1.In the daily life being full of information,the interesting design of kitchenware so to speak being one unique rare and beautiful flower,it manifests the high aesthetic information.在充斥信息的日常生活中,厨具设计的情趣化可以说是一朵独特的奇葩,它体现出高度的审美信息。
2.In order to meet people s needs, it is necessary to find a suitable design method for the characteristics of modern practices; In this context, the interesting design .时代不同,背景不同,人们的需求必然也不同,为了满足人们的需求,必然要寻求一种适合现代特点的设计手法,在这种背景下,情趣化设计走进了人们的生活,它迎合了信息化时代的需求,它以有趣、生动和活泼的形态结构或使用特点,在紧张繁忙的生活节奏中起到了点缀和调节的作用。

1.The Enjoyment in the Product Design--The Analysis of the Enjoyment Design for the Office Articles;产品设计的情趣世界——浅谈办公用品的情趣化设计
2.Application Research in the Realm of Interesting Product Design;情趣化在产品设计领域中的应用研究
3.Research on Delight-oriented Landscape Space Design of Residential Environment;人居环境的情趣化景观空间设计理论探讨
4.that to realize a tasteful life, we must appreciate and create life with a transcendent spirit;要实现人生的情趣化,还必须以超脱的精神观照人生和创造人生;
5.On the Relation of Poet SU Shi to Alcohol Addiction;意趣 情趣 理趣——苏轼与酒
6.Discussion of Traditional Feeling Knot of Chinese Chrysanthemum Culture Appreciates Beauty Interesting Aspect论中国菊花文化传统情结的审美趣味
7.On the Trends of Lyricalness and Interest in Fu Creations in the Late Eastern Han Dynasty;论汉末赋体创作中抒情化与趣味化的发展
8.From Love to Leisure--The Historical Development and Meaning of Emotional Expression of Tong-Song Ci;从绮思艳情到闲情逸趣——唐宋词抒情化的历史进程及其词史意义
9.Japan has a very interesting and exotic culture.日本有个很有趣及充满异国风情的文化.
10.My periodic awakenings to things Chinese have always been colourful experiences!每当我触及中华文化,总会发生有趣的事情。
11.Situation Creating in Grade-Nine Chemistry Teaching and the Raising of Students Learning Interests;九年级化学教学情境创设与学生学习兴趣培养
12.The Change and Pursuit of Aesthetics in the Han Dynasty;从“懿筐”到“桑笼”:汉人审美情趣的变化与求新
13.The Formation of Animal Words in English and Their Cultural Distinctions;试论英语动物词构成及其蕴含的文化情趣
14.Discussion on Traditional Cultural Atmosphere and Artistical Temperament of library;论图书馆传统文化氛围及艺术情趣含纳
15.Cultural Taste of the Artistic Spirit "Isomorphism of Man and Nature" of the Chinese Classical Music论中国古典音乐“天人同构”艺术精神的文化情趣
16.Analysis of "Fun" Symbolic Language in Children’s Wear Design Culture童装设计文化中的“情趣性”符号语言解析
17.The sentiment can be understood in both feeling and interest.而情趣美可理解为感情与志趣两方面。
18.Avoid being too general; your personal statement should be interesting and original.避免过于一般化,你的个人情况说明应该是有趣的和有新意的。

poetic interest诗化情趣
1.Owing to inheritance of the poetic tradition and pursuing the poetic interest,the unique features of Zaju of the Yuan Dynasty are formed.本文认为,从元杂剧文体内在构成看,无论是偏于抒情性还是偏于戏剧性的作品,都具有强烈的抒情效果,体现了一种以情为旨归的诗化情趣。
3)Interesting surroundings情趣化环境
4)interesting aesthetism情趣化审美
5)imagery emotion lization意象情趣化
6)interesting factor情趣化因素
