1.Study on Preparation of Resource-saving High Quality Bamboo-wood Composite Board;资源节约型高性能竹木复合板的研制
2.View on road greening from building resource-saving,environment-friendly society in Shanghai;从建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会看上海公路绿化的发展
3.Actively exploring the way of the resource-saving architecture积极探索资源节约型建筑之路

1.An Analysis of Building Economical Society and Economical and Intensive Use of Land;浅析建立资源节约型社会与节约和集约用地
2.Free Talking about Constructing Resource Economical Society and Forestry;建设资源节约型社会与建设节约型林业纵横谈
3.A Brief Discussion on Establishment of Resource-Conserving and Environment-Friendly Society;资源节约型 环境友好型社会建设浅议
4.On the Construction of Resource-saving and Environment-friendly Society;论资源节约型环境友好型社会的构建
5.On the Building of a Resource-Preserving and Environment-Friendly Society;解读建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会
6.Study on the Construction of the Resource Economical and Environment Friendly Society资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设研究
7.Develop the ground type housing of energy-conservation province Structure the resource economizing type society;发展节能省地型住宅 构建资源节约型社会
8.Research on the Tax Policy of Constructing Resource Economical Society;建设资源节约型社会的税收政策研究
9.Analysis on the Actuality of the Construction of Resource-Saving Society in Fujian;福建省建设资源节约型社会现状分析
10.The Role Law Plays in Resources-saving Society;法律在资源节约型社会建设中的作用
11.Research on Building Resource-save Industrial Structure in Guizhou;贵州构建资源节约型产业结构的思考
12.Fulfilling Two Aspects of Beautification in Order to Construct a Resources-saving Society;实现“两个美化” 建设资源节约型社会
13.Countermeasures Research on the Development of Kunming s Resource-Saving Industry;昆明市资源节约型工业发展对策研究
14.Legal Function Superiority in the Construction of Resource-saving Society;资源节约型社会建设的法律功能优势
15.Developing the Circular Economy to Construct Source-saving-type Shanxi Province;发展循环经济 建设资源节约型山西
16.Study of Building Indicators Index for Resource-conserving Society Evaluation;资源节约型社会评价指标体系的构建
17.Circum-Economy is Key to Construction of Resources-Economical Society;循环经济:构建资源节约型社会的关键
18.Exploring the pricing policy of building a resource-saving society;探索建设资源节约型社会的价格政策

Resource-saving type资源节约型
1.The State Council has ratified Wuhan Urban agglomerations as the comprehensive coordinated reform testing region of the society construction about resource-saving type and environmental friendliness type for the whole nation,which has been regarded as the confide in Wuhan and also as the great trust in Wuhan.国务院批准武汉城市圈为全国资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设综合配套改革试验区,这既是对武汉市的信赖,也是对武汉市的重托。
1.The Research on Corporate Social Responsibility of Resource-conserving and Environment-friendly Society;资源节约型与环境友好型社会的企业社会责任研究
2.Building indicator index for resource-conserving society evaluation is important to help resource-conserving society.建立一套比较完整的资源节约型社会评价指标体系对于建立节约型社会有重要意义,提出资源节约型社会的内涵:将节约理念贯穿于生产、流通、消费和社会生活的各个领域,通过采取法律、经济和行政等综合措施,以最少的资源消耗获得最大经济效益和社会效益。
1.The situation of resources consumption in Chinese leather industry was analyzed in this paper,the leather-making technologies of resources-saving and its application were summarized,and it brought forward the concrete measures on the research,development and application of the leather-making technologies of resources-saving in the future.本文分析了我国制革工业资源消耗的现状,综述了资源节约型制革技术及其应用状况,提出了今后研究开发和推广应用资源节约型制革技术的具体措施。
2.In order to improve the resources handling capacity and the environment handling capacity,we must develop circulating economy,emphasize ecological efficiency,build up the resources-saving and environmentally-friendly society and promote the sustainable development.为了处理好资源承载能力和环境承载能力,就必须发展循环经济,注重生态效率,建立资源节约型、环境友好型社会,促进可持续发展。
5)resource conservation资源节约型
1.The article in has analyzed the Jiangsu Huai an steel and iron group company resource conservation development experience,and in profited from in the Huai An steel and iron group company empirical base to propose north Jiangsu local industrial-ization resource conservation development way several tentative plans.文章在分析了淮钢资源节约型发展经验,并在借鉴淮钢经验基础上提出了苏北工业化资源节约型发展路径的几条设想。
6)resource-efficient society资源节约型社会
1.The resource-efficient society evaluation is the foundation of rational developing and fully using of resources.资源节约型社会评价是合理开发利用资源的重要基础,然而资源节约型社会的评价复杂繁琐,目前尚没有一套通用的评价系统。
2.It is of great importance to build an evaluation index system for the construction of resource-efficient society.构建一套科学系统的资源节约型社会评价指标体系对科学评估、有效指导资源节约型社会建设具有重要意义。
3.Construction of resource-efficient society has been important content for China s sustainable development.尽管中国的人均资源严重短缺,而自然资源和人口分布不均衡、资源使用效率低下和以燃煤为主的能源结构,造成严重的资源浪费和环境污染,制约了经济发展,建设资源节约型社会已成为中国实现可持续发展战略目标的重要内容。
