of his existentialism.本论文借助当代美国哲学家、美学家马尔库塞的新感性理论,对梅勒的存在主义思想进行概括,将梅勒的存在主义思想界定为对新感性人格的追求,并认为梅勒前期小说主题的发展和变化反映了其存在主义思想的形成和发展过程。
4)a new type of modern perception现代新感性
1.What leisure constructs is a world full of freedom as well as a world filled with significance and experience, so leisure experience naturally is led into the research field of leisure with its different kinds, grades and its characters of subjectivity, integration, creativity and transcendence, and the generation of a new type of modern perception.休闲体验不仅具有不同的类型和层次,而且具备主体性、整体性、创造性和超越性等特征,并直接指向新型人格"现代新感性"的产生。
5)a new aesthetic perception审美新感性
1.Consequently, not only is a new framework system of theoretical research to be formed and are the philosophical character and utterance feature in native literary reviews to be maintained, but also the contemporary literati are inspired to form "a new aesthetic perception" by means of the study and inheritance of the connotations of the spirit of l.在当前的多元文化语境下,中国古代文论研究需要在建构“史”的基础上挖掘其内在的主体精神,从而既形成理论研究的新的框架体系,保持本土文论的哲学品格和话语特色;又能借助于文论精神意蕴的学习与传承,启迪当代文人生成“审美新感性”,在新的审美经验模式下寻求生命主体精神的“立言”和“还乡”。
6)the Emotion of Man-Machine人机新感性

催眠易感性测验催眠易感性测验hypnotic susceptibility tests  催眠易感性测验(hypnotie suseepti-bili亡y tests)运用种种暗示手段或特制量表来评价受试者催眠易感性能力的方法。通常采用的测验量表有10项,逐项打分。记分标准为高度(l分)、中度(0,5分)和低度(0分),10项最高总分为10分。8一l()分为感受性强,4一7分为中度感受性,O一3分为感受性低。催眠易感性测验不仅能测出受术者对催眠的感受能力,也能通过测验做好催眠前的心理准备,以利于进入催眠状态。 (马雄祥撰李鸣呆审)