1.Effects of Nano-TiO_2 on Anti-UV and Anti-yellowing Ability of Silk Fabrics;纳米TiO_2对真丝织物的防紫外及防黄变的影响
2.Anti-UV and anti-yellowing functional finishing of silk fabrics with RE/Nano-TiO_2 composite;稀土/TiO_2复配整理真丝绸的防紫外和防黄变功能
3.The purpose of this thesis is to improve the anti-UV and anti-yellowing ability of silk fabric by UV-resistance functional finishing with UV blocking agents nano-TiO_2 and RE/nano-TiO_2 composite.本论文选用无机紫外线屏蔽剂纳米TiO_2及其与稀土复配物整理真丝织物,改善其防紫外和防黄变功能。

1.Research on Anti-UV and Anti-yellowing Properties of Silk Fabrics with Nano-TiO_2 and RE/Nano-TiO_2 Composite纳米TiO_2及其与稀土复配物对真丝绸防紫外和防黄变功能的研究
2.Bleach keeps the white clothes from yellowing.漂白剂防止白色衣服变黄。
3.The Experimental Study of Delphinidin to Prevent Age-related Macular Degeneration in VitroDelphinidin预防年龄相关性黄斑变性体外实验研究
4.Study of Variation Features during Coastal Erosion Processes on the Abandoned Huanghe River Delta and Integrated Protection Measures废黄河三角洲海岸侵蚀过程中的变异特征及整体防护研究
5.Research of Resist Erosion Changes and Defending of Silt in the Yellow River Estuary: Influence of Vibration Load;振动导致黄河口海床土抗侵蚀性变化及岸滩防护对策研究
6.Biological Control of Cucumber Fusarium Wilt by Using REMI Mutant Strain H6 of Trichoderma Aureoviride;深绿木霉REMI突变菌株H6对黄瓜枯萎病的生物防治
7.The tendency and countermeasures of air pollution in Huanggang city proper;黄冈市城区空气污染的变化趋势及其防治对策研究
8.Experimental Study of Curcumin in the Prevention and Treatment of Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy姜黄素防治增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变的实验研究
9.Mutant Prevention Concentration of Three Cephalosporins Against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae头孢菌素对金黄色葡萄球菌和肺炎链球菌防耐药突变浓度研究
10.Study on mutant prevention concentrations of roxithromycin and azithromycin for Staphylococcus aureus罗红霉素和阿奇霉素对金黄色葡萄球菌的防耐药突变浓度的研究
11.Impact of Fangjihuangqi Decoction on Proteinuria and Podocyte in Nephrotic Rats Induced by Adriamycin防己黄芪汤对阿霉素肾病大鼠蛋白尿及足细胞病变的影响
12.To become yellowed or brown before reaching maturity, as grain.变黄如谷物未成熟之前变黄或变褐
13.We must prevent gold from flowing out of our country我们必须防止黄金外流。
14.Colonization of Antifungal Endobacterium B504 in Cucumber黄瓜内生生防菌B504在黄瓜体内的定殖
15.The shift from struggling and controlling flood to managing flood is also on the way.从抵抗防御洪水到管理洪水的转变也正在实践中,黄河水文现代化的框架正在形成。
16.Study on Effect of Total Panax Notoginseng Saponins and Astragalus Membranaceus on Macroangiopathy in Type 2 Diabetes;黄芪和三七总皂苷对2型糖尿病大血管病变的防治作用及其分子机制
17.The Effects of Tartary Buckwheat Flavone (TBF) on Preventatively Regulating Blood Lipids and Blood Fluidity and Its Toxicological Safety Assessment in Mice and Rats;苦荞黄酮对实验性大鼠预防性调节血脂和血流变作用及毒理学评价
18.The Diagnosis,Treat,Prevention,and Control of the Pestilence and Diseases and the Change of Rural Society:A Case of Pasturing Area of Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Perfection,Qinghai Province;疾疫的救治、防控与乡村社会的变迁——青海省黄南藏族自治州牧区个案研究

4,4'-Hexamethylenebis(1,1-dimethylsemicarbazide)黄变防止剂 HN-130
1.Investigating the yellowing resistance of white PU finish coatings;PU白面漆耐黄变性探讨
2.This article confirms the effects of white pigment paste mixed into marble resin and excessive amount of peroxide on the yellowing of artificial marble through thermal experiment although its surface is covered by a transparent gel coat.本文通过热试验证实虽然人造石表面有透明胶衣,影响其黄变现象主要仍是添加到大理石树脂内的白色颜料糊及过量的过氧化物。
3.process and emulsifying conditions were used in accordance with the aminosiloxane yellowing mechanism to ensure that the fabrics would not yellow or be mud when stored at 50 ℃ while retaining the softness resulted from the aminosilicones.根据氨基硅油的黄变机理,使用酰化改性的方法,同时优化试验过程和乳化条件,在保证氨基硅油柔软性能不变的前提下,确保其在50℃左右的贮存条件下不变黄不变浊。
1.Bulk yellowing could promote chlorophyll b degradation.传统全晒主要致香物质的形成时期在凋萎变黄期,捂晒和烤晒的形成时期向后推移在定色干叶期。
1.The results show that the anti-yellowing effect of DF-1 is fine and there is not much influence on the strength and capillary affinity of the fabrics.对自制紫外吸收剂DF-1在真丝织物上的最佳整理工艺作了初步研究,结果表明DF-1有一定的防泛黄效果,且对真丝织物的强力、毛效影响不大。
2.The experiments made on the ultraviolet absothency of absorber F and its effectiveness in anti-yellowing of real silk fabrics show that the absother offers a certain effectiveness in anti-yellowing for real silk fabrics, with high dye yield and dyeing rate, but sligh influence upon fabric strength and hygroscopicity.对紫外线吸收剂F的紫外线吸收性能和在真丝绸防泛黄整理中的效果进行了试验,结果表明,紫外线吸收剂F对真丝绸防泛黄有一定的效果,对织物的强力和吸湿性能影响不大。
6)ice-flood control of Yellow River黄河防凌
1.The reservoir regulation is one of the most important ways in the ice-flood control of Yellow River.水库调度是黄河防凌调度中最为重要的河段防凌手段之一。

防核、防化学、防生物武器训练  对核、化学、生物武器的袭击所进行的防护训练。简称"三防"训练。苏军称"化生放"防护训练,美军称 "核生化" 防护训练。目的是提高军队的防护能力,免受或减轻核、化学、生物武器对人员、牲畜的杀伤和对武器、装备、物资的破坏。    简史  "三防"训练是随着核、化学、生物武器的出现、发展而逐渐形成和加强的。第一次世界大战中德国首次使用化学武器,第二次世界大战期间出现了生物武器和核武器。这些新武器的出现和发展,引起许多国家军队对其防护研究和训练的普遍重视,先后设置组织机构管理训练。1939年,针对侵华日军多次使用化学武器,中国人民抗日军事政治大学一分校设立了防化学队,八路军各师建立了防化勤务主任室,部队开展了防化训练。1952年,中国人民志愿军针对侵朝美军多次使用生物、化学武器,普遍进行了防生物和防化学武器的训练。1953年,人民解放军建立了各级"三防"训练的专业机构,并将"三防"训练列入训练大纲,作为全军训练的共同科目,普遍开展了训练。      内容和方法 其内容通常包括:核、化学、生物武器的基本性能,防护的基本原则和措施,发现放射性沾染和毒袭的方法,个人和分队对核、化学、生物武器的防护方法,在受染地域、地段的行动要求和通过的方法,消毒、消除沾染和急救方法等。这种训练的组织方法:军官采取短期集训或结合部队演习,演练防护的组织指挥;部队训练通常由团以上机关培训骨干,以连、排为单位组织实施。一般使用图表模型、毒剂嗅样盒和模拟化学武器、模拟核爆炸等代用器材进行训练。有时亦可在专用场地进行实毒训练,或利用核武器爆炸试验进行训练。    苏联和美国军队在营一级分队设有专职(或兼职)的军官,指导对核、化学、生物武器的防护训练;在团(旅)以上部队设有专业机构或人员,计划和监督防护训练。苏联在军外训练中,受训人员即进行穿带防毒面具和使用侦察仪器的训练,入伍后的新兵增加防护训练时间和内容,并结合战术训练进行。美军明确规定了单兵在核、生物、化学武器条件下的训练内容,以及生存和基本作业的标准。    发展趋势  随着战术核武器、中子弹的出现,速效、高效化学武器的发展,生物战剂传播、扩散方法的改进,增大了杀伤、破坏的广泛性和严重性。因而加强群众性的防护训练,利用现代科学技术成果改进训练方法,提高训练效果,将更为各国军队所重视。